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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. But for argument's sake, mightn't there have been a reason that was not racially motivated?  For instance, since BISD is an "open" district, suppose there were Central supporters on the committee that did not want to see Ozen become the completely dominant basketball program in Beaumont.  I have no idea either way since I was not even aware he had interviewed.  Just wondering aloud.

  2. Dove- since we believe so strongly in diversity, I want to give you an example of racism from my viewpoint that I considered blatant. And it is an area with which you are particularly conversant. My personal opinion is that there was considerable racism involved when Ozen High School received an application from one of the all time great Texas High School basketball coaches ( whose initials are TS). He was granted a very short interview ( during which, a couple of the interviewers did cross word puzzles) and the interviewee NEVER heard from them again. I wonder why? Was it his basketball credentials? Wouldnt it be interesting to compare his credentials against those hired?


    Man, didn't know this.  Would love to have seen what he could do with that talent.

  3.  Txhoops-And I know many intelligent highly educated people who are currently without a job or waiting tables somewhere.  My point is there are a million ways to skin a cat and a college degree merely gives you and advantage when you start. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have borrowed the money to attend.  However, its not the degree that promotes you.  Its what you do in your career.  I sort of look at it like I look at music ( have some background there).  I have a very close relative who, at age 15 toured Europe entertaining the troops during World War II.  This person could not read a note and played all by ear.  No formal music education.  Could hear any song once and play it back perfectly without a mistake.  I can show you many a Julliard grad that cannot do that.  And I once again urge you to look into a company called Long Term Capital management.  Operated by several Nobel Laureats with a Dr. in front of their name and they almost brought our entire economy down.  Once again proving that a Doctorate Degree, by itself, guarantees nothing.


    And I don't disagree with any of that.

  4. Texas is a $$$$$$ making athletic department - Kinda makes you wonder if $$$ is king why are their sports - both Men and Women's all winning the NC and Big 12 title every year?  :D


    Unlike the poor schools like Baylor and A&M that have to pinch every dollar just to put teams on the field :D  


    ....and right on cue.


    It's a brand that's all.  Year in, year out, sell more merch than any other university in the Country.  They were the highest grossing athletic department even before the ESPN deal.   Just the way it is.


    But you are right, it has been almost a decade since their last MNC in their highest grossing sport.  I guess that beats seven and a half decades though...

  5. Yeah, look at Dan "Potato" Quayle. Oh and Rick Perry proved you can make it with a degree and poor grades.

    Let's not forget W. He was denied admittance to UT's business school based on poor academic performance but got into Yale. I wonder how that happened?

    And Nash, that is an impressive list but very much the exception to the rule. Education and grades are very much an indicator of intelligence, which in turn is a very likely precursor to success. Take a look, for example, at NBA owners. Very much a billionaire's club. I believe they are all college graduates (I researched this for another issue not long ago), and over half were Ivy League educated.
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