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The "Affordable" healthcare act


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50 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Poor Steve Nash. That is not how it works. Why are you commenting on something you know nothing about.

First of all, it is customary to end a question with a question mark.  As for commenting on something I know nothing about, does it remind you of your "expertise" on the difference between the debt and the deficit?

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3 hours ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:

Where in that post did I call it Obamacare? I know what its called. How about you re-read and edit the post above into English before you call someone else a name? You're nothing more than a primitive creature of some retarded magnitude.

you sound like trump

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know my premiums and deductibles have both skyrocketed since obamacare was enacted.  I used to have pretty good insurance through BISD. Due to increasing costs I had to opt for a lesser plan.  Unfortunately for me I got sick with appendicitis this summer. After insurance paid its part it the surgery ended up costing me $5600 out of pocket.  The hospital costs are a joke as well.  Glad I only had one appendix!  

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So this tells me that after enacting ACA, all it really did was artificially inflate healthcare costs. The insurers don't want to play ball now because it's not as profitable for them, the poors that qualify for Obamacare are getting dropped like a hot mic, and the middle class is once again left holding the bag. Nice work, morons.

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15 minutes ago, Whoopi Goldberg's Lips said:

So this tells me that after enacting ACA, all it really did was artificially inflate healthcare costs. The insurers don't want to play ball now because it's not as profitable for them, the poors that qualify for Obamacare are getting dropped like a hot mic, and the middle class is once again left holding the bag. Nice work, morons.

Exactly why Mr. Obama pushed this bill through so fast.  He knew it would not last, and if someone took the time to study it they knew it would be a failure.  Another lie from the left, and it looks their Queen of Liars, may just win.  Careful what you wish for, MORONS!

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11 hours ago, bullets13 said:

I know my premiums and deductibles have both skyrocketed since obamacare was enacted.  I used to have pretty good insurance through BISD. Due to increasing costs I had to opt for a lesser plan.  Unfortunately for me I got sick with appendicitis this summer. After insurance paid its part it the surgery ended up costing me $5600 out of pocket.  The hospital costs are a joke as well.  Glad I only had one appendix!  

Bullets- sorry you had to go through that.  Is it safe to assume that you now fully understand why the Federal Government has no business in business?


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13 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Bullets- sorry you had to go through that.  Is it safe to assume that you now fully understand why the Federal Government has no business in business?


But the dumbarse dems and their constituents think it's their business.  Obamacare and the millions given to Solyndra are a couple of failures.  Always wondered if the owners(con men) of Solyndra were buddies of Mr. Obama.  They get their money and close shop.  Green jobs, shovel ready jobs.  Change you can believe!  What a damn liar.  We sure don't need the queen of Liars after 8 from the King.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep him."  I guess Obama technically didn't lie.  In Idaho you can keep your doctor, but it will cost you to the tune of $50 grand for individuals and $100k for your families deductible.


Blue Cross of Idaho plans will have a $50,000 out-of-network 

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for individuals, and patients will have an 
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for up to $75,000 of all out-of-network claims — up from $4,000 and $10,000 this year.


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