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    5GallonBucket got a reaction from smitty in A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...   
    I ll take a soldier over non soldier everytime..... 
  2. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from 77 in A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...   
    I ll take a soldier over non soldier everytime..... 
  3. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in 12 yr prediction about Warren Warrior Basketball   
    Dove may take offense to!!!!!!  lol
    one of them is. 
    Lets just say they are abnormally tall for their age now and given the genetic makeup(athleticism and height") of parents along with grandparents and great grandparents, pretty much all blood lines. 
    Nothing like having a 6' pg and a 6'3" post player on the small school level. 
    The key is them staying interested.  and like I said in opening post...."if have anything to do with it...".
  4. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Tyler Dixson in 12 yr prediction about Warren Warrior Basketball   
    Dove may take offense to!!!!!!  lol
    one of them is. 
    Lets just say they are abnormally tall for their age now and given the genetic makeup(athleticism and height") of parents along with grandparents and great grandparents, pretty much all blood lines. 
    Nothing like having a 6' pg and a 6'3" post player on the small school level. 
    The key is them staying interested.  and like I said in opening post...."if have anything to do with it...".
  5. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to baddog in News like this irks the gun grabbers   
    Your question implies that I think we should be like Iran and North Korea in every aspect. Kinda like me saying a running back runs like Walter Peyton. The next question is, " Are you saying he is as good as Walter Peyton?"

    I don't think we have to be a communist rogue country like Korea, or whatever you call Iran to protect our borders. Why take it to the extreme? I don't want anyone trespassing on my property, why would I allow anyone to trespass on my country?
  6. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to CraigS in News like this irks the gun grabbers   
    I'll say it! YES. No one is perfect in all areas, improvement should always be the goal....some very good people (countries) may have a bad quality or 2, whereas some very bad people (countries) may have some good qualities....
    in the secured border discussion - yes, we could learn a thing or 2 from North Korea and the likes!
  7. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from 77 in News like this irks the gun grabbers   
    Most of society as well as politicians have lost sense of why and how we have our liberties and freedoms and the means in which to protect those.
    And they have allowed liberal media (across the globe) scrutiny to dictate as well as allowed them to manipulate society into thinking what is best.  Nations outside the USA should not have any say in how we control our borders...THEY ARE OUR BORDERS....we had soldiers shed blood for them.  We are too NICE.
    I don't care if I offend someone of another country when it deals with OUR BORDERS.  Too many people worried about what others think when it comes to border security.
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    5GallonBucket got a reaction from EnlightenedMessiah in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    You have to remember Religion is man made.  Their are many many many religions.
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    5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    Don't base your view of Christianity off of Christians...base it off of Christ.
    We many times don't represent well...He always does.
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    5GallonBucket got a reaction from thetragichippy in Ferguson   
    Many people listen to the media and then allow the media to manipulate their own thinking.  Too much of society leans on the media.  Too many weak minded individuals.....scary thought. 
    When dealing with law enforcement......PRETTY SIMPLE DO WHAT YOUR TOLD AND LEAVE YOUR PRIDE OUT OF IT.....and you'll come out ahead or at least better off.
  11. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to WOSgrad in Jasper's Hunter Martindale and Chase Webb take the SETX Bass Fishing Tournament!   
    376 teams competed in the tournament....a world record for high school fishing tournaments.
  12. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to mat in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    OneChance - It's risky to ask a biblical question to bunch of posters, then base your understanding off of their answer. (even though it sounds like you already had your answer)
  13. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan in Everyone Here Is An Atheist With Respect To 99% Of All Religions/Gods   
    The pastor is right...judging anyone on where they will spend eternity is definitely above anyone's pay grade down here.
    We are, however, called to use some discernment and know them by their fruits...we can all recognize and call out sinful behavior.
    It's not judging to recognize a chronic wife beater and condemn the sinful behavior, but we cannot and should not condemn the person, that is God's job, and his only.
    God loves the sinner and hates the sin...thank goodness, because we are all sinners.
  14. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to mat in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    There may very well be some biological make ups that make homosexuality more enticing (tempting) to some just as someone's biological make up makes the thought of same sex repulsive. we are all created differently, some have more violent tendencies than others. Some are more masculine, some are more feminine regardless of gender. Some can easily become alcoholics while other can't stand the taste. We all have our own temptations and weaknesses to deal with. These difference makes some choices more difficult for some than others
    However, homosexuality for example is not even an issue until you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. This makes for a very difficult debate with non believers.
  15. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to Chester86 in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    I agree with the fact this topic is pointlessly debated. I disagree with your last sentence, and your disbelief in God. If I am wrong, then I am just worm dirt; but I have faith. If you are wrong, you face an eternal damnation. There is proof every day in the beauty of a sunrise. Choose not to believe, but remember that it is your choice. The day is coming when EVERY knee shall bow. Roll your eyes in exasperation, but I think you know...I mean after all, you are ENLIGHTENED.
  16. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to CraigS in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    My 2 penny's - God loves everyone - and we were ALL "born that way"!
    We were born sinners, to each their own in which sins they commit, and we WILL commit sins. My only problem with the homosexual stance is they want to fight / debate / convince others that it's ok, it's not a sin, in the name of love, it's not a choice, etc. With that, you can not sin, knowingly sin, not repent of the sin, and expect to reap the full benefit of God's salvation. He loves everyone, that's why he has given EVERONE the same opportunity to recongnize their sin, except that they are sinners, ask forgiveness, be forgiving, and (here's the punch line) go and sin no more! Will we all continually make mistakes (sins) yes....even the same ones (yes) ... but to diliberately live in sin without repentance will surely be looked upon as very bad in the eyes of God. To put it simply - to compare to earthly parents - he will continue to love you as you are punished - and - you will be punished for unrepented sins!
  17. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to RETIREDFAN1 in Does God Love Homosexuals?   
    12 Proverbs 14: 12
    12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
        but its end is the way to death
    Proverbs 12: 15
    The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
        but a wise man listens to advice.
    They can claim whatever they want......doesn't mean they are right......
  18. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from 77 in Obama's No Mention Of Christians Being Slaughtered!!   
    Did yall expect him to...
    He is not a Christian....his actions prove so.
  19. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Outrage in Carolina   
    if you want to SLOW down the racism card for the future of our society......STOP talking bad about other races/nationalities to or in front of your children.  Raise them to love all races.   White, black, brown, pink, orange, off white, olive, etc.  teach them that there are good and bad people of all races.
  20. Like
    5GallonBucket got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in Outrage in Carolina   
    if you want to SLOW down the racism card for the future of our society......STOP talking bad about other races/nationalities to or in front of your children.  Raise them to love all races.   White, black, brown, pink, orange, off white, olive, etc.  teach them that there are good and bad people of all races.
  21. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to bullets13 in Regarding BISD   
    what really galls me is that we used to have to go to pep rallies at the beginning of every school year, and Doc Thomas would sit up there and make all of these questionable hires and pat himself on the back for doing so.

    Naomi Lawrence Lee was one. Lawrence-Lee previously worked for Jefferson County as its purchasing agent, but resigned in exchange for a promise from the District Attorney's office not to prosecute her in connection with misappropriation of county property for private benefit. Dr. Thomas passed over better applicants to hire her, and talked about how great she would be for the district. Bear in mind, this is just a few months after resigning from the county to avoid criminal charges. Now if we fast forward a few years, and Naomi Lawrence-Lee is under indictment for felony theft against BISD.

    Another was Patricia Lambert. Later we find out that she possessed a criminal record for extorting public funds from teachers in the New Orleans school district, unearthed accusations that she leads a massive campaign of both cheating and retaliation against her accusers. Then the accusations started here. Now of course, she's indicted for felony theft.

    And of course Calvin Walker. That whole situation was a joke, and to see the arrogance with which Butch and the board would renew his contract every year, after he'd already stolen millions from us, smirking while they did it... and now of course, he's indicted for felony theft, amongst other things.

    If the 7 or 8 employees that have been arrested so far are all that are indicted, so be it. you're talking about putting people in jail responsible for $10M or more (that they've found so far) in thefts from BISD. You're also changing a culture of corruption back to a culture of consequences. No longer will employees steal and scam without fear of reprisals.

    No doubt there will be some employees who stole who will slip through the cracks, but hopefully the DA will be able to find more of them. But if not, it's much more important to be in place to prevent future thefts than to punish past ones in which we'll likely receive no compensation.
  22. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to oldschool2 in Hamshire-Fannett 63 West Orange-Stark 54/Final   
    If you don't like how the coach coaches...push to have him/her gone. Otherwise...keep your mouth shut. I mean...there is such a huge variety of people wanting to coach girls sports. Just call other schools and ask. I'm sure you would get a very qualified replacement.

    Coaching high school sports has to be the worst profession in America. Fans and parents are such dillusional idiots.
  23. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in By Definition - Shouldn't Conservatives Be Pro Pot Legalization?   
    I dont think he's destroying teens lives but I dont wanna hear anything from him or any other politician in regards to other political figures marijuana usage if they themselves have done the same thing. 
  24. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to 77 in Texas Muslims   
    I have no problem with folks practicing whatever they want but you cant come to America which was founded on certain principles and laws and try to make us convert to your laws are way of life. If you like sharia laws one should either stay where they have them or move to where they have them. We have heard it time and again that the goals of the muslims is to implement their laws in this country. Keep your head on a swivell or it may end up rolling around on the floor and always remember to lock and load!
  25. Like
    5GallonBucket reacted to baddog in Texas Muslims   
    I hope they were offended. Political correctness takes away your 1st amendment right to freedom of speech.
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