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  1. Past hour
  2. Thats horrible. Bush league. They ought to issue an apology and reissue it with a good photo. I wonder if it's a stunt to get some buzz generated. Either way its just wrong.
  3. Today
  4. I look at it like the teacher Gary and the student Jeff sitting in his seat...it could be worse it could have been Gary Joseph on the cover with Borat... I'm sure Gary was delighted to be on the cover of Texas Football Magazine with his son
  5. Florida knocks off Okie Lt to advance. That kills some Lamar peoples argument that they should have been in before Florida.
  6. Some can’t grasp this
  7. His conviction had more to do with the Judge and what he allowed for jury instruction. This will be appealed and likely reversed.....
  8. Democrats are just flat out stupid. Are the Dems and BLM going to burn the country down if he loses? Seems like she knows what to expect from her own.
  9. Headline: "Larry Allen died on June 2, 2024, while in Mexico. He was 52." One of my favorite Cowboys and football players of all-time.
  10. A quote from Maxine Waters: "I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask the Justice Department, and I am going to ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if [Biden] loses" She better be worried about what's going to happen if Biden wins...
  11. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️
  12. That’s what the Dems are hoping for. It’s called election interference.
  13. Looks like you might have learned how to Goigle something! 😂😂🤣🤣
  14. That's why I previously stated "1. Mild cognitive impairment (which may or may not be a pre-cursor to dementia) or 2. Delirium or an acute confusional state brought on by the stresses of the job." I never said severe... But it's getting there.
  15. Biden does not meet this requirement Under the United States' Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, a severe cognitive impairment is defined as "a deterioration or loss in intellectual capacity that. (a) places a person in jeopardy of harming him or herself or others and, therefore, the person requires substantial supervision by another person;
  16. No thanks. I have that. It was a joke. I’ll say dementia stage 4.
  17. I don't know that he has dementia or not. It's definitely possible. He has definite cognitive impairment though.
  18. Why close the range? Simply say 75 and older. What does Biden being 80 have to do with anything?
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