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  1. What is hilarious is that you talk about childish banter but continue to make posts replete with it. You talked about my logical skills (not analytical) and I offered to post (if you likewise would) a five figure sum with a mod on this site and we could take the ultimate test in logic (the LSAT). Unsurprisingly, you weren’t interested in backing up your bloviating. It’s all quite dumb - you vs the frequently banned poster on this site is a more fair (and equally juvenile). Maybe he will come back in another version to play with you. In the meantime, many of us will continue to chuckle at your self-aggrandizing posts. And I hope you continue to impress yourself as you beg for attention. Much like my children did. As stated, some people play parts on the internet. Others get paid large sums of money to do it in real life. So you do you. You are at least the greatest in one person’s mind on this board. Edit: For those of you joining in this amusement (as we have discussed in the past), compare the quoted post herein (the original), with the current. He actually edited to add MORE bathroom humor insults (literally). It is becoming more sad than funny. As for your allegations of backtracking, we have had this discussion before. Man made global warming as opposed to CLIMATE CHANGE (as I have stated previously) is absolutely debatable. To put it in my vocational terms, in my opinion, it has not and cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But I certainly could make a preponderance argument. Now resume your insults while calling others juvenile. You really can’t make this up.
  2. I know it may seem like I'm some big proponent of abortion. It's not something that I like, but it's legal, and making it illegal would cause tremendous problems that most conservatives want to gloss over or ignore. It's very easy for a bunch of men to sit around and talk about what a woman should have to do with her own body and what's in it. It's also easy when we don't ever have to worry about accidently getting pregnant, or getting raped and getting pregnant, or having birth control fail and getting pregnant, or getting pregnant and having it cause life-threatening medical issues. My wife has a friend who had a bunch of abortions. She'd just get knocked up every year or two and then go terminate it. I lost all respect for her because of it. That said, I have a friend who's 15-year-old got pregnant, and they chose to terminate it. I looked at it differently.
  3. I could go into a lot more detail but why potentially ruin a kid's eligibility to prove something insignificant on a message board? It's speculative talk on a message board just like any other you visit. You have three options; believe it, don't believe or don't read it. Choice is yours.
  4. Supposedly, part of this reloading will consist of bringing in the DC from Bryan Rudder to replace Coach Tarr who took the La Porte job and also bringing in the DC from Channelview as co-DC. Definitely not two places you think of when you talk about defense but I won't be questioning any coaching decisions in the near future. Heck, maybe one of them teaches or DBs how to backpedal?
  5. Keep in mind this is an open forum for all fans, not limited to any particular schools insiders. Expect anyone to talk about anything, don't take it personal, its just how these work. TW was a high profile hire that made news around the whole state, and his subsequent performance and eventual leaving is just as news worthy, too. As I said, I hope BH makes a wiser hire this time, and brings someone in who can develop the program to the max.
  6. Here’s the problem. Disparity doesn’t prove discrimination. But that’s all anybody wants to talk about. One person can look at the statistics and recognize that black people kill more people than anybody else. Not per capita… black people make up 13% of the population, but commit over half of total murders annually. A rational person would expect there to be more black people serving time for murder, right? Wrong. Most blacks (and liberal whites) see the fact that more black people in prison for murder as proof that the criminal justice system is racist. Personal choices are almost exclusively the cause of individual outcomes… not imagined prejudices, ie “systemic racism.” You know, “we can’t point out specific examples, but the mere fact that you have more than me proves all of you are racist.” Unless your premise is that “the outcomes aren’t equal, so therefore the government should take from people that look like you and give to people that look like me and if you don’t agree, you’re a bigot.” Black people will never create any generational wealth transfer by way of passing down property if they live in subsidized housing. When you mention this is turns right back into “predatory lending practices” discussions and other ways to shift blame. Black people don’t do estate planning or bother to have their affairs handled upon their passing. That’s not being mean… that’s a fact of which you are certainly aware. But once again, the fact that all four of my grandparents had their estates handled after their passing and I doubt that many black people can say the same is somehow privilege on my part. It’s not… taking care of your business has nothing to do with race.
  7. Todd Dodge (Westlake) Riley Dodge (Southlake Carroll) Surratt (Carthage) Brad Butler (Shadow Creek) Todd Mcvey (Katy Thompkins) Craig Stump (Atascocita) John Kay (North Shore) Carl Abseck (Cedar Park) In no particular order, I would be seeing if these guys wanted HC/AD at $175k. Maybe unrealistic, but money does talk.
  8. The greatest time of the year is upon us, Texas HS baseball playoff time. There has not been a lot of talk from the fans this year. A few questions to think about: 1). Who will go the deepest this year? 2). Who will get surprised and knocked out the first round? 3). Do we have any teams locally that can make a legitimate push for Austin / Round Rock and a state title? I think Barbers Hill is the highest ranked team we have in the area. Orangefield has played solid ball, as has PN-G. Silsbee always makes noise come playoff time. Evadale has quietly put together a solid season as has West Sabine, Colmesneil and Big Sandy. BC had people wondering if they would miss the playoffs but rallied in the second half of the season - could they be peaking at the right time. HF is in the top 25 and they always are competitive. What about Woodville - the Eagles are solid from top to bottom - could they make some noise? Let’s hear what you have to say. We should have more chatter on the baseball forum. Keep us updated on your team, your city and your kids. Beat of luck to all the players and the coaches who have put in long hours. Enjoy every minute because it’ll be over in a flash.
  9. I wish these big cities would completely do away with the police or that the office themselves would walk off the job. I have talk to police officers all over the country and most of them would however obviously, they need a paycheck. I have been on a forum with almost 60,000 police officers and just say there was an attempted mass exodus from certain areas would be an understatement. Most of the officers have families and obviously cannot simply quit but if we don’t think they are looking to go elsewhere, we are sorely mistaken. Officers in Washington, Oregon, California and other places are looking to go to the south or the west I am doing so in droves. we might have all seen news articles where a particular police department has lost so many officers in the last year for retirement and resignations. What the news reports do not cover and they simply cannot find out the truth (because individual officers aren’t making it public) is how many ounces would leave if given the opportunity. I know at my police department and I’m sure most, there is always information on which officers are seeking employment elsewhere. At certain times it can be a fairly significant percentage. The officers are not wanting to give up the job but the location and public support of a particular location. So I wish that the cities that claim they don’t need the police or need way fewer of them, get their wish. I am positive that they are not going to like the results. Some cities have already found that out.
  10. Lol Gator fans were talking that talk after going up 1-0, #1 Hogs win tonight at home 6-1 in front of a packed house. Won the SEC West in the process.
  11. The toughest part was waiting so long to shoot. I think legally the officer could have simply opened fire while the guy was holding her at knife point. There is no legal requirement to wait until he starts the motion forward with the blade, a requirement to negotiate or anything else. The threat was made, the weapon was displayed and he was standing in position to carry out the threat. The officer used good tactics in trying to de-escalate the situation but is my opinion it put the woman in more danger by allowing the man to possibly carry out the threat under the mantra of political correctness . Now officers have to risk their own lives and of victims by trying to talk a guy down who is in position to carry out a deadly threat. Here is a question I would like to ask for people that think the police such as this situation, handled it wrong. At what point should the police hold back from using force at the risk of an innocent person being killed? it is a sad position that some groups and some politicians have put the police in the position to not protect innocent victims. Overall it was an awesome job by the police officers on scene and particularly the one leading in front. They followed all of the current wishful thinking protocol to try to talk to person into surrendering, which is great, but in my opinion should not be done when it risks an innocent person‘s life. Is one thing for the officer to be in danger but their job is to protect the innocent first. This woman was obviously the victim. Way to go, Thin Blue Line.
  12. That’s some big talk though I would like for that to happen i ll wait and see how the season starts off. the best thing that happened was kasen coming back ....all the other news is good but doesn’t top kasen.
  13. I disagree with you. I believe that there is a privilege that exists by virtue of being white. Also by virtue of being Asian, Hispanic, African-American, or just about any other way we can choose to differentiate ourselves. If you really think that there's not a genetic component to the well-documented Asian intellect, you're kidding yourself. A large percentage of Asians and Hispanics also have the "privilege" of coming from a traditional nuclear family, believe it or not. Those two groups typically have a much better than average credit ratings as well... even better than whites on average. Don't even get me started on the physical gifts that seem to grace those of African American descent, or even the strongly held faith that seems to be present more often in the black community. But I do believe that white privilege, oppression, and systemic racism exist...and they account for about 2% of the problems facing the black community today... but that's all anybody wants to talk about.
  14. Coach Knowles coached the 9th grade team, Coach Cam coaches the JV. You might had been at a game when Coach cam was out sick for a week. Understand I'm a head coach myself and know the coaching styles of all the local coaches as players and coaches talk. He's a great coach not doubt, but not everyone's style and personality fits the culture and students of a school. I know every single one of those players. When you're coaching kids with various options for going to college, you have to find balance. It's not basketball or bust for the overall majority of this team at all. Many of them will get academic scholarships or family has the means to pay for college. They playing for the love of the game and/or the attention from girls lol. Rideaux was a special coach and person who had a way of getting a lot of these guys to play well above their level in many cases. His shoes will be very hard to fill. That team no doubt has a lot of potential. Will have at least 4 players averaging double digits with two averaging at least 15-20pts 10rebs
  15. From the article: "Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand. Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black." How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is body cam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life. What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right? Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election." [Hidden Content]
  16. You understand correctly, but there’s been plenty of talk about him trying to do something bigger like Parler. I also agree with most of what you state here. My point was just if a large group of people turned to him for all of their news and information, he would definitely use it for his own good, rather than the people following him.
  17. See, these message boards are designed for cowards to come on here and talk about things they really don’t know and make it public without the repercussions of actually facing that person. And that’s ok, because after all, it’s a part of it, right? What if people could go back in YOUR life and profession and discuss any and everything that they THINK has happened without really KNOWING the facts and tried to make it into a negative light as you were trying to move forward in your career? That would suck, right? Each of these guys have all dealt with different issues during their careers, and the mere fact that these people are still sought after speaks volumes about who they are today as coaches and as people. I think that when guys come on here and say things that are not true or attempt to demean someone in a sarcastic manner, their real name should be revealed. It’s only fair, right? My point is I know these three guys to be excellent coaches and in turn are actually excellent PEOPLE. Your opinions are one thing, but to attempt to dig up their past as if that’s really going to affect their ability to lead now is just crazy. Kind of makes me wonder if you wish you had the opportunity that they are being afforded and maybe that’s your axe to grind. Have you MET either of them? Try that. Talk to them and see if that won’t change your strong opinion of what they have been through in their careers. Just a suggestion. Good luck to each of them, going forward in their careers.
  18. The other “fact” is this… a lot of Asians don’t care for black people and they aren’t very good at disguising it. We could talk all day long about the “whys” but the fact remains that animosity exists. That’s what’s so comical about “racism.” It’s always white being racist towards black (with a southern accent), but in reality Asians don’t like blacks and vice versa, and even Mexicans as a whole don’t care for blacks, either. When is the last time you saw a mixed races black/Mexican kid? It almost never happens. Just another inconvenient truth.
  19. It is absolutely because he put it out to the public in the media. Small talk can I also get you in trouble if someone records your statement and it becomes public. It is called conduct unbecoming or conduct that might shed a bad light on the police agency. Many or most police agencies (and many private companies) have rules they say you could not have a picture on your Facebook page in your uniform. The rules also states that if you’re making political statements or opinions or anything of that nature, you cannot identify the agency that you work for. An officer has a right to free speech but he does not have a right to make his agency look bad. That is why most people in such public professions that want to make political statements, do so under a disguised profile. A Walmart employee has the right to his opinion also. He still can’t wear a Walmart smock on a video and make a comment that makes Walmart look bad without facing consequences which will likely be termination.
  20. I understand that. I m around LEOs on a daily basis (in uniform) and I hear personal opinion in “small talk” a lot of the time. IMO it’s because this guy used media to share it and the fact he was spot on so it was viewed nation wide. I just hope it doesn’t cost him his job.
  21. [Hidden Content] From the article: Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell told "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday that LeBron James will not meet with the Black cop who requested a meeting to discuss policing because it would "destroy" the NBA star's narrative. LEO TERRELL: You see, there is a strategy on the left, the extreme left: white officers kill black people. That person who wrote that letter is a black officer. LeBron is not going to sit there because it destroys their narrative... that Black police officer destroys LeBron, the socialists', the extreme left's narrative. He'll never sit down with that guy because of skin color. And that's how ridiculous it is. LeBron has consumed too much Democratic Kool-Aid. They want a race war in the sense that law enforcement is evil, even though law enforcement is the only defense for people of color and for all people.
  22. [Hidden Content] Our President and VP are an embarrassment. From the article: REP. TROY NEHLS: [Coronavirus is] the excuse that this administration is going to use. And look at her. She's been jet-setting around this country, going to all the different blue states, talking about this infrastructure plan and everything else. So, no, this isn't COVID, Kamala. And you know it. You just don't want to visit the southern border because you know what you're going to hear. You're going to hear from the border patrol, Department of Public Safety, immigration, small-town mayors and everyone that lives along that southern border that you are doing a horrible job. You're in complete denial and you need to fix the southern border. That's what she would hear if she visited it. So she's going to use the excuse like everything else. … It is a poor excuse. But what else was she going to say? She's got to come up with some excuse. And COVID just seems to be the word of the day every day and probably for the next several weeks or months. They don’t know how to handle this, quite honestly. … They do not put the American people first. And I've said this several times. I said we must put America first. But they added a word into it. They're putting Central America first. She wants to go down and visit Guatemala and Honduras. She doesn't want to go down to our southern border. And we need to continue to keep up the pressure. [Go] visit the southern border and talk about this issue, show the American people the crisis we have at the southern border. And this is such an easy fix -- revert back to Trump's policy. Kamala, you're in charge of this now. Remember, you're the point person on this. You need to get up this morning, you need to call President Trump and ask him, say, ‘Sir, how did you have such a secure southern border?’ And he'll tell her, ‘You need to go back to Remain in Mexico. You need to get rid of this catch and release and you need to finish the wall.’ That's how we solve this problem. And it could be done today.
  23. Everybody in the district pretty much lost all of their offensive production from last year, of the playoff teams Crosby probably took it the worst on the defensive side of the ball. Transfers are always welcome but we won't be looking for players for the next 5 or 6 years, we'll just be reloading. Crosby is going to field one of the more inexperienced teams I can remember but they have a bunch of talent on both sides of the ball and three games against Carthage, Manvel and PAM to get ready for district play. The biggest key for Crosby will be the development of some of the younger linemen. If Crosby's staff gets it figured out early then watch out, the Cougars may be Buffalo hunting for another shot at the title game. As for PNG, every year the talk is about the new quarterback. You absolutely need one to have a legitimate shot at a deep run but if feels like Indian fans are more concerned with passing yards than running the ball, controlling the line of scrimmage and playing defense which is how you go deep in the playoffs. Figured PNG would've seen that with the way RJ controlled games with his running ability. Defense may have 9 starters back but they'll still be at a disadvantage the way PNG plays offense. Even when Riordan had great athletes on the defensive side of the ball we struggled to keep team off the scoreboard due to the sheer number of opportunities the opposing offenses got.
  24. 2 in one day for the DL. Per The Hawg Talk: 🚨BREAKING🚨 Illinois State transfer John Ridgeway (6’6, 325) will enroll at Arkansas.
  25. I have Crosby the nod bc I believe those extra weeks in the playoffs make a difference. Regarding PNG, it seems when I read about them the talk is about fixing the defense. Or something related to it. I will say that I enjoyed y'alls 1st round game! It was really exciting.
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