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  1. D-1 and college players….I was trying to think, and asked some friends if Chester has ever had a major D-1 athlete. Sean Terry was a punter for TAMU. His dad was coach at Chester for awhile, and not sure if he claims Chester has a “home town”. Cord Neal ran track at Lamar I believe. Mark Young played baseball at several colleges and later into semi-pro. He is a member of the LeTourneau athletics Hall of Fame. He later coached at Chester and currently coaches softball at Dallardsville Big Sandy. David Handley played football for Austin College in Sherman, Tx before becoming a physician. I know Burkeville has had some D-1 athletes, probably several major college athletes. I worked with Al and Tim Spikes and we used to talk sports all the time.
  2. Their constituents call their offices and voice an opinion. People that work for the representative start talking to them about possible primary opponents. Other politicians talk to them and deals are made as sadly most political situations require. No threats. You, a highly knowledgeable individual should know this. Honestly, I like ugly politics. You learn much about many of the representatives in a party. 2016 will live on in slowly changing the R party where the representatives will be forced to live up to the word representative and not lock step vote with the liberal university graduates hiding behind an R. Let it be nasty! The days of Mitt, the Bush family, Liz, and dare I say our own state rep, Drunk Dade, are coming to an end. It will get worse in the next few years, but it is changing. Things are still positive. Reps are showing their true intentions and primary challengers are ready. Let Jim Jordan have his fight. He's up for it. Your turn...find a typo...a grammar mistake and have a cute comeback.
  3. 20 House Republicans Blocked Jim Jordan on First Ballot – Here’s Who They Are: The 20 who voted against Jordan are: Tony Gonzales (TX), Kay Granger (TX), Mario Diaz Balart (FL), Mike Kelly (PA), John Rutherford (FL), Mike Simpson (Idaho) Steve Womack (Arkansas), Lori Chavez DeRemer (OR), Don Bacon (NE), Carlos Gimenez (FL), Jennifer Kiggans (VA), Mike Lawler (NY), Doug LaMalfa (CA), Anthony D’Espositio (NY), Andrew Garbarino (NY), Nick LaLota (NY), Jake Ellzey (TX), Ken Buck (CO), John James (MI), Victoria Spartz (IN). I see 3 from Texas, 2 from Florida and 1 from Arkansas. Need to have a future election talk with these people! [Hidden Content]
  4. You're too easy to pick on. Get out of your feelings " ms. Noones opinions matter to me" but peoples opinons get on my nerves enough to tell people to shut up. This is a public forum, I'll speak HOW I want to within the rules here. I'm sure you're not a moderator. My nephew was a 3 year starter for WOS a few years ago been watching him in the blue and silver for over 10 years..... But I guess since he was of different color than YOU suggested it's not my business To talk about WOS success and failures. Ignorance at its finest.
  5. You still talking about ‘17 MBG… you probably don’t want to talk about many other years though? Programs have their down years… it’s too bad ours is about to come just as we lost a legend of a coach for a new guy. Good Lord, we ask upon you to guide us and see us through the hard times ahead.
  6. I'm watching you. We can talk later.
  7. Assumed you would take it as a compliment and not an attack. But I'm also aware of rules and will take the punishment. It's more than worth it to clear up what some have deemed a racial issue. It's not. At least not from the public opinions posted here on this site. Talk to people at the games and they'll say the same thing. Talk to former players that dont go to the games, and they'll say it too. Talk to players parents and they tell you things you won't hear here on this site. There are still quite a few things that don't get posted here... for good reason. No one wants to fire him because he's black. No one is saying he has to be replaced by a white coach. Most are wanting him to be replaced with someone that has adequate knowledge of the traditions of the program. There were other candidates on the list but I don't remember 13. But I do remember my friend getting up at the board meeting and saying this was a sham of a hiring process. And he would know. He was on the committee that was assembled to find replacement candidates. Find them? They should've been beating down the door just for the opportunity to apply here. But that never happened. When H's buddy knew before CT even announced his retirement that H was in line for the job, then yes that's a problem. But for the last time... the experiment was trying to change everything that had worked for so long. It just happened to be done by a group of inexperienced and unproven staff. I've explained they could've simply rolled with it. And maybe have just as much success as they get now. It would at least be more acceptable by the parents and fan base if we were doing Mustangs Way type things and giving 112% There are former players as members of this site. Some that post and some that don't. Some of them could've done better keeping traditions. And i know for a fact that when given the opportunity to help they were either turned away or ignored. That's the type of behind the scenes that many of us don't understand. We also saw it in the departure of former players from the staff in the off season. So why not take a moment to reflect on what H says... "We're going to go out and we're going to try to execute on offense, execute on defense, and we know it's probably going to come down to the fourth quarter which we've got to find a way to win these type games going forward. "
  8. Crosby and WOS fans need to get together and talk about expectations from there superintendents.
  9. He sitting on the visiting side every week so he can watch the game without everybody bothering him,that’s from the GOATS mouth at the Silsbee game!I could imagine how it would be if he was on the home side,people be lined up to talk to him in the stands
  10. Yes be was trying to get the ref talk to him and they already set the ball and then called a TO
  11. Coach Willis isn't dumb he's not going to get on an interview platform and talk about the negatives of a job he was just hired at...if he did that, he'd be an idiot. He knew what he was getting into and he knew he was walking into a very difficult situation, will he be successful? Time will tell, I cant speak for the superintendent and all the other issues but I feel like all things considered she hired a very good coach
  12. Yessir i see what the topic is, and the influx is obviously not the sup's fault; i just wanted to talk about it on a statewide level. Lots of teams that were dominant in years past have collapsed and will never return to prominence. Sorry bout getting off topic.
  13. So Dr. Patterson is an amazing person no question about it. Having worked with her as a teacher of her child she was always really positively involved. From what my contacts (former colleagues) in the building can tell me that nearly all of her mistakes that are being viewed are about athletics. Every school in the entire district has been measurably better under her leadership. She has taken several schools that had rating issues such as the middle school and Barrett Primary and pushed them into well rated academic schools. The education in Crosby has literally never been better than it is today. Within a school district with 50% free and reduced lunches you have a thriving academic environment. Football coach hire was a failure under her leadership and those ultimately fall to the Supers feet in these sort of districts. The truth is firing the coach and hiring a new one is much more palatable then firing a Super, especially one with a lot of community support and who has measurable achievements. Not privy on the baseball coach situation but I'll take your word on it. Four day work week is in year one that'd be like measuring success for your child at the two week mark and saying your kids an A student. 85 Million Bond is about growth, and getting buildings up and running before every building is beyond capacity. It won't be the last bond because the area is exploding with growth. I wouldn't be surprised if the two high school talk starts again. Too many people forget what a Superintendents job is. It has nothing to do with the football team or baseball team and if that's all your going to look at with a district then you need to get your priorities straightened out. As someone who has three nieces and nephews in the district I could care less if the entire athletics program imploded if it meant my family gets a better education. I'm about as hard core a Crosby football fan as there is but priorities are waaaaay off on this post.
  14. Agree 100% we dont need a PA announcer yelling FUMBLE while the play is going...talk about inserting yourself into the game....
  15. Hey band wagon, there are ups and down at all setx schools. You also will soon talk about remember23season. Fun to talk trash when your on top. Support those HS kids no matter what. Coaches did great planning tonight also.
  16. In all fairness, playing the game does give an advantage in some instances, but it's not the end all be all. Go all the way back to Howard Cosell, Bob Costas, all the female sportscasters. None of them necessarily played, but they sure get paid a lot of money to talk about it knowledgeably. I'm sure you're a great guy and an even better coach, but as far as being likable, you're not. And I'm trying to be nice. I'm glad that you're financially secure, and your family is very proud of you. But save it for them please. On that note: PNG is not what I would consider an Elite team, but they're not trash either as you insinuate. They beat a highly ranked, highly successful program in FBM. A proud moment if you're an Indian fan. I'm not necessarily and Indian fan, but I do support all SETX teams & SETX Sports. Do I think PNG is ready for a finals repeat? No. But they're definitely a decent team. And if you're using being "qualified" to be able to speak about high school football on a local forum, then you shouldn't even be able to post on here. This board is comprised of folks from every walk of life that enjoy discussion and some ribbing. You know, social discourse. If you don't know what that means, it's defined as a form of communication that has a social purpose or distinctive social aspect. Well sir, from the looks of things, you're not qualified to speak socially. It seems as your only reason for getting on here is to bash PNG and talk about how great you are. Well, hell, you can do that by yourself in front of a mirror, because that's the only person who really cares. Now, go on over to the Political Forum and get you a dose of all of us screw balls over there. You can complain, and gripe and name call and anything else you wanna do, and you'll fit right in.
  17. I don't have grandkids but you do sound like my parents when they talk about my sisters kiddos. Tia's always hits the spot!... Can't talk about food this early in the morning. I'll never make it to lunch lol
  18. Sounds like a heck of a job by Hardin to use the clock that way. I was shocked as well that Anahuac only put up 13pts. They got what I believe , at least for now, will be the district championship game this week between Orangefield and Anahuac. I know last year there was a bunch of talk on this game between the bobcats and panthers, and the bobcats won. Be interesting to see how it unfolds in Orangefield this Friday night. Although a win by the bobcats against Buna was expected, it did show they understand how to win games in this district. I’ve heard some great things about Anahuac this year. They will need more than 13pts this week as the bobcats aren’t Hardin. Looking forward to seeing the outcome.
  19. Man, talk about busting some chops!!!! Could you come up with some new material? I’ve heard crap like this all my life, so I’m pretty immune. Lmao Go check on lsu since you hate the pros so much. They should have dropped a spot with that last one.
  20. "Sent them packing from the playoffs"... Dallas is usually sent packing 🤣 unless you wanna talk about when the dinosaurs roamed the earth because that was the last time Dallas was relevant.
  21. Really bad coaching at the end of that game and Clemson. Funny the talk once was can Bama lure Dabo away when St Nick retires. Now it would no doubt be a hard pass for Bama. Things sure can change rapidly.
  22. Out of the country and just thought the score was backwards but I guess not. Congratulations Kirbyvillle. I’m not sure what happened but EC needs to figure it out!!!! All the talk about coaches needs to look at past history and give them a break. Put your crystal ball up.
  23. Crazy part is I never once used me coaching in an argument (y’all actually bring it up) & quite frankly I don’t have to cause I KNOW y’all don’t know sh*t! 😂😂 Y’all sit on here & talk about stuff y’all have no clue about everyday then tell someone who actually spent a third of his life around the game from playing & coaching that he don’t know what he talking about…it’s laughable & I get a kick out of making y’all look stupid. So let me get this straight Rez a guy who’s never played this game or coached it telling me my arguments are dumb when you’re literally on are sports forum talking about a sport you have no clue about outside of being a casual fan…makes a lot of since in your brain I’m sure.
  24. Don’t play that - You directly mentioned PNG when you tried to take credit for victory away from them. And, it’s time to put up or shut up about your illustrious coaching experience - You keep hinting at it without specificity. What school? What coach? What years? Why, with your vast knowledge, did the school allow you to leave without bags of gold and a coaching contract? The fact you remain intentionally vague after weeks of crowing tells us either (1) you’re lying, (2) you’re embarrassed by the level of your true coaching experience, or (3) you’re an alien who kidnapped a real human and is trying to learn how football people talk. I think it’s the second one. Regardless, it doesn’t for one second matter who, where, or what you coached, no matter how many times you appeal to your own authority. I don’t care if you’re the flesh-in-blood Bill Belichik with Nick Saban looking over your shoulder. It does nothing to cure how incredibly weak your arguments are.
  25. Pretty sure it wasn't that bad.... Hard not to talk about the referees When there was 20+ penalties and 75% were personal fouls. Thank you for the feedback.
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