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**Central at PN-G Updates** 16-0 Central Wins/All Heck Breaks Loose!

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Guest rykerx144

the truth is your jealous of the PNG program, I already told you I am not a PNG fan, I am giving my opinion as a neutral party and as someone who understands the difference between jealousy and support for another program!

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Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude. Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry

What type of people?  I don't understand.  Can you be a little bit more specific?

hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one!

I know.  that's why I asked it. 8)

I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support.

What did you take it as?  ???

Don't come in flying to his rescue.  I want to hear what HE have to say. 

Insert foot in mouth? :) :)

I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about.

Your buddy won't come out and be a man and speak his mind, so nevermind.  I see what type of person he is...  He is Yellow. :)
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the truth is your jealous of the PNG program, I already told you I am not a PNG fan, I am giving my opinion as a neutral party and as someone who understands the difference between jealousy and support for another program!

Sorry there is a difference between being prideful and being conceited.  You, yourself, have said you have heard them brag and boast.............this, to me, does not define pride.
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Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude. Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry

What type of people?  I don't understand.  Can you be a little bit more specific?

hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one!

I know.  that's why I asked it. 8)

I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support.

What did you take it as?  ???

Don't come in flying to his rescue.  I want to hear what HE have to say. 

Insert foot in mouth? :) :)

I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about.

Your buddy won't come out and be a man and speak his mind, so nevermind.  I see what type of person he is...  He is Yellow. :)

My buddy?  ???

I have no buddy on this board, as you can see I rarely post and have no idea who anyone is on this site.

I did not see the fight last night and logged in today to try and find out exactly what happened from those who were there.

I have to say, I'm a little amazed that a forum moderator would resort to name calling. I moderate another local forum and it is our policy to maintain  some semblance of respect and neutrality when it comes to posting.


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Guest rykerx144

your right it is not the definition of Pride, but I do think that it is one aspect of it.  Although I dont think your definition of pride and my definition of pride are going to be the same anyway!

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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Youre wrong of course. I didnt open anything. There was a father that said he didnt let his kids go to the mall. I offered an explanation. You know the answer apparently, so why should anyone humor you. Just sit there and smirk.

Just as I thought.  Don't let your mouth overload....well you know the rest. ;) ;)

Actually, I'm tired of entertaining this foolishness.  You and I know what this is all about.

You apparently assume you know,and that is a problem. This is a public forum, leave your hypersensitivity and hyperoffendedness at the door.

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If you want to say that calling somebody 'yellow' is namecalling, then so be it.  He was the one that made a statement.  I asked him what he mean.  He tries to turn it around on me so he won't have to man up to his ignorant statements.  Then you come flying in like superman to his rescue.  Go figure....

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I hope that PNG is able to improve next year...this season has to be a disappointment for many of the PNG fans. Although I am not from PNG or Central, I always hate to hear that violence was resorted to in high school football. As for the recent comments on this board, I can see both sides of the argument. PNG has some of the most loyal fans in all of SETexas and that is something to be very proud of. If I played at PNG, I would be encouraged to know that no matter how our season is going, we still have a crowded stadium. I can also see where fans of other schools might be frustrated with the amount of attention that PNG receives. As a graduate of Kelly high, we never received a substantial amount of media coverage (especially our softball team that won TWO state championships in the past four years and beat most of the 4A public schools in this area). For other fans of public schools, they may see the amount of PNG media coverage as biased. For example, every week there is a special feature on PNG player/coach in the PA news. While the player might deserve special accolades, I am sure that there are other players/coaches that would love to see their team/player in a feature. It seems that players that wear purple and white are treated as celebrities from the media. However, THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE FANS!! I wish all schools had a fan base like PNG

I agree totally with what your saying but I also know for a fact that it is not the media that promotes the PNG article its the represenatives of PNG.  The article is posted in the paper each week with the information that is provided by PNG and it a joint effort between the two probably iniated by PNG.  This goes back to what i posted earlier, PNG has the reputation they do because they have earned it.  If your program wants to have their information provided to the public someone needs to step up and take that same initative and get with the media and I bet they would be happy to help you out, they love that kinda stuff.  I believe that is what is wrong with alot of kids these day they want everything handed to them and they expect to get equal treatment in everything without the initative.  You want it go get it yourself and quit blaming everyone else!!

Excuse me..........but FYI........I know for a fact that our coaches have contacted the media regarding some of our teams achievements, but guess what.........once again PNG took over the sports cast and our teams win was not mentioned, except for the fact that you could check out the tv stations internet site to review other scores.  So.......don't try to pass it off as anything other than it is...........bias towards PNG.  And, also, I do not have a mental problem as was stated, apparently you can't handle the truth!

Can someone get some Kleenex. There is a lot of crying going on here.

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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Youre wrong of course. I didnt open anything. There was a father that said he didnt let his kids go to the mall. I offered an explanation. You know the answer apparently, so why should anyone humor you. Just sit there and smirk.

Just as I thought.  Don't let your mouth overload....well you know the rest. ;) ;)

Actually, I'm tired of entertaining this foolishness.  You and I know what this is all about.

You apparently assume you know,and that is a problem. This is a public forum, leave your hypersensitivity and hyperoffendedness at the door.

Just tell us all that you spoke fast without thinking and people may not look at all of your future posts as being foolish.
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Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude.  Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Football Fan, you are on a roll.  I work with some of the most pompous football fans in the area, and the majority reside in MC.  

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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Youre wrong of course. I didnt open anything. There was a father that said he didnt let his kids go to the mall. I offered an explanation. You know the answer apparently, so why should anyone humor you. Just sit there and smirk.

Just as I thought.  Don't let your mouth overload....well you know the rest. ;) ;)

Actually, I'm tired of entertaining this foolishness.  You and I know what this is all about.

You apparently assume you know,and that is a problem. This is a public forum, leave your hypersensitivity and hyperoffendedness at the door.

Just tell us all that you spoke fast without thinking and people may not look at all of your future posts as being foolish.

I stated a fairly nonspecific, neutral possible explanation of what the man said. You keep forgetting i did not bring it up in the first place. He could have meant a lot of things,why dont you pm him?

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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Man, talk about paranoia/guilty conscience??!!!  My guess is you are ASSuming he meant black people????  If so, it could be that.  Or perhaps it really is the TYPE of people that hang out there...especially on weekends.  I haven't been there in a long time but when I say I don't want my kids hanging out with those type of people I'll tell you what I mean.  Those type of people include black kids, wearing doo-rags, lots of 'bling', corn rows, pants slabbing/hanging down to there ankles, listening to rap music degrading women and cops and promoting murder and rape and drug use.  Those type of people ALSO includes 'emo's' which are traditionally WHITE people that wear black clothes and cut themselves and tend to shoot up high school classmates, they also include MEXICAN people that are obviously gang members or gang member wannabes that have tatoos from head to toe and go around slabbing acting like pimps.  Those type of people also include black people that dance around in their band uniforms at half-time and act like they are humping one another, and humping the ground, and humping the air.  Those people also include redneck trash/unemployed hillbilly types that hitch black people to their bumpers and drag them around.  Those type of people include racist whites as well as racist blacks (but I'll have to admit I don't recall seeing the KKK or the Black Panthers running around the mall recently).

As for Central's band..it is an embarrassment.  It is a complete and total lack of class.  People laugh at them and make fun of them.  Most responsible/ethical people are embarrassed by how those kids dance around.  More embarrassing is that their parents actually condone it by allowing it to happen.  I WOULD NEVER ALLOW MY DAUGHTER TO DANCE AROUND ON THE FIELD IN FRONT OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE LIKE THAT!  I'm sorry, but they look like sluts.  I can't say I know him or know his personal beliefs but I would think that Martin Luther King is looking down in total shame at that.  Someone that worked so hard for the advancement of the black race...to see them degrading themselves like that has to be heartbreaking.

Most of your posts makes sense.  Untill you get to the end.  

You would not let your daughter dance around.  What do you think she do at a school dance?  She dances.  So would you let your daughter dance for any local high school drill team?  They kick their legs up to where all of their privates are revealed.  They do the split in the air where the whole stadium can see their privates.  Your last paragraph makes no sense to me.  Let's just cut out the whole dang halftime dance then.  

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Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude.  Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Football Fan, you are on a roll.  I work with some of the most pompous football fans in the area, and the majority reside in MC.  

thank you, just trying to say what a lot of people won't.  
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Guest rykerx144

Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude. Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry

What type of people?  I don't understand.  Can you be a little bit more specific?

hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one!

I know.  that's why I asked it. 8)

I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support.

What did you take it as?  ???

Don't come in flying to his rescue.  I want to hear what HE have to say. 

Insert foot in mouth? :) :)

I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about.

Your buddy won't come out and be a man and speak his mind, so nevermind.  I see what type of person he is...  He is Yellow. :)

My buddy?  ???

I have no buddy on this board, as you can see I rarely post and have no idea who anyone is on this site.

I did not see the fight last night and logged in today to try and find out exactly what happened from those who were there.

I have to say, I'm a little amazed that a forum moderator would resort to name calling. I moderate another local forum and it is our policy to maintain  some semblance of respect and neutrality when it comes to posting.


I think what has happend here is he made a statment that could be taken a couple of different ways.  If this persons made this comment referring the bad influences at the mall and did not mean to make any refrence to a specific race then I think it was worded wrong and was taken out of context.  If this person made this comment trying to refer to the blacks at the mall and did not have the guts to say it out right then they deserve everything said to them and all the name calling!!!

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If you want to say that calling somebody 'yellow' is namecalling, then so be it.  He was the one that made a statement.  I asked him what he mean.  He tries to turn it around on me so he won't have to man up to his ignorant statements.  Then you come flying in like superman to his rescue.  Go figure....

Superman? Now that's funny.  :D  If you actually knew me, you'd know how funny that really is! rofl-k2.gifrofl-k2.gifrofl-k2.gif

I'm still curious. What is the answer you're trying to get out of him?

I hope he comes back and replies you as much as you do. I, too, would LOVE to  know what this is really about.

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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Youre wrong of course. I didnt open anything. There was a father that said he didnt let his kids go to the mall. I offered an explanation. You know the answer apparently, so why should anyone humor you. Just sit there and smirk.

Just as I thought.  Don't let your mouth overload....well you know the rest. ;) ;)

Actually, I'm tired of entertaining this foolishness.  You and I know what this is all about.

You apparently assume you know,and that is a problem. This is a public forum, leave your hypersensitivity and hyperoffendedness at the door.

Just tell us all that you spoke fast without thinking and people may not look at all of your future posts as being foolish.

I stated a fairly nonspecific, neutral possible explanation of what the man said. You keep forgetting i did not bring it up in the first place. He could have meant a lot of things,why dont you pm him?

Nope.  My PM's are disabled for today.  If you want to tell Soulja something, it will be on the threads today!
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Type of people? Id say the type that are there up to no good. Sometimes you spot them,sometimes you dont. Some think its best to avoid the possibility altogether.

I still don't understand.  You can run into people that are up to no good when going to the ATM machine in Groves, Texas.  Also, you can run into 'those type of people' when going to a church in Vidor, Texas.  You can run into this problem while going to eat at a resturant in Spurger, Texas.  

Can you specify?  Don't be scared to speak your mind.  Remember, you're the one that opened this can of worms.   :) :)

Youre wrong of course. I didnt open anything. There was a father that said he didnt let his kids go to the mall. I offered an explanation. You know the answer apparently, so why should anyone humor you. Just sit there and smirk.

Just as I thought.  Don't let your mouth overload....well you know the rest. ;) ;)

Actually, I'm tired of entertaining this foolishness.  You and I know what this is all about.

You apparently assume you know,and that is a problem. This is a public forum, leave your hypersensitivity and hyperoffendedness at the door.

Just tell us all that you spoke fast without thinking and people may not look at all of your future posts as being foolish.

I stated a fairly nonspecific, neutral possible explanation of what the man said. You keep forgetting i did not bring it up in the first place. He could have meant a lot of things,why dont you pm him?

Nope.  My PM's are disabled for today.  If you want to tell Soulja something, it will be on the threads today!

I guess youll have to ask him, until then its just our opinions.

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Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!!  If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district.  Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning.  Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!!  Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude. Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL :)

Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry

What type of people?  I don't understand.  Can you be a little bit more specific?

hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one!

I know.  that's why I asked it. 8)

I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support.

What did you take it as?  ???

Don't come in flying to his rescue.  I want to hear what HE have to say. 

Insert foot in mouth? :) :)

I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about.

Your buddy won't come out and be a man and speak his mind, so nevermind.  I see what type of person he is...  He is Yellow. :)

My buddy?  ???

I have no buddy on this board, as you can see I rarely post and have no idea who anyone is on this site.

I did not see the fight last night and logged in today to try and find out exactly what happened from those who were there.

I have to say, I'm a little amazed that a forum moderator would resort to name calling. I moderate another local forum and it is our policy to maintain  some semblance of respect and neutrality when it comes to posting.


I think was has happend here is he made a statment that could be taken a couple of different ways.  If this persons made this comment referring the bad influences at the mall and did not mean to make any refrence to a specific race then I think it was worded wrong and was taken out of context.  If this person made this comment trying to refer to the blacks at the mall and did not have the guts to say it out right then they deserve everything said to them and all the name calling!!!

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I believe PRIDE is listed as the worst of the seven deadly sins............so don't go overboard PN-G.  And don't try to say I suffer from ENVY, because I don't, just biased reporting.  For all you know I may be a former PN-Ger who has gotten away and seen what is really going on in the media.

You know what FootballFan82, people from PN-G have to listen to people like you all the time complaining on how the media is biased towards us, how we think we are better than everybody else and how arrogant we all are.....

We take it all in stride.  It all comes full circle when we show up to an away game and shine our pearly white smiles real big for everyone to see knowing we are surrounded by twice as many fans (even during a losing season) as you have at your home games.

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I believe PRIDE is listed as the worst of the seven deadly sins............so don't go overboard PN-G.  And don't try to say I suffer from ENVY, because I don't, just biased reporting.  For all you know I may be a former PN-Ger who has gotten away and seen what is really going on in the media.

You know what FootballFan82, people from PN-G have to listen to people like you all the time complaining on how the media is biased towards us, how we think we are better than everybody else and how arrogant we all are.....

We take it all in stride.  It all comes full circle when we show up to an away game and shine our pearly white smiles real big for everyone to see knowing we are surrounded by twice as many fans (even during a losing season) as you have at your home games.

So, apparently it isn't just me since you hear it from people all of the time.  And I guess things did come full circle, since your team choked this year and your true colors have emerged...............black and blue.  Guess I hit a nerve, huh?
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Have any of you stopped to think that this "media bias" could be based on the fact that there aren't many schools in Texas with the kind of fan base following that PNG has?  Not only is that rare, but that this large fan base also buys newspapers and advertises with the local stations. Yes, the PA News does a weekly feature on a PNG player, but they also do one on Nederland.  Two of their big distribution areas.  It just makes sense that they would cover these schools.  That is just a good business practice.  It's not like PNG goes out and forces the media to cover our teams. 

This was a down year for PNG varsity, but the underclassmen teams had successful seasons.  We won't let down our pride in our school and our students. 

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Have any of you stopped to think that this "media bias" could be based on the fact that there aren't many schools in Texas with the kind of fan base following that PNG has?  Not only is that rare, but that this large fan base also buys newspapers and advertises with the local stations. Yes, the PA News does a weekly feature on a PNG player, but they also do one on Nederland.  Two of their big distribution areas.  It just makes sense that they would cover these schools.  That is just a good business practice.  It's not like PNG goes out and forces the media to cover our teams. 

This was a down year for PNG varsity, but the underclassmen teams had successful seasons.  We won't let down our pride in our school and our students. 

Have you ever gone to a game in Vidor?  The whole town turns out, there is no where to park.  People start lining the streets at 8:00 a.m. to get ready for the homecoming parade so they can get a good spot.  The whole town basically shuts down.  So, no, I don't believe it has to do with the number of advertisements sold in the Port Arthur News.  We are talking about local stations, as in KFDM, which is located in Beaumont, but rarely reports on the Beaumont and other surrounding teams. 
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Yes, I've been to many games in Vidor.  Vidor does have great fan support as well. But Vidor is in Orange County and I would guess that people in Vidor buy the Orange Leader and not the Port Arthur News.  As for KFDM if it is such a horrific thing that they report on PNG then take it up with them.  PNG fans do not hold some imaginary power over the local media to keep them from reporting on Beaumont schools. 

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