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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. Yes, and that is a difficult truth. Calling your self a Christian doesn't make you one.

    So Bill Clinton, who was raised southern Baptist, and has gone into detail when he became born again, is going to hell? You really are way up "North" to be able to make those calls...
  2. Prove that he would support abortion. The man called on the Almighty and it is well documented that he was bible believing and a Christian. As for progressive, he was for his times but I have no problem with change that is good for the country instead of tearing it apart! You can try to be a revisionist historian all you like!!

    So your assertion is that you cannot be a Christian and pro-choice? Further, you cannot be a Christian and support gay marriage?
  3. Or to put it another way, Lincoln would not be a republican for the same reasons Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the late Steve Jobs, 90 percent of the academics at the elite higher education institutions in this country are not republicans. He was too damn smart to be one. ;) There's an argument you can probably follow! ;)
  4. But he came to his senses. My Dad was not a Republican all his life either. He was smart enough to realize when he was no longer a democrat and continue t support a party that is systematically destroying the country the Lincoln helped make one of the greatest on the earth. No pucntuation added.

    Or spelling or grammar....

    Translation: Your dad became a republican when he became senile.
  5. The lack of intellect is the assertion that Lincoln would be a 2014 democrat! He would never support abortion, gay marriage, Christian persecution, Bowe Bergdahl, muslim sympathizing (I could go on for hours listing democratic issues he would not support)! You get the picture! How do you like that for punctuation use!

    Yes, use supposition about what you THINK he would not support, rather than examples of what he actually did do during his service. That helps when your argument is severely flawed.
  6. To play along though, in addition to obviously being deeply invested in civil rights, Lincoln was very much a progressive. He would likely be vilified by today's GOP, with his core belief in a strong federal government. He created the income tax (gasp!) for goodness sake with the Revenue Act. He created the Federal Bank, the Department of Agriculture, and the Draft. He spoke frequently against the bourgeois wealthy and was a champion of the working man. For Pete's sake he was a proud trial lawyer. Yep he definitely would not have been a 2014 Democrat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Your assertion stands unsupported and is conjecture on your part. Lincoln would absolutely not be a 2014 Democrat!! Period!!!!

    Obviously your use of exclamation marks makes it true. When an argument lacks foundation, logic, or intellect, overuse punctuation...
  8. If Kennedy were here today he would be a Republican.


    Now THAT's independent/free thinking!  I don't think those radicals on Fox News would make that claim!  Although I would disagree with you, the argument would be interesting.

  9. So Lincoln would be on board with all the entitlement programs and Obamacare?

    In point of fact, it could be argued that Lincoln supported and/or spearheaded multiple "entitlement programs" during his time in office. However, I suppose it is impossible to say with certainly which of today's programs he would have supported and which he would oppose. But perhaps his singular greatest cause was civil rights.

    I just find it humorous that republicans still cling to Lincoln as if the parties have not, by and large, completely flipped ideologies. I assumed this was common knowledge.
  10. Please elaborate and show proof of your assertion!!!

    If you seriously need this to understand my assertion, I would think you are not accustomed to independent thinking. I will assume this is posted in jest. If not, there are probably hundreds of pieces written on this topic that can be found on a search engine of your choice. And I am certain they are written with far more eloquence than I could muster.
  11. "2. The Democrat Party is the party of the Ku Klux Clan, and Abraham Lincoln (who freed the slaves) was a Republican, so don't tell me how the republicans have oppressed your people. "

    The KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are all staunch GOP'ers now. They have been quoted as saying, "We didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left us."

    And anyone with a firm grasp of history knows that Lincoln would be more aligned with today's Democratic Party than Republicans.
  12. I agree with you. You and I have not been subjected to that and we have no way of knowing how that feels. There is no doubt about that But I very much am offended by the suggestion that my criticism of the President is founded in racism. His economic approach is counterproductive and I have the right to support it or oppose it without being told I only oppose it because he is black. I oppose it because it doesn't work. If I bring up Solyndra or Benghazi, I am told it is because I don't like a black person being President. We are now in an environment where it is ASSUMED that a white guy is racist unless he says something or takes an action "proving" that he isn't. I have a real problem with that. If my memory is correct, one is supposed to be innocent till proven guilty.

    I agree with you. There is no doubt you and President Obama are philosophically at different ends of the spectrum. And I can appreciate your point. I would be terribly offended if I were called a racist for not supporting Herman Cain or for my belief that Clarence Thomas is a horrible excuse for a Supreme Court justice.
  13. You are right. But apparently you don't mind the "rooting" if it goes in one direction but it seems to trouble you if it goes in the other.

    That's not true at all. And I very much believe there are racists of all colors and ethnicities. It is wrong no matter which "direction it goes." Your example of the Ozen situation with TS is well taken and disappointing.

    However, you and I have not been subjected to the kind of racism that our brothers and sisters of color have experienced. And I am not one to deflect in every thread by using instances (or alleged instances) of racism by African Americans. It reminds me too much of my children pointing out something their sibling did when I am disciplining them for their misdeeds.
  14. Biggirl, you only voted for him because he's black. I didn't vote for him because I don't support his platform. That is the difference between me and you. You voted race, I didn't. So yes, you are a racist.

    Now how do you know that's why she voted for him? She already stated she voted for Clinton, and other democratic nominees so why wouldn't it be based upon HIS platform and the fact that ideologically, she's a democrat. My guess is that she would vote for either Clinton against Herman Cain. Do you think Ted Cruz or Rubio will get all or even the majority of Hispanic vote? Stereotyping based upon race is a dangerous slope and often rooted in ignorance IMO.
  15. Yep. But the Ozen folks kept it hush hush.

    I guess they didn't want to look foolish for not hiring him when the other applicants credentials were far inferior.

    Let's be fair to the other applicant's, AAW. Exactly whose credentials WOULDN'T be far inferior to TS's? Bob Hurley, Sr.?
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