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  1. First of all, welcome to the board. Glad to see some of our local females with some enthusiasm. If you love the trash talk, I can guarantee you'll love it here. Finally, I feel bad that after what was a so great a night for Hawk players and faithful that you had to deal with that. Hopefully, someone has some security cameras so that the culprits who did it can be found.
  2. HJ mom here. The HJ/BC game on Saturday night was awesome. Our players were sleepers the first half, for sure. The perseverance and athleticism, in addition to good coaching was exciting to watch. I love all levels of football, starting on the founding board of the West Beaumont Bulldogs in the WBBIFL where my son started Flag, playing until he aged out. Now he is in his Senior year at HJ as the Center and on the defensive line. So we have attended many games through the years. We attend NCAA games every year, bowl games, NFL games, etc. I love the comaraderie, I even love the trash talk. Our son called us from the HS after they cleaned up, when approaching his truck the windshield was obviously intentionally broken in 3 places - totaled. The trucks and cars with HJ student parking permits parked at the field house were keyed from front to back, dented, etc. We all had to go to HardinCo Sheriff Office and file police reports. This is disturbing. All these years, we have 3 games left in our son's career, and this type of vandalism - I've never known or seen anything like this. Players and drill team affected. Let me tell you something, if you THUGS are reading this, just know that you did not kill our spirit, just dented our wallets. The damages reported are enough that this will be investigated thoroughly and you will be brought to justice. You aren't cool, you're a criminal. I sure hope it wasn't BC kids/fans - what a poor, ugly example you are for your school.
  3. Vidor wont win anything and has never sit this out let the big boy schools talk this isn’t tennis lol and Vidor can’t control a win past week 10
  4. Y'all gonna have power soon. Meanwhile in PA and Orange, they're looking at at least a week. and let's not even talk about Lake Charles. I hear y'all barely had anything. all the damage in Hardin County was in Silsbee. The Tigers ain't using that as an excuse tonight and neither are the Mustangs. Get over yourself.
  5. Ok let’s talk about what has transpired when the week is over. Remind me, who do y’all play this week?
  6. Correct. It's WO-S district to win. I picked Vidor to win district. But winning a district when that district may be a bit down, is nothing to hang your hat on. Particularly when the talk was much more than winning district. Winning district isn't the "end all be all". Silsbee proved that the last two years. If Vidor ends up winning out, great! But I am only basing my opinions on what has transpired.
  7. Ok go talk to Dave Campbell and everyone else who picked Vidor to place first in the district. Almost every single prognosticator who has any say in HS football took the Pirates to finish at the top so I guess you need to voice your ever so important opinion to a lot of people. I think our team will win out and then we are back in play for DC if Splendora takes a loss. You won’t talk up your team because you know they can’t back it up this season. You have no chance whatsoever at a DC. Silsbee can’t win their district no matter what, WOS owns that.
  8. I talk up my team when it's warranted. I don't make them out to be better than what they really are. I'm a realist. I "stay in the lane". My point is when someone is a bit over the top in talking up their team (which is the case with some Vidor fans) then they should expect some flak when that team doesn't live up to the billing. Vidor isn't the only ones talking that way. I have voiced my opinions on many other similar situations.
  9. This is a good conversation and I’m glad you’re hanging in there well past 1 am. I got nothing else to do so I will continue the debate out of pure respect. I do wander though AAW, why don’t you like to talk up your own team but you want to call out people who talk up theirs? Interesting how that works but I think I know the answer.
  10. Injuries play a role, I believe you will see a different team going forward. Similar to the team you watched against Jasper. Idk how we got all these injuries and players dinged up playing limited time off a bye week but it happened and it cost us a W. If you don’t think we could have beat Silsbee week 1 because we lost this week then you are sadly mistaken. I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but you don’t have some juggernaut over there. Maybe you will realize it this week, I wouldn’t talk down on other teams too much if I were a Silsbee fan this year.
  11. Let me fix that for you... I agree. Silsbee will lose to WO-S in an embarrassing blowout. But the talk of Silsbee would beat Jasper and WOS back before Silsbee had even played a game was ludicrous. Then they eek out wins over Orangefield and Liberty, two teams that really aren't that good. Heck, Lumberton proved that they suck against Silsbee and Vidor will destroy Lumberton. Based on what I have seen from Silsbee this season (game film I have watched) I just haven't seen the team that some Silsbee fans were speaking of early in the season. WE WILL BE IN THE SAME BOAT AFTER THIS WEEK... How are the Aggies doing?
  12. I agree. Silsbee will lose to WO-S. Just like Vidor. But the talk of Vidor would beat Jasper and Silsbee back before Vidor had even played a game was ludicrous. Then they eek out wins over Brazosport and Bay City, two teams that really aren't that good. Heck, Lumberton proved that with one of them and Silsbee destroyed Lumberton. Based on what I have seen from Vidor this season (game film I have watched) I just haven't seen the team that some Vidor fans were speaking of early in the season.
  13. They did talk them up. But they had some guys out. Maybe they will Come out and bring the bears to the wood shed
  14. What happened to Vidor? Early season talk (mostly Vidor fans) had them beating any area 4A school.
  15. wow!!! man talk about living on the edge lol
  16. Anyone that works in the refinery industry, this election should be a no brainer. The Green New Deal does not look very appealing to the oil industry. The taxes on people and businesses making above $400,000 will raise 7% right from the get go. The dems didn't want to talk about the economy before this pandemic. Of course they want to attack it since were in a world crisis. Every other country is struggling right now. Once there is a vaccine people will get back to work. If the dems would spend more time focusing on the American people than trying to get Trump out of office America would have really been doing good before this pandemic. They were in court with some kind of made up BS for 3 years. Most people can see that when the Republicans want to pass a stimulous bill, pelosi wants to throw in some off the wall bs or they wont vote to pass it. Why not just pass a bill that just relates to the unemployment and people out of work? Why does all of this extra crap gotta be thrown in? They are holding the American people hostage to get more for themselves. I'm in a good situation but others could use that aid.
  17. I would look on Facebook under Vidor Talk or if you are on the athletic page a lot of people are selling theirs.
  18. Talk about a home field advantage. Anyway you look at it Livingston has it made. Play on Thursday and our boys are dealing with flooding, play on Saturday and our boys had to leave town or flooded... their minds are going to be somewhere else..livingston doesnt have to deal with anything but a game
  19. By the way, if anybody needs tickets for the game tomorrow, head over to Facebook on the talk pages. Lots of mad Vidorians because they have to use the Splendora vs. Vidor game ticket for the actual game that is scheduled, and can't use their tickets purchased this week thinking it would be homecoming and they are now getting rid of them! It's really rather comical!
  20. I'm not the guy to talk smack but I must say...1. Deweyville is not the physically bigger team, we may have more experience on the OL but we're not bigger...and 2. The team speed goes to DV, no question. Please know, I'm not discrediting that HD has a good group but in my own opinion, we are smaller but faster. I like the grit from my team, they are a very physical and scrappy group. Hoping it will be a great game (hopefully this storm won't hinder this potential District Championship contest....but it is 2020 y'all...lol. Good luck to my Bobcat friends.
  21. Really, black people support this guy? Talk about racist.....
  22. It appears that he hit a nerve. You created a thread to talk about his comments
  23. I was strictly speaking of preseason talk about them.
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