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Posts posted by thetragichippy


    17 hours ago, UT alum said:

    This is the hidden content, please


    Looks like he’s angling for a pardon after Biden gets re-elected.

    LOL.....He posted those words on Twitter along with his video where he calls Biden the most corrupt President in US history........

    I'm not sure what you call angling for a pardon, but that does not fit my definition. 

  2. On 2/3/2023 at 8:36 PM, tvc184 said:

    Democratic math.

    Unemployment is how many people are looking for work. It doesn’t include people who aren’t working and aren’t looking.

     So the spin is that this “lowest unemployment” is not how many people are working as it doesn’t include the people who have simply given up.

     The percentage of people working today is about 3.5% less than were G  Bush left office. So a smaller percentage of the population is working and that is claimed as “lowest since” unemployment.

    So when people quit working, it is claimed as proof of prosperity.  

    Apparently this very correct explanation got lost in the babbling......

  3. 41 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    Fired and arrested? Does that make this case different since the officer have been held accountable?

    I will use Wikipedia to refresh my memory on the George Floyd death.

    Floyd was killed on May 25, 2020.

    Wikipedia: George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) 

    Officer Chauvin was fired on May 26, 2020 and arrested on May 29, 2020.

    Wikipedia: He was dismissed by the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) on May 26 and arrested on May 29. 

    So before most people had ever heard of Floyd, the officer responsible had been terminated and with 3 days, arrested on May 29, 2020.

    Chauvin was put on trial and convicted less than a year later.

    So before a majority of people had heard of Floyd, the officer was terminated and with 3 more days, arrested. Protests then started and again according to Wikipedia, caused over one billion dollars in damages and continued for more than a year. 

    Tyre Nichols was brutally beaten on January 7 and died on January 10. The officer were not fired until 10 days later. It took another 6 to make arrests.

    So let’s compare the cases. In Floyd the officer was fired the next day and arrested only four days after the incident. well, not comparing one wrong being more than another, in Floyd’s case the also leaned on his neck.

    In the case of Nichols, several officers beat and kick the guy to death. It took about a week and a half before the chief got around to terminating them and another week before they were arrested.

    So what took four days in the Floyd case, took almost 3 weeks in the Nicholas case.

    If this is about not being held accountable, which case more clearly demonstrates that?

    Of course this one has not played out yet but we there likely be a year and a half of protests and over a billion dollars in damages? 

    It seems clear to be selective outrage. I wonder what the differences are in the cases??? 

    And I don’t believe one swing or baton was used in the Floyd incident…..

  4. 2 hours ago, DonTheCon2024 said:

    Never said any of that. In fact, earlier in the topic, I said income tax fraud / gaming the system is wrong. More deflection, whataboutism and straight up making stuff up on this forum as always.

    Anyways, done talking finance and economics with people who don’t have industry experience and are in much lower tax brackets. The business acumen of this forum dropped dramatically with the unfortunate passing of stevenash.

    Maybe you should pay attention - been in banking and finance since 2006, and came from managing big box retail stores. 

    But go ahead and play superior if it makes you feel better behind that keyboard. 

  5. 15 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Mom and Dad hear is that they don’t have to worry about the light bill or food… gramps has it covered… or at least that’s how they act.

    That was kind of the point to my comment. When you get comfortable with a lifestyle and income, there is no motivation to better yourself.....or you get in a financial position where you can't without some big struggle, so you stay where you are most comfortable and don't grow. 

    It always pulls on heartstrings when you say "struggling mother of 4", and I'm sure she is struggling.  I have kids and the struggle is real sometimes, but that occasional struggle was paid back with unconditional love watching them grow up.  My advice to that struggling mother of 4 is figure out a way to get out of the position your decisions put you in. It may takes you a few years but it is possible with hard work...... 

  6. On 1/29/2023 at 11:48 AM, tvc184 said:

    3. There is always more to the story because the story is not public. The more in this case obviously doesn’t justify the response.

    Here is what I can't make sense with. 

    What caused so much anger that they ALL went stupid during the entire encounter.  Surely one of those guys are selfish enough to think we have body cams on, there is street surveillance, and we are holding this guy up and throwing punches, beating the crap out of him, maybe we should stop to save our own butt.  Yet, not one did.........   That makes ZERO sense to me

  7. 3 hours ago, Big girl said:

    How can one get money back if he doesn't work? Dont you have to have some income. (INCOME tax)

    I work in banking. I was doing a mortgage for someone and reviewed their tax returns. With child credits, they paid I believe $1800 in federal income taxes and received a $9800 or $9600 refund. They had several kids. 

    I don't think someone that makes 20K a year should pay the same percent as someone making 100K a year, it should be lower......but I don't think someone making 20K a year should get a refund 5 times what they paid in....and I don't think you should be shafted with an outrageous percent because you are successful and have more money than most.......  

  8. 4 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    Trump is starting to lose it.  The stuff he says just gets crazier and crazier.  I really am starting to think that his end goal is to be a dictator.  He's that arrogant and self-absorbed.  

    He's that arrogant and self-absorbed for sure, but it surprises me you would go to Dictator. I personally feel he is upset he lost, knows there was some voter fraud, and just hates to lose. 

    I must say the only decision he did during his Presidency that I disagreed with was the bump stock ban. I now why he did it, but didn't agree with it......and it was overturned I believe.   

  9. 22 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    I was working an off duty job at a housing complex maybe 10 years ago. I was with a very young officer with probably one year of experience. The apartment complex had a curfew for all tenants and guests. Although we cannot legally enforce apartment rules, someone hanging out could possibly give rise to a reasonable suspicion that they were trespassing and not actually visiting someone. Legally that could give us the reason to lawfully detain them and start investigating. 

    My young partner saw a group of maybe 4 teenagers or early 20s people earlier in the night about 1 AM hanging out in the complex and started yelling at them. Get out of here, blah blah blah. They mumbled some crap and slowly ambled away.

    Maybe a half an hour later, we saw them again. I pulled up near them, smiled and asked, do y’all really want me to get out of my truck (Ford Expedition patrol unit)? No sir, we’re leaving….

    We never saw them again on any night and we worked out there every weekend for extra money.

    As soon as they walked away that night, my partner started pumping his fists and going “Yeah!”.

    He asked me, how did you do that? He yelled at them and told them to leave and they mouthed off and came back. I smiled and barely said anything and they were like, yes sir and thank you sir.

    I said it was command presence. They saw you ranting and raving and kind of laughed among themselves. They thought you were just trying to show bravado while being a young officer. They looked at me and thought, I think we had better leave right now. They looked at me and probably came to the rationalization that they didn’t want me out of the patrol unit. On the other hand, they were more than ready to challenge your authority because it looks like you won’t back up what you were saying.

    I’m not kidding about the way that young officer acted. He was like a kid in a candy store and excited. The officer asked how he could do that and I said it was easy, keep paying attention to the senior officers. Watch how they act around people as opposed to the young officers like him.

    A teaching moment….. :) 

    I think you also didn't abuse your authority and they may have respected it as well, or at least in part for the decision to leave. I've learned in management a LONG time ago, I ask before demanding, "Hey, would you mind doing me a favor".......99.9% of the time they are happy to do the task no matter how large.  

  10. I spent many years managing big box stores. When I left we could confront shoplifters in store and ask them how they would like to pay for the item in their pants/purse. If they ignored us and walked out, we could not physically restrain them.,,,,

    I was having a bad day one evening and a guy ran from the electronics department of Service Merchandise with a bag full of radios and small things. It may have been about $500.00 worth of stuff. I decided to give chase (to this day I have o idea what I would have done had he stopped LOL)....I chased him to the end of the parking lot and he ran across the street toward some woods. As soon as I turned around a guy in a big truck asked if he was a shoplifter. I told him yes and he said I'll be right back. About 20 minutes later he showed back up with the bag......He gave me his card, he was a Company A Texas Ranger.  He claimed he never got out of his truck...... 

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