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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. I really wanted the owners to vote on this to see where they stand, might be unlikely now.


    I agree.  I would have loved to see who voted how.  But I really don't see that vote ever happening now.  The agreement to sell renders it moot.  I really believe there was some serious arm twisting going on behind the scenes by the other owners for this "solution" so they wouldn't be forced to make this vote.

  2. The Jury did their Job. She can Appeal, Great :wacko: 

    Now we can focus on other issues. This is just the beginning of a long road to Recovery. I'm Game


    Exactly.  I'm not quite sure how to take the fact that people are surprised she was convicted because there were three African Americans on the jury.  If you were on a jury where a white man or woman was being tried for a crime and that individual was captured on camera committing this crime, would you vote to acquit just because they share your race?  Of course not.  Why would you think someone of a different ethnicity would be any different?  I would hope most of us moral, principled people who take any oath we take seriously, regardless of our race. 

  3. My issue is this is America and everyone (No matter how we feel about them) is entitled due process. This is not a dictatorship (Nevermind King Obama is our leader) and now King James is the ruling party. This country is going to HELL and our civil liberties mean nothing.

    You should join me in the ACLU!! 😀
  4. Donald Sterling proved how clueless he is (in addition to the deep-seeded hatred he harbors) in the Cooper interview. What has Magic Johnson done for the African American community??? Does the man ever read?? It was very telling to watch his interview and then watch Magic's. Two different classes of human beings.

    As for Lebron and other players' "stances," they have every right to use their status to try to bring about something good and productive in the league in which they are employed. I applaud him and have much more respect for someone who uses their status as a platform rather than remaining silent. Great change requires action, even if it is merely by being heard.
  5. Are you from Hull Daisetta? You are beating your chest about getting beat by the state champion? WOS gets beat every year by the first non SETX they play.

    Carthage and WOS came down to the end f the 4th Q. It could have gone either way. Carthage then cruised to the title. That game was the most competitive they played in the playoffs. In other words, the argument could easily be made those were the best 2 teams in the state in that division.
  6. Wow...guess you got it all figured out then.

    We'll try this on for size...since we're talking about "last year, not the 80s"

    WOS beat Central.
    Central beat PAM
    PAM beat West Brook
    West Brook beat Central????

    So what's your point? This just proves my argument...they're all terrible.

    My point is I was responding to the post that Memorial and WB would "curb stomp" WOS. Reading comprehension is your friend....
  7. Not 1 Texas player was drafted this year. That is the 1st time since 1937 that they haven't had a player picked.

    Thank you for the info (no sarcasm). I was about to ask if anyone knew when the last time that had happened. I wouldn't have dreamt it would have been that long.

    This is quite an indictment of Mack and his coaches. Although they routinely got who they wanted (this class was the best in the state and, I think, #2 in the country), failure to develop has been a constant theme. The fact that the #1 kid in this class in the country, Jackson Jeffcoat, failed to get picked is perhaps the most telling. I realize he's been injured but c'mon! Thankfully, Charlie Strong's Louisville kids were the polar opposite in this draft.
  8. WB and PAM would definitely curb stomp WOS but most of the 4As would be competitive with WOS.

    Once again, just making blanket statement with no clue. Central beat Memorial 24-23 last year. WOS beat central 31-7. Last year. Not the 80s. Not the 90s. Last year. Try again.

    Oh, by the way, who eliminated WOS from the playoffs last year? Did they win State? Was WOS their closest playoff game? Work that google site and get back to me.
  9. I know this is old news now BUT - Can someone enlighten me on how GS fires Mark Jackson? His team has improved each year he has coached them and been very competitive in the playoffs. They play hard and are exciting to watch. In the NFL, he would get a raise. Reminds me of last year when Karl gets fired AND wins coach of the year. One of the reasons it is hard for me to get excited about the NBA.
  10. Digging myself in deeper? I said WOS is likely the best 3A in SETX. I believe they have made it out of the region once since they have been 3A. They are without question a region power.

    You said:

    "WOS is and has been nothing special outside of SETX."

    Well, except for multiple state championships I guess. Sorry your school has gotten beat down with regularity by the Mustangs. As chuk figured out, that explains the illogical and irrational statements you continue to make.
  11. Your post said nothing of the sort? Here is your post:

    Your too funny!!!!! WOS cannot possibly travel all over the state to play against top teams unless your intelligence can sponsor the trips. (you said unless your intelligence can sponsor the trips) Go get hooked on phonics! (you then said get hooked on phonics).

    I don't care about WOS vs Huffman as WOS has traditionally been a better program. I have said multiple times that WOS is likely the best 3A in SETX though WOS is not undefeated against Huffman in the playoffs. WOS is among the better 3A programs in SETX along with Jasper. WOS is and has been nothing special outside of SETX. Newton on the other hand is a state power in 2A. This not in question.

    Dude, you are just digging yourself deeper. WOS's trophy case says hello.
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