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  1. Potato, potatoe… you keep looking at the technicals, when the fundamentals are what rule at the end of the day. Trump looked great standing next to Joe Biden, who has serious mental deficiencies. At the end of the day, people will vote for a candidate that they like the best-and most people hate Trump-nothing changes that. Republicans really, really don’t like Kamala- and that’s not going change. Unfortunately there are more people that hate trump than love him. It’s just math. The ONLY thing that I can see changing the scope of things is IF Kamala has a debate performance in September that is worse than Biden’s, it might be up for grabs. All of the talk about records accomplishments are just wasted breath. It doesn’t matter what trump does/did, her supporters won’t be swayed and neither will his. That’s just how it goes. He’s a very dislikable person in the world’s biggest popularity contest. All she has to do is be less unlikable and she’s in.
  2. Lack of morals? You must be talking about yourself, not me. Proven rapist, serial cheater, married to a soft core porn star, twice impeached felon? still has your undying loyalty? You can’t talk about anyone else’s morals when you have none of your own.
  3. This clown was seen 30 minutes prior to Trump taking the stage. SS protocol states that they never should let Trump on the stage. Or as it's actually stated "out of the holding area". Incompetence? On purpose? Either way it almost got a man killed. So, why hasn't anyone resigned or be fired?! PS -- there's talk of someone on the water tower. PSS -- why no drones scouting the area?
  4. Listened to some last night,finishing it up after while…he know he can talk
  5. Every freaking thread. Same old garbage. Can’t talk about Biden having Covid without hearing about 2020. Talk about ate up with it.
  6. Ah the everyone gets a trophy mentality. Talk about watering down the playoffs
  7. Based on what I’ve heard Trump say, my speculation would be Gov Burgam. But, there’s been a lot of talk about JD Vance. So… PS — It for sure won’t be a DEI pick!!
  8. By the looks of your handle emblem and name, you are not the one to talk if you cant even smell the playoffs in football. Keep all the politics down south. IJS
  9. To address the deficit, you’re going to have to look at the biggest drivers of our spending. Social security and Medicare combine for 35% (21 and 14, respectively), then 13% of our spending is on interest on the debt we’ve already racked up, then another 13% on MedicAid. Finally you reach what used-to-be a cash cow of defense spending at 13%. Our deficit spending has probably already destroyed us. Biden keeps talking about his plan to raise taxes on the wealthy and bring in 500 billion dollars over the next 10 years… meanwhile, we’re adding 3 trillion per year to the debt right now. Hard times are coming. They’ll either be because we do the hard things in terms of cutting our spending, or because the whole thing topples because of the size of our debt. That’s what’s so crazy about the talk about the Trump Economy. They literally just cut taxes without doing anything about our spending, and deficits soared. Follow that up with COVID spending (direct gifts from the Treasury) and we’re headed into deep, uncharted waters (for us, anyways). Cutting taxes won’t fix it, and neither will raising taxes. We’ve got to make some hard choices or watch it all burn down on top of us. Don’t blame the politicians. “We the People” keep electing people who give us the best short term gains, and it’s going to end badly. I believe that I’ll see $150 loaves of bread in my lifetime.
  10. You just described yourself,,,and are clueless to realize it. Are you purposely trying to be comedic? By the way, I just saw a clip in which Biden tried your pathetic, and I mean absolute pathetic quip that Trump was a failed president because he left office with less jobs than when he started. After playing the clip, the talk show host (don't remember who) was flabbergasted that he just lied like that, stating "Does he think we are this stupid to believe that?". So I must apologize. I thought you came up with such a nonsensical quip. But you actually stole it. Which is worse: to actually formulate a terrible, terrible line, or be the one that actually repeats it?
  11. I think the talk was that they weren’t gonna run it… Even they would probably have more success with it
  12. Oh yeah, hell yeah as a 40 year coach in East Terrace county and a graduate of great football at Marlin High School. I know in Belleville y’all got great football. Good luck on your season. I’m gonna enjoy it from here in New Orleans as I work and understand I’m 63 going on 23 and a little bit of a smart ass, my coach y’all favorite I think his name is Cougar 23. That boy can talk to smack but he was a hell of a player that Offensive Coordinator screwed over. Seriously he was jealous of him because of the girl he was dating and he wouldn’t give him the football. I could change stories how men have let their feminine emotions get to them in football and screw things up. Anyway, I smell that wet grass in the morning and feel the sweat of forehead can’t wait football star I’m a crazy guy go go Aggies go LSU, go Texas go Cowboys go Saints. Do you think I like football?
  13. Question: why certain people (or person🙄) talk about Port Arthur Memorial football but disappear basketball season and track season? 🤨🤔 @BMTSoulja1 @Yeoj thoughts??
  14. Yes, a cold can cause hoarseness. When you have a cold, your body sends extra fluid, blood, and immune cells to your nose, mouth, and throat to fight the virus, which can cause swelling. This swelling can affect your vocal cords, making them inflamed or infected. When your vocal cords swell, they vibrate more slowly, which can make your voice sound hoarse or raspy, and you might only be able to whisper or squeak when you try to talk. Hoarseness from a cold usually goes away on its own within two weeks. DUH!!!!!
  15. You should watch it before you start trying to talk about it!!
  16. Do ya’ll know any black people? Like, go to their house, invite them to yours know them? If you did, this talk wouldn’t be happening. You would know what they see and how they are treated every day because you would talk and listen like any other friend. You got one guy here pretty much saying I’m a half breed because I have a tan and maybe a little Native American blood tainting my aryan purity. Prjudice is fear based. Racism is a superiority/inferiority construct. I’ve said it before. I’ve never talked to a black person who expressed superiority over whites. They maintain they are equals as human beings. How many whites here will raise their hand ( where they can’t be seen) and claim a black person is their equal? I can’t count the times I’ve heard the opposite proclaimed.
  17. My opinion is this….Trunp probabky isn’t a racist, but he counts on racists to vote for him. Kinda like he does for the Christians. I think the term racist is useless today… it’s been twisted into a tool use to invalidate the opinions and perspective of anyone who doesn’t share identical beliefs. Oppose reparations? Racist. Disagree with Obama? Racist. Good at math? Racist. Vote Republican? Racist. Know your daddy? Racist. But it’s effective because if someone is “racist,” their very being is flawed and anything they say or do can’t be taken seriously. And the person has no choice but to pivot away from whatever point was being made to instead begin defending the allegations of racism. What if I told you that I believe institutional racism does exist. There are words publicly said in the US by a particular group… used in songs, movies, and every day conversations… but when that same word is uttered by other races, that utterance can be used to sentence them to prison for a hate crime? Not even considering the non-criminal penalties (loss of employment, etc) that the “wrong” speaker faces if he/she utters the same exact word? What if I told your there were schools of higher education and scholarships available only to certain racial groups? What if I pointed out that up until recently, the same ethic group was given preference in the admissions process and hiring process. Not pre “Plessy vs Ferguson,” but up until the last few years? People talk about a shift that occurred when the Ds became the party of minorities and the Rs became the racists… I contend that it never happened. The truth in my opinion is that the Ds have always been the party of racial politics, and when it became obvious that the old racist beliefs from whites towards blacks were dying off, and that the demographics of the country were changing, the Dems didn’t change tactics, they changed targets. Those old school white racists still exist, but in way, way smaller numbers and they don’t exist in positions of power. But when they vote they vote against the Dems, hence they vote Republican.
  18. Tell me how y’all feel about Lcm next season
  19. I understand. It’s nice to talk about something else sometimes. Your last sentence implied that politicians are politicians, and that’s what they do. I was just throwing one out there who I believe adheres more to principle than power.
  20. Oh an institution can move away from God, and the USA is running away from God. I am not trying to chase you off - this is a free site. I just wish people would be more open to alternative view points. The devil wants to sow division. Nice to hear you admit that God is love. I generally try to stay off this side of the site - would much rather talk baseball and small town sports.
  21. Talk about condescension. It’s not chasing me off this time. I have never been talked more rudely at than on here. Oh, and no one can move away from God. He dwells in all things. The problem is we have politicized Him to further divide ourselves and make money or build power for ourselves. He loves us all anyway. Peace.
  22. Delusional and protagonist are words that come to mind. You see I really do not mind dissenting opinions. The problem I have with most of the posts you make is you just want to say something (opinion, law, etc.) is wrong and not offer up any solutions. The problem with America is: #1 and by far the most problematic - we have moved away from God, and #2 we are not the “UNITED” States of America anymore. Division abounds and there are forces at play that want to stir that division and increase it. People don’t talk TO each other anymore they TALK at one another. I’ll gladly talk to someone that will listen, but have no desire to be in the presence of someone who is narcissistic and only wants their opinion to be heard. I fly no Trump flag, I wear no MAGA hat, and truly wish we had another R to vote for. But you trot out Biden or Hillary and I’ll campaign for Trump with my own money.
  23. I only seek compromise to take the issue off the political table as far as abortion goes. I know compromise doesn’t exist in your world. Zero sum only. If you watched the video, you are obviously among those who have been trained to not believe your own eyes and ears. From speaking to a “black church” full of white people to crossing the street and addressing White Boy Summer Charlie Kirk’s group. Man, talk about deaf dumb and blind.
  24. Incorrect, his first season he won 14 games. Same amount of wins Buna had the season prior to KJ getting there. Like I said, I know KJ personally and we talk almost daily. He thinks the whole 6-51 thing is comical.
  25. But that’s what Trump’s fanboys don’t understand. When he talked about sexually assaulting women, y’all laughed it off as “locker room talk.” When it was proven that he raped E. Jean Carroll, you cried that it was all an injustice… a lie. Even though he’d already confessed to doing the same thing to other women. John McCain has suffered and sacrificed more for his country than practically anybody, except possible gold star families… and Trump called him a loser or something to that effect. “Oh, it was a joke that no one was supposed to take seriously.” But when Trump, after disrespecting the sacrifices of one of our most valiant, y’all are like “just because Trump didn’t go to Omaha Beach doesn’t mean he isn’t pro military!” Really? All you have to do is listen to what he said about McCain’s service. Not McCain as an opponent, not McCain’s political views… about the fact that the man was tortured, probably raped, and who knows what all else for over five years for swearing an oath and putting on the uniform. But all of y’all supposedly “pro military” people just laughed along with Trump. “Good one, Sir! Maverick my new-hind! Filthy Rino!” I don’t understand how the same people (y’all) who probably always say “thank you for your service” to any veteran still support a guy who craps on the ones who suffered the most on our behalf. It’s baffling.
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