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Posts posted by thetragichippy

  1. 7 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    You can't be so naive as to say that a man like yourself who is in favor of the PPP handouts is somehow different than any other man who is in favor of handouts. 

    You's a welfare queen, too.  

    You cannot compare PPP to welfare.......

    1.   PPP was based on previous payroll of your business.....plus you could pay up to 20% to pay rent. 

    2.   PPP was not forgiven if you fired anyone or did not use the funds as agreed to. 

    3.  The government did not force/demand people not to work who are currently on welfare. 

    4.  Welfare recipients don't have a business to keep running when the Government decided to let you come back to work.


    I could go on and on, but comparing the two as the same is dishonest at best.  

  2. 24 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    Didn’t really answer anything I stated.

    did they lie about these

    Everything you mentioned has been stated or reported on at Fox News. IMO I see Fox coming out on top. If Fox loses, then can Trump sue CNN and MSNBC and others for accusing him of Russian collusion?  These days all news is more of a combination of facts, lies and opinions.......

  3. The overwhelming majority of Fox's argument was made in sealed motions filed last week asking the presiding judge to dismiss Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion suit before it is to go to trial in April. Yet in supplementary public filings, the contours of the Fox team's reasoning emerge more sharply in focus.

    Of the approximately 115 statements on Fox by its hosts and guests that Dominion contends are defamatory, Fox News wrote in its filing, "there is not a single statement for which Dominion can prove every element of its claim for defamation."

    Fox and Dominion did not comment for this story.

  4. Ya'll sure are excited only hearing one side........It seems Fox will play this out in court and not on setxsports or Social Media......

    “There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners, but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan. Dominion has mischaracterized the record, cherry-picked quotes stripped of key context, and spilled considerable ink on facts that are irrelevant under black-letter principles of defamation law,” the network said.

  5. 4 hours ago, baddog said:

    I like Musk for who he is, but his electric vehicles are a joke. California can have him. Their power grid can’t support what they have without rolling blackouts. 

    We are not near ready for full time electric cars, but I don't hate the idea. There is a video of his cyber truck backing into a parking lot and a solar panel rises from the back of the truck, goes a few feet above the truck and expands....charging vehicle while parked. Then you have the speed perk.....those motors will smoke almost any gas powered vehicle.....for a short distance lol



  6. 16 hours ago, UT alum said:

    Where’s your stats? I looked up census numbers in Texas ca. 1860 and over 25 percent of landowners owned slaves.  As adult males represent about half the adult population and women couldn’t own land unless widowed or divorced, and children couldn’t either, I’d say closer to 50% of families had slaves. Where’s your stats?

    I hate politifact and they still have it under 10%

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  7. 16 hours ago, UT alum said:

    Where’s your stats? I looked up census numbers in Texas ca. 1860 and over 25 percent of landowners owned slaves.  As adult males represent about half the adult population and women couldn’t own land unless widowed or divorced, and children couldn’t either, I’d say closer to 50% of families had slaves. Where’s your stats?

    Post your link

  8. 8 hours ago, UT alum said:

    Yeah, that’s how all you fascists are. “Keep your mouth shut if you don’t agree with me.” If you had the power, I’m sure you’d have me arrested.

    Why so angry? Washington did own slaves.....about 10% of the population did, the other 90% couldn't afford it, disagreed with it or wished they could.....so now what?

    What do you want from me, the one living in the same time period as you......?


  9. 26 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    That's about the only part with which I disagreed.  Most people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.  I just don't think those same people will have had a change of heart.  I put it like this.... every day they're burying a handful of Trump voters while a TON of liberal thinkers reach the voting age.  At this point I think that Trump gets the nomination and loses to any democrat.... Biden, or otherwise. 

    I think we may get to see who's right.....lol

    I don't see any Republican getting ahead of Trump

  10. These polls really mean nothing this early....

    But unless something drastic (and I mean DRASTIC), it will be almost impossible to keep Trump from being Republican nominee in 24.....

    Why? He has a HUGE base that will vote for him. 

    The more in the race, Desantis, Haley, etc just dilutes the votes to Trumps advantage. 

    WE have to face it, he received more votes than any other President (except Biden).......if Biden runs, Trump wins. I don't see a repeat with all the obvious mental issues we see with Biden. It would be cruel if people close to him let him run.......and Trump would beat Kamala .......so Dems are in a pickle.....IMO

  11. 12 minutes ago, UT alum said:

    What? Negotiation with who? The vote was 220 Republicans for, 213 Democrats and one Republican against. McCarthy negotiated it with his caucus so he could be speaker. They didn’t negotiate the blackball rule with Democrats. 

    Democrats could of came to the table.....

    Republicans could of voted with Dems (that was actually talked about)

    Heck, The My Pillow Guy was voted on......

  12. 14 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    but hopefully they are not looking for a police sacrificial lamb to appear more woke. 

    Not looking good......

    Ted Wheeler

    Wheeler was elected in the 2016 Portland mayoral election and reelected in 2020. Formerly a registered Republican, he has since embraced progressive goals such as defunding police, reducing gun ownership, transition to 100% renewable energy, and “a racial justice reckoning”

  13. 50 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Wasn't he and his dad sued for housing discrimination by the DOJ in the 60s?


    The files detail dozens of interviews the bureau conducted with Trump building tenants, management and employees, seeking indications that minority tenants were steered away from housing complexes.

    Most of those interviewed said they were not aware of any discrimination.


    In October 1973, the Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments. The Trumps responded with a $100 million countersuit accusing the government of defamation.

    Donald Trump denied any racial discrimination, but said his managers tried to weed out certain kinds of tenants. “What we didn’t do was rent to welfare cases, white or black," Trump wrote in a 1987 book.

    The Trumps and their company entered into 

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     settling the litigation in 1975. The agreement contained no admission of wrongdoing, but required the Trump firm to institute a series of safeguards to make sure apartments were rented without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.



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  14. 47 minutes ago, Eagle11 said:

    What I believe is going to be offered is Trump/Pence will be asked never run for office again and have Congress stop looking into the biden mafia and in turn we will drop investigation into them.

    I doubt that - Biden said he had classified docs from 1974........1974, I bet be back tracks and said he meant 2014...... 

  15. Such a good look to other countries.....

    We currently have investigations via special council on the current President, (also as VP under Obama), the previous President, and the previous VP.....

    If they went and looked at every living President and VP's home or office, my money is some classified documents would also be discovered. 

    This is absolutely the worst DOJ in at least my life time. 

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