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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. Digging myself in deeper? I said WOS is likely the best 3A in SETX. I believe they have made it out of the region once since they have been 3A. They are without question a region power.

    You said:

    "WOS is and has been nothing special outside of SETX."

    Well, except for multiple state championships I guess. Sorry your school has gotten beat down with regularity by the Mustangs. As chuk figured out, that explains the illogical and irrational statements you continue to make.
  2. Your post said nothing of the sort? Here is your post:

    Your too funny!!!!! WOS cannot possibly travel all over the state to play against top teams unless your intelligence can sponsor the trips. (you said unless your intelligence can sponsor the trips) Go get hooked on phonics! (you then said get hooked on phonics).

    I don't care about WOS vs Huffman as WOS has traditionally been a better program. I have said multiple times that WOS is likely the best 3A in SETX though WOS is not undefeated against Huffman in the playoffs. WOS is among the better 3A programs in SETX along with Jasper. WOS is and has been nothing special outside of SETX. Newton on the other hand is a state power in 2A. This not in question.

    Dude, you are just digging yourself deeper. WOS's trophy case says hello.
  3. Racism, to some extent, likely will always exist. I am saddened that it is viewed only as a one way street.

    It is true that no race has the corner on ignorance and hate. It is also true that you and I can't possibly understand what some of our brothers and sisters of color have endured at the hands of racism. We can only empathize and do our part to eliminate the past within ourselves and our families.

    A wise man knows the proper time to beat his drum and when to put his sticks down. Sometimes there is a fine line between deflection and justification.
  4. I am probably way in the minority on this sentiment but I actually feel sorry for Donald Sterling.  He is obviously full of hate and ignorance that all the money in the world couldn't solve.  He will die alone, a miserable man.  He never opened his mind and heart up the beauty of all races, to the blessings of diversity.  I can honestly, without a doubt say that as a white man, my life is so much richer due to the close friendships and brotherhood/sisterhood I have with my loved ones of color.  Knowledge and understanding is a beautiful thing that is available to anyone who seeks it.  I am happy and thankful that much (and I believe the great majority) of this country has moved past racism.  I am also saddened that this type of thought still exists.  I am afraid the saying "stupid is forever" may be accurate.

  5. I bow to your draft knowledge as you were right and I was wrong.  I also wish he would have landed somewhere other than Cleveland.


    I am glad he landed somewhere other than Houston or Dallas.  But hopefully he can break the string of busts there.  It's not impossible...Bernie Kosar had a very decent career in Cleveland.

  6. I just don't care for the guy. All of the flaunting of public partying, the legal problems, taunting opponents, cockiness, blatant rule breaking and subsequent lack of a punishment, etc. add to that all of the fans that act like he's a choirboy and it gets a little old. His personality, or at least the one he's chosen to show on TV and social media just rubs me the wrong way. Add to that his sometimes questionable decision making and fly by the seat of his pants play on the field, combined with his fairly small stature, and I don't think he's the sure bet that everyone thinks he is. None of that takes away from the fact that he's an electrifying playmaker, and a polarizing figure that by merely being in it has made the nfl draft, which is usually a fairly boring affair, the biggest news story of the week.

    I tend to share the same opinion. However, as I've said many times, I hope he does well at the next level. The NFL will be a better product with him as a star. The love em or hate em types are always good for sports. Whether he will be a smashing success remains to be seen. As you say, there are a lot of ?s to be answered with him. I hope they are answered positively.

    Off subject - if you haven't seen it, YouTube Manziel dunking basketballs. It is pretty darn impressive for a 5'11" kid. Serious hops. And gives you a better idea how freaking big his hands are.
  7. I think that is yet to be determined - playing in the SEC, Big 12 (10) or any other major conference makes players play at a high level against top level opposition in at least 8 - 9 games a year - Buffalo did not have that kind of teams on its schedule.  While it appears he may well be the real deal - will he be able to make the plays every down against NFL caliber position players?


    Players that play in the SEC, Big 12 (10) or other conferences have the same questions but have played week in and week out against top players Mack has not - so we will have to see.


    He looked like by far the best player on the field against Ohio State this year.  And they have out-recruited the majority of the SEC schools according to those services everyone likes to hang their hats on...

  8. Thats what i keep telling everyone. Khalil Mack is from a small school in Buffalo. If he went to a SEC school this past season. He would ride the bench.

    Lol - if Khalil Mack went to an SEC school this past season he would have been the best defensive player at that SEC school this past season (including SC since Clowney decided to take the year off). That kid is the truth.
  9. UT plays Kentucky as the headliner for the SEC vs Big12 bball challenge.

    That's a great matchup. Should make for very good ratings and will give Kentucky a solid test that they don't always get in conference. I look for Kentucky to handle my Horns but their bigs will get a workout. However, the college game is a guard's game and the Horns can't match up with UK's backcourt...at all.
  10. Shaq Cleare, Cameron Ridley, AND Myles Turner. I think that front court would make Calipari jealous. Barnes has got to do something with this squad or he might be done.


    Don't forget 6'10" Prince Ibeh who will be a junior.  One thing is for certain, Kansas struggled with the Horns inside this season.  Adding Turner to the Horns (with what they already had) and subtracting Joel Embiid and Wiggins from KU will not improve their chances next season.  This Texas team should be built for a deep run.  Unfortunately, everyone may be playing for second because Kentucky may have the best roster since the Tarkanian UNLV teams of the late '80s and early '90s.

  11. By the way, this would be legal in Texas. As long as you are a party to the conversation, you can record it without the other party knowing. As for who among us hasn't said things that we didn't want revealed, maybe so. But I have never gone on a disgusting, bigoted diatribe because, well, I'm not a racist a-hole like Sterling. He's getting exactly what he deserves. Sadly, because of his age and his history of this BS, he won't learn a thing and will die full of the same senseless hate he has likely carried with him his entire life. If the idiot wasn't a billionaire, I would actually feel sorry for him.
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