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    Englebert reacted to BMTSoulja1 in WOSgrad WEEK 1 PICK'EMS   
    @AggiesAreWe , I say just make these pick ems a permanent honor to GRAD…
  2. Haha
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Vaccination Food For Thought   
    You still looking for a friend?
  3. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from team first in BISD votes to reinstate mask mandate   
    You insult everyone on the board, I call you out, and you think I have a problem? You are a very, very special little boy...intellectually that is. I'm laughing at you.
    Were you praying for the posters on the board when you attributed your baseless stereotypes to them in an insulting and demeaning way? You are not praying for anyone. It's your obnoxious way of trying to relay a superiority attitude. It's obvious to everyone on this board of your intentions every time you post. Praying for you. Yeah right. You are very foolish and a hypocrite of the highest order. Own it. You deserve it. But I'm sure you will continue to cry about how others don't like you, and call you names. This is confusing to you because you are such a good person deserving of favor. Your unfounded superiority attitude coupled with your victimization attitude is pure comedic gold. Keep the entertainment coming.
  4. Haha
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in There’s a Special Place in Hell for Slime Like This!   
    On a completely unrelated note about church vans… when I was in high school I went to FBC Bevil Oaks.  During that time they sold our church van and got a new one.  The guy who bought the old van was supposed to remove the church name from the van, but never got around to it.  He apparently had quite the drinking problem, because people kept calling our church to report that the van was parked at Lucky Liquor.  Us high schoolers got to calling the new van “The Lucky Liquor II”, much to the fake outrage of our youth pastor.   
  5. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in When Will The Peanut Brains Ever Learn? [Spoiler - Never]   
    Congratulations. You are now officially the stupidest poster on the board. Big Girl must feel like Jimmy Carter about now.
  6. Haha
    Englebert reacted to WOSdrummer99 in When Will The Peanut Brains Ever Learn? [Spoiler - Never]   
    Well, if you really want to know what I've heard about this? My unreliable source says... 911 was an inside job by the CIA and Israeli Mossad. Bush and VP haliburton made war profits off wounded warriors. Obama and HRC needed to take out bin Laden to win favor with other Mideast countries. The Taliban were never the enemy. And now they will only negotiate with the true president. Not the false leader.
    Just what I hear from the deep state. And some people do believe this.
    Carry on...
  7. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from BS Wildcats in When Will The Peanut Brains Ever Learn? [Spoiler - Never]   
    Congratulations. You are now officially the stupidest poster on the board. Big Girl must feel like Jimmy Carter about now.
  8. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from Greezy in When Will The Peanut Brains Ever Learn? [Spoiler - Never]   
    Congratulations. You are now officially the stupidest poster on the board. Big Girl must feel like Jimmy Carter about now.
  9. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from SmashMouth in Show Me Your Papers   
    Deblasio has stated that you need a "Proof of Vax" card and an ID for indoor activities: dining, exercising, entertainment, etc. Will this law apply to voting places? I'm guessing he will suggest that voting locations are immune to Covid.
  10. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Tucker Carlson: Rochelle Walensky Now Makes The Laws, And She's Taking Your Private Property!   
    Sounds like you support insurrection...make up your mind.
  11. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in Trump Asking For Donations.. Yet Again. Trumpers Never Learn Do They?   
    If "Trumpers" are some of the dumbest people in this country, where does that rank you on the intelligence scale? I do not know one supporter of Trump that you even come close to ranking anywhere near equal...so where do you stand?
    Why won't you explain what a "Trumper" is? Gullible? Fits you. Are you a rebel? Naw...you are not bright enough to even know what cause is worth fighting for. You might be Antifa though. Then again, as dumb as they are, I don't think they would tolerate your lack of intelligence. Do you idolize Joe? Who cares, neither does anyone else. Nobody idolizes Trump, though the media is desperately trying to make you believe that Trump supporters do. (See the first descriptor. Fits you to a tee.) Excuse bad behavior. You are the king at pointing out perceived faults with Trump/Administration while ignoring factual faults of Joe/Administration. Fits you to a tee. 
    Stereotyping is easy, and takes very, very little intelligence. In fact, one that engages in stereotyping as much as you shows an utter inability of critical thinking.  I bet you are the person at work that criticizes everything the boss does (not to their face of course).  I bet you frequently tell your coworkers how much better of a job you can do than anyone in the company.  I bet you were the little kindergartner that called his degreed teacher stupid. In fact, you seem to be still stuck with that immature mentality. If I cared one iota about you, I would beg for you to seek help. But frankly, I would just rather you keep contributing your comedy routine to this board.
    So once again, please give your definition of a "Trumper". For bonus points, include in your essay what he did to get you so "triggered". Will you run...thus enduring the ridicule and laughter by showing you are just troll with zero abilities? Or will you attempt an answer...thus enduring the ridicule and laughter by showing you are just a troll with zero abilities?
  12. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from thetragichippy in Isn’t This an Insurrection?   
    Did you actually just repeat the often quoted but proven lie that a cop got his brains beat in with a fire extinguisher? Are you really this "misinformed" or just a gullible sheeple? That statement pretty much epitomizes your depth of knowledge of the situation. Who could take you serious when you pull crap like that.
    You would be infinitely better served by staying off any topics involving Trump. Your blind hatred is making you look incredibly stupid...to the point on par with Magatrust. Seriously, think about that. You are on par with the reigning "worst poster on the board" when you delve into topics involving Trump. I say "I feel sorry for you" jokingly or sarcastically often, but this time the statement is for real. I can't fathom how someone can harbor so much hate for such petty reasons.
  13. Haha
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Democrats in Pennsylvania try to stop minorities from self defense??   
    I have to do some more digging because the story just broke I think.  I have found it on a couple of websites but not a major new source yet. If it is true it is outrageous. According to the story a democratic congressman from Pennsylvania has authored a bill that will prohibit any ammunition purchases without a photo ID.

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  14. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from baddog in Dominion & Maricopa Ct Officials Won’t Comply With Az Senate Subpoena   
    Normal people are still laughing at you...even the kindergartners. Your analysis of the posts can only approach toddler level. Would you care to discuss the intricacies or nuances of the posts that you can't comprehend? Of course not...even you know you are sorely deficient in 3rd grade level debate. We will continue laughing at the posts you make. Keep'em coming.  (And you actually thought you could deflect the topic by stereotyping. You are "amazingly" pathetic in your attempts at condescension.)
    You can cry out to me...I will be your ally instead of CardinalBacker. But of course, you first have to have a sensible argument. Nevermind...this rules you out. As much as CardinalBacker is blinded by his hate of Trump, I would be shocked beyond belief ("amazed") if he even considered allying with a pathetically immature and mentally stunted poster that is profusely adamant on getting banned because of that said immaturity. (I jokingly took a jab a CardinalBacker...he doesn't "ally" with anyone...just says his peace. But the cry for help by MagaWeTrust just made me laugh enough to include it.)
  15. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Isn’t This an Insurrection?   
    Has there ever been a documented case of an "insurrection" in the history of the world in which the "insurrectionists" brought no weapons to the uprising, killed no one, and even had one of their own killed? Were these people, that were hell-bent on the overthrow of the government, just that stupid to be so unprepared to accomplish this goal? I don't know about the rest of y'all, but that contention is very, very (very, very) (did I say very) laughable. But I digress, mental blindness is no laughing matter. Then again...this contention is hilarious.
    And while you are contemplating your answer, please include your rationale for why many FBI agents were present, why Nancy Pelosi refused additional security when the rally was well known, and why practically every Democrat lied about the "insurrection". Please include why many, many "insurrectionists" have been imprisoned in solitary confinement for many months with the charge of "trespassing". Please name one person that has been charged with "insurrection". And mostly, please explain why Trump has not been charged with insurrection. I'm especially anxious to hear your rationale for the last one...since you have made it well-known on this board that this should indeed be a foregone conclusion. But I will be happy with just an explanation of the other questions. 
  16. Like
    Englebert reacted to SmashMouth in Isn’t This an Insurrection?   
    Thanks. I was saving the article below as a retort to an inevitably weak response from @CardinalBacker . It’s a pretty interesting read:
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  17. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from SmashMouth in Isn’t This an Insurrection?   
    Has there ever been a documented case of an "insurrection" in the history of the world in which the "insurrectionists" brought no weapons to the uprising, killed no one, and even had one of their own killed? Were these people, that were hell-bent on the overthrow of the government, just that stupid to be so unprepared to accomplish this goal? I don't know about the rest of y'all, but that contention is very, very (very, very) (did I say very) laughable. But I digress, mental blindness is no laughing matter. Then again...this contention is hilarious.
    And while you are contemplating your answer, please include your rationale for why many FBI agents were present, why Nancy Pelosi refused additional security when the rally was well known, and why practically every Democrat lied about the "insurrection". Please include why many, many "insurrectionists" have been imprisoned in solitary confinement for many months with the charge of "trespassing". Please name one person that has been charged with "insurrection". And mostly, please explain why Trump has not been charged with insurrection. I'm especially anxious to hear your rationale for the last one...since you have made it well-known on this board that this should indeed be a foregone conclusion. But I will be happy with just an explanation of the other questions. 
  18. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Should States have Citizenship   
    The United States Constitution, which created this country we now have (as a follow-up to the Articles of Confederation) , was enacted for the very reason to not have states united. That was the entire point of the articles and ultimately the Constitution.
  19. Haha
    Englebert got a reaction from Reagan in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    If you can't keep up, admit it. We understand.
    If you can't find an adult, try to find a schoolkid (they are on summer break right now) to explain the links for you.
  20. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from bullets13 in Should States have Citizenship   
    Awesome. I can think of a thousand more. The topic is so wide open that it is almost impossible to discuss.
    Not only can a State reject you from moving into the state based on..., can they reject you from leaving the State based on... If ruled that a State cannot reject you from leaving, can they still tax you based on your former citizenship? We might want to ask California. 
    What I find most interesting is that when the colonies were debating on unionizing, i.e. forming the United States, that this topic was not discussed more thoroughly...then especially after independence was won. It makes sense though, considering any breathing body was an asset. No benefits existed at that time. 
    The "what if's" will render the topic either dead on arrival or hotly debated for decades. (Exaggerated of course.) But that is the also the most intriguing part of the debate. What other scenarios will pose problems in implementation? What solutions can be implemented to facilitate the realization of such legislation? Should it even be considered?
  21. Like
    Englebert reacted to Ty Cobb in Texas Dems Abandon State For DC   
    Instead of arresting these DEMONcrat, piece of crap politicians, I wish we could just ban them from ever entering the great state of TEXAS again. Leave their sorry butts in dc.
  22. Like
    Englebert reacted to Ty Cobb in Should States have Citizenship   
    Are we really the UNITED States of America anymore? As of the last couple of years, I would answer no.
    The States are very divided on many issues, but none more than what this country was made of. Good people with Christian beliefs. 
    To be 100% honest, Im more proud to be a Texan than I am to be an American.
  23. Like
    Englebert reacted to 5GallonBucket in Should States have Citizenship   
    If Texans wanted to save itself it should ve already done this a long time ago. 😉
  24. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Should States have Citizenship   
    We would have to do away with the United States of America.  I’m almost there.  States that handle their business shouldn’t have to support states that don’t.  Also, states that are concerned about border security shouldn’t have to fund it themselves while at the same time other states are providing sanctuary cities.
  25. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in Should States have Citizenship   
    Interesting topic.  It brings up a lot of questions: does one only become a citizen by being born in the state?  Can the state reject your moving into the state based on your political beliefs?  What about college students who want to attend college out of state?  I can think of a dozen more
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