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    Sugarbear got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Penn trans swimmer’s teammate speaks out as Lia Thomas smashes more records   
    Isn't it amazing how we can have a distracting conversation and overwhelming concern about .8% of the population?  That's when you know that sheeple are being led to slaughter.
  2. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to CardinalBacker in Fight At Beaumont West Brook   
    It's the parents.  I saw a post recently where Silsbee Parents were INCENSED that their kids wouldn't be allowed to have the cellphones in class because Mama NEEDS to be able to reach Johnny, and there isn't a any old school that's gonna tell her child any different. 
    I'm of the opinion that is the instance where administration should dis-enroll Johnny and let Mama get down to homeschoolin'.  
    You know, "I don't beat my child and I'll sue the pants off anyone that dares to harm a hair on his head."  There's something about getting drug out into the hall at a young age and trying to hide hot tears when you rejoin your classmates that will alleviate 95% of the behavioral problems that we have in classes today.  
  3. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to scoopno1 in Alltime wins SETX Coaches   
    I think Sigler probably has between 825 and 835. I remember when he got his 800th. Joubert has just under 600. Sigler, Joubert, Sutherland, Green and Boutte are all real fine coaches and from knowing and writing about their teams they are equally fine individuals that anyone would be proud to call their friend.
  4. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to ECFAN#1 in Kirbyville (36) @ East Chambers (6) - FINAL   
    Out of the country and just thought the score was backwards but I guess not. Congratulations Kirbyvillle. I’m not sure what happened but EC needs to figure it out!!!! All the talk about coaches needs to look at past history and give them a break. Put your crystal ball up. 
  5. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to oldschool2 in Kirbyville (36) @ East Chambers (6) - FINAL   
    There are undoubtedly reasons that you have no idea about.  Most importantly.. that it’s completely the coach’s decision.  The coach that continues to be successful.. and led EC on a very deep run relatively recently.  Yeah, I’m trusting his intuition over.. well.. yours for sure.
    Certainly you don’t think this kid should’ve played over last year’s district MVP? Certainly not.  Yeah.. it’s bad timing for the kid.
    I really don’t have any idea, but, if the senior is evenly remotely close to the young kid as far as talent… I’d personally go with the younger kid.  Because he’ll improve with experience.  Who cares if the senior improves.. for next year? He’ll be gone.
  6. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to AggiesAreWe in Kirbyville @ East Chambers   
    You are completely wrong. Todd Sutherland never, ever was an assigner for the local chapter nor has he had any kind of position of that nature with the local chapter. Also, Sutherland no longer officiates. This info comes straight from the source and other officials in the chapter.
    Also, coaches from both teams has to agree to the officiating crew for that game. This is done before the season is started. Crews are not assigned. Coaches select the crews and are agreed upon. Been this way for many years.
    You are very much mistaken on Todd Sutherland and the officiating process.
  7. Thanks
    Sugarbear reacted to bullets13 in Calvin Walker loses (I believe) his last appeal in Texas   
    Having worked in BISD when all of the theft, fraud, and malfeasance went on, I still get angry when I hear about these stories.  I’m not sure if I’m more angry about the crimes that took place, or about the way that many of the criminals were given a free pass by (parts of) the community.  The crimes were incredibly well-documented and poorly concealed.  The people who exposed the corruption were drug through the mud, and multiple members of the school board who allowed it to happen were re-elected after the state mandated takeover was complete.  I’m so glad to be out of there.  
  8. Like
    Sugarbear reacted to rolltide3315 in 🏈 Hardin Hires Lumberton O/C Jake Smith 🏈   
    Why can’t we just congratulate the guy and move on no need for useless BS, give the community and the team a chance and move on! 
  9. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to purpleeagle in Why doesn't beaumont kelly have turf ?   
    They probably spend their money on history, English, math books and Junk like that.
  10. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to Unwoke in Joe Biden is a great American President   
    Breaking …
    Red itchy butt rash now has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden.
  11. Haha
    Sugarbear got a reaction from Hawks18 in Buna coach   
    This is a problem for even the most "elite" school districts in Texas.  Who wants to be a teacher these days and deal with Karen and her perfect child And all the social issues?   
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  12. Like
    Sugarbear reacted to Hawks18 in Buna coach   
    From what I’ve heard they are already short on coached so we will see how it goes.
  13. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to Hagar in New Voting Procedures in Area Elections   
    Touche, lol.
  14. Like
    Sugarbear reacted to PAMFAM10 in Uvalde School Shooting, 21 Dead   
    I don’t understand the bickering. Yes the left will use this, just as much as the right would have if this was a undocumented immigrant.
    We are not politicians we don’t get paid to push idiocy. So why do we do it?
     Like TVC said if someone really wants to pull this off they will gun or no gun armed teachers or not.
    forget political favoritism.
    These are kids we are talking about. And Our elected officials will shout out agenda driven talking points. We deserve better as a nation. 
  15. Haha
    Sugarbear got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in New Voting Procedures in Area Elections   
    What's a pen?  🤔
  16. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to Hagar in New Voting Procedures in Area Elections   
    Just heard there are new voting procedures for the upcoming elections.  This new, modern, safer, more secure system might cause some of you young folks some problems.  It’s called a paper ballot.  You’ll have to use a pen or pencil to fill it out.  No more old, cumbersome, outdated voting machines.  Since I’ve always, for 55 years voted on paper, I’m a pro, so feel free to ask me for advice if you feel intimidated.  
  17. Like
    Sugarbear got a reaction from WOSdrummer99 in 40 billion unaudited taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine by the Organized Crime Family known as the U S Government.   
    Well before there was an official border, the French sent ships to defend our coast against the British.    
  18. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to tvc184 in Roe versus Wade draft seems to overturn   
    This is what happened when a lawyer asks a yes or no question and the person does not only answer yes or no.
    I got lucky because I did not anticipate the question but I pretty much destroyed a defense attorney’s case when he ask me a yes or no question and I blurted out a short answer. His defense was that I made an arrest because a person filed a complaint against me. That was  notwithstanding the fact that they were about 10  people civilian witnesses but the defense attorney was going to try to sway the jury that it was all because of me. I guess I had magical power over 10 witnesses that did not know me.
    His question was, aren’t you familiar with my client because she filed a complaint against you? I said, “Yes, that and other things”. He passed the questioning back to the district attorney who asked me, can you name those other things. I had arrested three of her sons for felonies  which prompted the complaint in one instance. 
    Of course the defense attorney quickly objected the moment I mentioned an arrest and normally that would be correct. I cannot talk about her or her family’s history as it is not relevant to the crime at hand. EXCEPT!!….. under the rules of evidence, if the defense opens with a line of questioning, it opens the door for the district attorney to follow up. When the defense attorney objected, the district attorney in response said, Your Honor the defense opened with “are you familiar with my client” and the officer said yes that and other things. I believe we are entitled to those other things.
    The judge looked at me and said, officer you can testify about anything you wish relating to the defendant. The defense attorney literally put his face in his hands and sat there. When I finished the defense attorney asked me one more question, but you have never arrested the defendant for a felony? I gave a one-word answer, no.
    The witness is excused. 
  19. Like
    Sugarbear reacted to bullets13 in Your Attention, Please   
    InMAGAweTrust has been permanently banned.  The continual insults and derailing of threads got to be too much.  I bring this up because several of you guys have engaged in similar behaviors recently.  The one saving grace for y'all is that it almost always involves him, and more times than not is in response to his initial insult.  we're going to have a friendly board, even if we disagree sometimes.  There are plenty of ways to debate without being downright insulting and talking about people's personal lives.  There's plenty of you on  here that I've gotten into it with at times, but there's a certain amount of respect involved.  Let's keep it that way.  Thanks in advance.  Comments are locked to avoid this from becoming a bashing thread.  Don't want anyone to have to join him.  
  20. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to TxHoops in This Board Needs....   
    A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. Amazing, he thought as he flew down I-94, pushing the pedal even more.
    Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, What am I doing? I'm too old for this, and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.
    Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go."
    The old gentleman paused. Then he said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper. I thought you were bringing her back."
    "Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.
  21. Sad
    Sugarbear reacted to tvc184 in Fight At Beaumont West Brook   
    A couple of generations ago we were told that corporal punishment was not the answer. Over 5,000 years of human history of raising children was all wrong. What they need is being put in timeout, on campus suspension, have their cell phones taken away for 30 minutes, etc.
    That way they will not learn violence and will not use violence against other people. They will only learn to be pacifist.
    It has worked out so well…… 
  22. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to Hagar in Political Memes   
    Nice looking young couple dating and he takes her to dinner at this fancy restaurant.
    She says, I’m a Democratic Socialist.
    He replies, It’s cool that you’re so open about your mental illness.
    Just me or is that super funny?  😂😂😂🤣👽🤣😂😂😂
  23. Like
    Sugarbear reacted to 5GallonBucket in The Woke Thread: Examples of Wokeness Gone Wrong   
    Not speaking for you but I would be looking for another job.
  24. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to DP#1FAN in Why Hasn't Beaumont United Been More Successful?   
    They have not hired me.
    Not sure I would have enough to play anyway. 
    Discipline and work ethic would be at a level they have never seen. 
  25. Haha
    Sugarbear reacted to Hagar in All 22 Trump-Backed Candidates Win Primaries in Ohio, Indiana!   
    But, but, but Trump is no longer relevant.  CNN said so.  MSNBC said so. Who’s Trump?  Answer, He’s your daddy!
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