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Posts posted by Matthew328

  1. 2 hours ago, Dirty_but_Dazzling said:

    so gradually try to force people into $50 subscriptions is the way to go uh? I don't care how well it's liked by myself or others good luck sustaining with that approach.

    We are doing quite well at the moment, the brand is more profitable than its ever been because we've gotten more diverse, adapted to the changing marketplace and invested in our talented people. We've grown our staff on the editorial side over the last three years and added to our sales team as well.

    We will see if this new approach works but I can tell you over the past ten years margins on the retail side have consistently dropped as the marketplace as changed and the consumer base is more tech savvy.

  2. 1 hour ago, purpleeagle said:

    So, Center, Hemphill, Jasper, woodville, Beaumont, Newton, Bridge City,are among the areas with no coverage, just to mention a few. Wonder if this is going on across the state. Big cities like Houston, Dallas ,Austin , are probably the ones  that can afford to take the loss.

    Carthage Wal-Mart has them

  3. 11 hours ago, JimAdler said:

    Do you think it will be some Wednesday games thrown in there soon, for the lower levels?  I have heard of some ISD's using monday/tuesday for lower level games, but wasn't sure if any HS's did the same to accommodate the shortage of officials?

    Schools that play varsity Thursday almost always play Freshman/JV on Wednesday

  4. 10 hours ago, purpleeagle said:


    might be that the Distributors cannot afford to take back high costing magazines like DCTFM and the stores cannot afford to eat the unsold magazines. Seems that only companies like CVS, wan mart, and Walgreens can afford  too take a loss. Wal mart in Jasper has moved the magazine section to the back of the stere and it is about 1/5 the size it use to be.       
    might be a growing problem.


    All reasons why we've been scaling back retail...its just a money pit...

  5. Ashly is good people...tough to make a good living doing local news, tough to make a good living writing for the local newspaper, nearly impossible to make a good living covering local sports online..in the end everyone suffers because there's no one left to cover local sports properly

    Happy for him and the students at Hardin-Jefferson ISD will benefit greatly from him being there

  6. 4 hours ago, Who That said:

    The move in Mikey is the new QB. He was putting the ball on the money at the 7on7. The other QB from West Brook isn't eligible to play yet. 

    They were rotating two at the State Tournament so figured at least at the time it was still an open competition...guess if one isn't eligible that makes it pretty obvious lol

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