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BS Wildcats

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50 minutes ago, stevenash said:

The vast majority of the "spewn rhetoric" is directed at overt liberalism, regardless of the author.  Yes, I continually have disagreements with Tobie and Big Girl.   If my memory is correct, I havent had too many "altercations" with Kountzer and the reason for that is that the bulk of his expressions pertain to religion, the bible, etc and I dont feel sufficiently conversant (in most cases) in that area to offer any resistance.  On the other hand, when it comes to fiscal/financial aspects, I feel very well qualified to give an opinion.  As for "somehow condoning" what some from "my side" of the spectrum say, why is silence considered approval?   Do I need to tell those to whom you refer that they are racists, when they have already been told that by several nearly every day  on this board?  The fact that I have ongoing disagreements  with Tobie and Big Girl ( I honestly dont recall having that many, if any, with you) and an occasional one with Tobie, does NOT, by any stretch of the imagination, make me racist.  The FACT that I very much disliked the way Mr. Obama operated in his position also DOES NOT, make me racist.  Yet, that blind assumption is present for many and I will stand against that under any circumstance, either behind the screen name or in person.  I can make my points with a reasonable amount of civility.  However, some folks don't comprehend civility and sometimes an "enhanced" form of communication is necessary.  There is another well spoken/well educated liberal on this board who , for the most part, is diametrically opposed to most of my beliefs.  Thats Txhoops.   We continually disagree on many things.  I can't recall either of us ever trading insults.  I have no need/want to because he never calls or infers( key word) that I am racist and he also doesnt make veiled threats that essentially say, " if you were within my reach, I would beat the heck out of you.  I guess what I am saying is that I try to run on the track that is laid down before me.

Well, NFL sponsors are dropping like flies, maybe Nike or UA will sponsor your track running. You're very intellectual, that's why I'm puzzled to why you're puzzled on my keying on the way you choose to dissect certain posts. Baddog and his comments were way out of line, but yet you choose to wrangle with me. As for Hoops, I can't speak for him, nor can you compare him to me.We are two totally different people with varying opinions. You & I have had our share of disagreements  years ago about racial profiling, sports whatever. I just don't live on here. I can hold my own on here, I just choose to have a more controversial approach because of the condescending undertones frequently used on these forums. I was once told, "If you don't want to dance, don't play the music"

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20 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Well, NFL sponsors are dropping like flies, maybe Nike or UA will sponsor your track running. You're very intellectual, that's why I'm puzzled to why you're puzzled on my keying on the way you choose to dissect certain posts. Baddog and his comments were way out of line, but yet you choose to wrangle with me. As for Hoops, I can't speak for him, nor can you compare him to me.We are two totally different people with varying opinions. You & I have had our share of disagreements  years ago about racial profiling, sports whatever. I just don't live on here. I can hold my own on here, I just choose to have a more controversial approach because of the condescending undertones frequently used on these forums. I was once told, "If you don't want to dance, don't play the music"

I don’t know Cam, we have met at some point but I don’t think so.  However, I have some vey good friends who know him well and speak very highly of him, which is generally good enough for me.  I also am well aware of some of his work.  Anyone who dedicates his time working with and trying to advance the youth of our communities ranks highly with me.  


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One thing I see too much on this board, on both sides, is people presuming to know what others have endured or what it is like to walk in the shoes of someone else when you really can’t if you haven’t actually been in their shoes.  In a perfect world, race would be a non-issue, period.  I can tell you, with our kids’ generation, we are much closer to that perfect world thankfully.  I know there are as many exceptions but I watched mine and their diverse groups of friends on countless days/nights and have yet to see color enter the equation.   They are all cognizant of their racial differences obviously, but I have yet to see any of the kids, black or white, care about any of that.  Their friends are their friends and that’s the end of it. 

On the other hand, and unfortunately, we as the adults often times become fixated on this subject.  And as surely as I post this, someone will respond and justify why they are in the right.  And as in most things in this life, there is probably plenty of blame to go around.  

If you are a believer, you believe that God made us all and I don’t believe He makes mistakes.  I don’t know what it’s like to experience racism.  I have never been so victimized.  But people I love have experienced it and the only thing I can do is try to empathize with them and show them that I love them regardless of what color God painted them.    

Again, I truly believe that today’s youth will cure a lot of these ills (if we don’t screw them up).  And to be honest, despite the conventional wisdom that adults should teach the children, I also wholeheartedly believe we should be the students on this particular subject. 

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1 hour ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Well, NFL sponsors are dropping like flies, maybe Nike or UA will sponsor your track running. You're very intellectual, that's why I'm puzzled to why you're puzzled on my keying on the way you choose to dissect certain posts. Baddog and his comments were way out of line, but yet you choose to wrangle with me. As for Hoops, I can't speak for him, nor can you compare him to me.We are two totally different people with varying opinions. You & I have had our share of disagreements  years ago about racial profiling, sports whatever. I just don't live on here. I can hold my own on here, I just choose to have a more controversial approach because of the condescending undertones frequently used on these forums. I was once told, "If you don't want to dance, don't play the music"

Forgive me if you consider that I am "wrangling with you".  As always, there are two sides to any story and I guess I am on the other side.  I was troubled by the suggestion that if I don't call someone out on something that you dislike, my silence somehow means I approve.  That would be akin to me suggesting that the refusal of our former president to identify Radical Islamic Terrorism by name, somehow, implies approval.

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32 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

I don’t know Cam, we have met at some point but I don’t think so.  However, I have some vey good friends who know him well and speak very highly of him, which is generally good enough for me.  I also am well aware of some of his work.  Anyone who dedicates his time working with and trying to advance the youth of our communities ranks highly with me.  


Well Hoops, as much as I would like to disagree with your assessment, I am unable to. :):)

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18 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

One thing I see too much on this board, on both sides, is people presuming to know what others have endured or what it is like to walk in the shoes of someone else when you really can’t if you haven’t actually been in their shoes.  In a perfect world, race would be a non-issue, period.  I can tell you, with our kids’ generation, we are much closer to that perfect world thankfully.  I know there are as many exceptions but I watched mine and their diverse groups of friends on countless days/nights and have yet to see color enter the equation.   They are all cognizant of their racial differences obviously, but I have yet to see any of the kids, black or white, care about any of that.  Their friends are their friends and that’s the end of it. 

On the other hand, and unfortunately, we as the adults often times become fixated on this subject.  And as surely as I post this, someone will respond and justify why they are in the right.  And as in most things in this life, there is probably plenty of blame to go around.  

If you are a believer, you believe that God made us all and I don’t believe He makes mistakes.  I don’t know what it’s like to experience racism.  I have never been so victimized.  But people I love have experienced it and the only thing I can do is try to empathize with them and show them that I love them regardless of what color God painted them.    

Again, I truly believe that today’s youth will cure a lot of these ills (if we don’t screw them up).  And to be honest, despite the conventional wisdom that adults should teach the children, I also wholeheartedly believe we should be the students on this particular subject. 

Hoops, he won't answer the question which is why wrangle with me & not baddog or some of these others on here. I can read between the lines, that's why I pose questions certain ways. I know the World won't get fixed in a few years, but I'm optimistic as you are. We haven't had much dialogue besides Basketball, but I'll agree with Nash on one thing. You are definitely a well versed individual. 

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55 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Forgive me if you consider that I am "wrangling with you".  As always, there are two sides to any story and I guess I am on the other side.  I was troubled by the suggestion that if I don't call someone out on something that you dislike, my silence somehow means I approve.  That would be akin to me suggesting that the refusal of our former president to identify Radical Islamic Terrorism by name, somehow, implies approval.

Touché, just as the current administration wouldn't call out a certain group & their action. NAZIS 

Lol Dude please stop window dressing. You said two wrongs don't make it right, so C'mon Man

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40 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

This forum is unbelievable 

Why is that?  Is it because most get tired of being called a racist due to the fact we disagreed with obama's policies?  Is it because we can't stand Kaepernick and those that don't stand for the anthem?  Is it because we voted for Trump, even though he was probably not the first choice of those that voted for him?  Thank obama and hillary for Trump being potus.  Is it because we want our borders secure?  We have the most porous borders of any nation in the world.  Why the issue with wanting a secure nation ?  Is that not one of the duties of a potus?  


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This side of the board is not for debating its for typing (screaming) your beliefs is the only fix anyone who disagree is a racist a liberal a trumpster a obama lover the devil unamerican Muslim lover ignorant snowflake stupid etc....

If you voted for trump and don’t like KAP and obama and expect to not be called a racist. Try not name calling others with different beliefs.

I think this board is full with very insightful intelligent people I think we could have great debates and learn new things from eachother if we chose that route.

IM only 25 so I agree with hoops and cam you all generation is way behind the curb. as we young folks say ...let that hurt go (both sides)

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The problem on this board is dems that never see a problem with dems and pubs that never see a problem with pubs. This is a mostly conservative board and they pretty much get to gang up on any dem that argues against them. I remember seeing napproots say that he wanted to be a better person this board and telling us why, he was imediately attacked and hasn't been back.  Bottom line is the Bush, Clinton, Obama and Trump families all have faults and are guilty of something. When we look at the topics on this message board, what party is criticized the most. What president is criticized the most. Tobie has probably never criticized Obama are a dem and no conservative has criticized anyone in their party. Just like Mr Obama, If Mr Trump has never said or done anything that you guys cannot defend we will never have a respectful debate. I believe that the majority of today's politicians are bought and paid for. I pray that congress does something that  might benefit me someday

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On 11/1/2017 at 7:05 AM, BS Wildcats said:

You are just like tobie and big girl, always have to make it about black and white.  

Tobie and bg or the only problems on this board? I believe Tobie comes on this board for agitation only. He is just countering some of the conservative stupidity with liberal stupidity 

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16 hours ago, Bigcam2903 said:

If you could comprehend, I don't condone it either way. Like I said you Nash & this other idiot speaking of Former Presidents & lock & load need to hide behind these screens. Many of you boldly speak, but write a check your A$$ can't cash. So lock & load on that. I don't get caught up with studio gangstas, but please don't get "It" or yourself twisted Homie

Lock and Load doesn't scare you !

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15 hours ago, Bigcam2903 said:

You don't have to prove anything to me bud. I can stand on my own & chew my cabbage twice(old saying) I really don't need clarification of what end of the spectrum you're on. I just stated how much rhetoric you spew on here you choose to somehow condone the comments of baddog but dissect Kountzer, Tobie, big girl or myself. Am I reading too much into it??

Nash will applaud anything negative about Obama and defend anything negative about Mr Trump and Tobie will do just the opposite. 

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48 minutes ago, six burg said:

The problem on this board is dems that never see a problem with dems and pubs that never see a problem with pubs. This is a mostly conservative board and they pretty much get to gang up on any dem that argues against them. I remember seeing napproots say that he wanted to be a better person this board and telling us why, he was imediately attacked and hasn't been back.  Bottom line is the Bush, Clinton, Obama and Trump families all have faults and are guilty of something. When we look at the topics on this message board, what party is criticized the most. What president is criticized the most. Tobie has probably never criticized Obama are a dem and no conservative has criticized anyone in their party. Just like Mr Obama, If Mr Trump has never said or done anything that you guys cannot defend we will never have a respectful debate. I believe that the majority of today's politicians are bought and paid for. I pray that congress does something that  might benefit me someday

Did I miss the meetings where we join together and discuss our strategy for attacking the Liberals? If I disagree with a post, am I required to keep my mouth shut if two other posters on the Right have responded?

About 8 months ago I listed the posters that had contributed to the last 10 topics on the board, and they numbered 60% Conservative leaning to 40% Democrat leaning...not really the overwhelming majority many elude to. We've lost a few from the far left, and I must say the board has definitely not shown a down tick because of it.

The Liberal side (yes, I'm laying blame square on the Liberal board members shoulders) never see a problem with Dems, and mistakenly think Conservatives never see a problem with Republicans. The Conservatives on here have expressed displeasure for Trump and Conservatives on numerous occasions, but somehow that goes unseen by the Liberals. The equivalency is just not there, not matter how loud the Liberals scream that each side does the same.

And I remember nappyroots saying he wanted to be a better poster, which was promptly followed with the usual accusation of Conservatives/board members being racist. I called him on it, as did others, and he took his ball and went home. No love loss here.

And we can't have a debate on here because no one on the Left will debate. Go back and look at how often someone on the Left has made an accusation or regurgitated a Liberal talking point, then ran like a frightened schoolgirl when challenged to defend their post. Where is the equivalency? I don't see anyone on the Right running from a post they have made. On the rare times we actually get a topic for debate, we have to endure the childishness from the Left. It got to the point that I decided to respond in kind. Debating is not an option, so I felt I could either leave this forum or join in on the antics, and wow, does it ever drive Liberals wild to have their same tactics used against them. I don't particularly like engaging in that style, but it is comical to see their reactions. This equivalency many on the Left keep referring to is straight out of fantasy land.

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10 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

Why is that?  Is it because most get tired of being called a racist due to the fact we disagreed with obama's policies?  Is it because we can't stand Kaepernick and those that don't stand for the anthem?  Is it because we voted for Trump, even though he was probably not the first choice of those that voted for him?  Thank obama and hillary for Trump being potus.  Is it because we want our borders secure?  We have the most porous borders of any nation in the world.  Why the issue with wanting a secure nation ?  Is that not one of the duties of a potus?  


Whoa, Whoa there Buckaroo. I never said anything about policies Or Kap. Clearly you have an underlining agenda with me or you're truly a wanna be politician trying to start fires in the rain. There is so much hatred for the Former POTUS and I get it. I have one question. If you guys/gals on here are in favor of policies & ethics, why is FLOTUS darn near a Hugh Hefner Disciple?? I know we all have a past, but based on the Morals of this Country (tongue & cheek) Trump should have been disqualified. There's no way Mr Bush or Mr Obama would have survived. Yet we worry about an NFL player taking a knee at a game that has no bearing on our Lives for the paid advertisements of a Billion Dollar nonprofit organization. We claim to respect the Flag & Anthem so much that our very own Military has to pay for our Patriotic Support. If pay wasn't involved, everyone would be on their phones, talking with other fans, or maybe eyeing some unsuspecting Woman and pulling a Trumpster and grab her in the........  This ad was paid for by the Tall Fella in the back snacking on Wish Sammys

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8 minutes ago, Bigcam2903 said:

Whoa, Whoa there Buckaroo. I never said anything about policies Or Kap. Clearly you have an underlining agenda with me or you're truly a wanna be politician trying to start fires in the rain. There is so much hatred for the Former POTUS and I get it. I have one question. If you guys/gals on here are in favor of policies & ethics, why is FLOTUS darn near a Hugh Hefner Disciple?? I know we all have a past, but based on the Morals of this Country (tongue & cheek) Trump should have been disqualified. There's no way Mr Bush or Mr Obama would have survived. Yet we worry about an NFL player taking a knee at a game that has no bearing on our Lives for the paid advertisements of a Billion Dollar nonprofit organization. We claim to respect the Flag & Anthem so much that our very own Military has to pay for our Patriotic Support. If pay wasn't involved, everyone would be on their phones, talking with other fans, or maybe eyeing some unsuspecting Woman and pulling a Trumpster and grab her in the........  This ad was paid for by the Tall Fella in the back snacking on Wish Sammys

Not trying to start anything.  These things that I listed are some of the things the liberals on this board use to label conservatives as racist.  The only argument that most liberals use against conservatives is racism.  At some point that gets old.  That is my problem with the liberals here. As soon as their arguments are debunked and proven false, they start the racism crap.  Again, that is their only response, other than grab em.  Which I see you throwing out there.  The problem with you and the other liberal posters, is that y'all think we wholeheartedly approve of Trump.  Speaking for myself, that is far from the truth.  But, y'all can't seem to see that.  If your party wasn't so bad for 8 years, and had another candidate besides "crooked" Hillary, the Dems may have won.  To use an obama line, if you don't like it, win an election.

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9 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Not trying to start anything.  These things that I listed are some of the things the liberals on this board use to label conservatives as racist.  The only argument that most liberals use against conservatives is racism.  At some point that gets old.  That is my problem with the liberals here. As soon as their arguments are debunked and proven false, they start the racism crap.  Again, that is their only response, other than grab em.  Which I see you throwing out there.  The problem with you and the other liberal posters, is that y'all think we wholeheartedly approve of Trump.  Speaking for myself, that is far from the truth.  But, y'all can't seem to see that.  If your party wasn't so bad for 8 years, and had another candidate besides "crooked" Hillary, the Dems may have won.  To use an obama line, if you don't like it, win an election.

Who are "Ya'll"?? Last time I checked, I paid my taxes by myself Sir. Lumping me in with all these others you've mentioned is the very thing you're accusing "Ya'll". I'm not here defending the last administration because I'm not that well versed in Politics. I just give my opinion as others do & respond accordingly. It's funny how the voices on here want it both ways. The problem with this board is these debates or being discussed blindly. Discussions are great, but without action it's just words scattered throughout time

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