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  1. You sure do talk a lot not to say anything.
  2. You brought it up not me Mr. Stay on Topic. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
  3. I believe you’re right. Talk about making history!
  4. We used to dispatch many/most police calls in 10 codes. We were supposed to transition away from 10 codes a couple of decades ago but a few still linger. With my badge number… “184 10-17, in reference to 10-15 with possible 10-32” Now it would be… “184 speak to John Smith in reference to a disturbance with a person, possibly armed with a knife” What mostly changed is that the types of calls or most no longer in code. Like 10-10/Fight, 10-15/Distbance, etc. although a 10-50/Vehicle accident is still common. If you told one of our officers today to check on a 10-15 with possible 10-10, you would probably just as well be speaking Japanese. Codes that my agency (and all police agencies are different in codes, policy and culture) still uses to make it short, sweet and with no ambiguity are like 10-32 (supposed to mean armed person but most often a firearm) or 10–18 (quickly as possible). If an officer says I need EMS 10-18, it means a person needs medical assistance 5 minutes ago. When the football player Hamlin went down last night on Monday Night Football, that would be EMS 10-18. If it is in reference to the officer himself it typically means I am in deep trouble like Help 10-18 or I need backup 10-18…. usually accompanied by his/her voice going up an octave or two. 9-11 demonstrated the problem with codes as multiple agencies were talking in code probably without realizing that there are several different codes including 10 codes. Some agencies use the words like Code or Signal such as Signal Zero or Code 4 to differentiate from 10 codes. My department has a 5 code for a call disposition with 5 always being the first number like 518 or 521. It means nothing to anyone else. A 518 is short for, see report or, I am writing a report in reference to my call such as robbery, burglary, etc. A 521 means, settled or…. I dealt with these two idiots and I got them to calm down with no more intervention needed. Back when codes first came out (1930s) and most police agencies could only talk to themselves, it really didn’t matter what a code meant. When I retired 18 months ago I had something like 64 radio channels to speak to any fire department, police department, chemical plant emergency operations, etc. in this area.
  5. Talk about opening a can of worms. Problem is, I’m afraid there are to many RINOS to get all this done. It’s so obvious and so revealing I doubt it’ll get done.
  6. She does, she wasn’t letting him talk his way out of it.
  7. Let them talk their noise. Let's see how 7 on 7 plays out and if they have 300 to 400 kids in the weight room again this summer. Then people can make their predictions.
  8. Cool facts about PNG for those who are interested. Please do not take his as bragging. I am only interested in sharing to those who love high school football or want something to compare their program to. I am a proud Indian and love to talk with others. PN-G has won 65% of its 88 playoff games. PN-G has won 57 playoff games. PN-G has been the district champions 27 times. PN-G has been to the bi-district 34 times PN-G has been to area 12 times. PN-G has been to regionals 17 times PN-G has been to the Quarter-finals 11 times. PN-G has been to the semi-finals 9 times PN-G has been to the state championship 7 times. PN-G has won 3 state championships. Only one team in SETX has been to the State championship more time than PN-G and that is the mighty WOS Mustangs with 8 trips. The other great team from SETX to TIE PN-G for trips to the State Championship is the mighty Newton Eagles. We do not have the talent of WOS or Newton. Definitely not SOC. They had over 180 scholarship offers to their team vs a minor handful to PNG. Coaching has been huge for us this season. Congrats to SOC on a magical season, Hats off to you and your program. PN-G had a magical season of their own defeating the #2 #3 and #5 teams in the state. Thank you SETX family for your support. Thank you SETXSPORTS for your support. I have received so many messages of encouragement from many of you and your support warmed my heart. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Even those who sent negative messages at least you recognized the feat of making it this far. Thanks again for making this magical season feel like we are ne big family. Far those who said due to demographics we would never again make it to state I hope you see that there can and will always be opportunities to make it with the right combination of kiddos and coaching and that demographics cant stop a team from making it. Even in this day of recruiting, building super magnet schools and putting all the best athletes on a single team with a goal of making a SC teams like a PNG, Nederland, PAM, WB, BU, Lumberton, Vidor, Dayton, Jasper, WOS, Newton, West Sabine, Shelbyville, and all the other teams that are landlocked, in a dead growth area can and in fact will make it back at some point. When they do its all the more special. No transfers, no magnets, just hometown kiddos playing their tales off. Look at Silsbee. they have been stellar and Ill say it got screwed out of a shot at the semi-finals by a bullshit non-call. I watched the Silsbee game and saw several times the refs screwed them over. Parden my language. The 2 pt. that was allowed when Cuerro was throwing off his knee really pissed me off. It wasn't as if it was something close. he was down way before the ball was thrown. I have no skin in the game as I am a PNG fan, but Silsbee was the best team and should have been playing in the next round. I hate it when refs determine a game. they should never be the deciding factor in an important game as this one was.. Great season Silsbee, Great season Lumberton.
  9. No shot to anyone but i have heard this talk about Anahuac teams in the past and they have never really lived up to the hype. i hope they can challenge for a District Championship
  10. I see you keep avoiding my question cause you know I’ma make you look like the dumb arse that you are lol you should talk about running sports forums & commentating more something you’re actually knowledgeable about
  11. Dang. Silsbee making a living off of Beaumont transfers. Started with Calvin Tyler, the Jones kid (QB), now this WB kid. It even goes deeper if you want talk about the other major sports.
  12. I'm going to bring our team into the conversation...PN-G has alot of good pieces for next year for all the talk of Nederland's sophomores I bet PN-G is better next year too
  13. That's weird, all I've seen is positive talk about it. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  14. A lot of negative talk on hiring Dodge ( paying money) for his recommendation on the PN-G hire. I am a PN-G graduate. Money well spent.
  15. So you liberals get concerned over some stupid cards. How about what your president is doing to America? That should be more concerning. Maybe come January, this crooked president will get a taste of what the Dems did to Trump. biden and his drug addict son are a far greater threat than Trump ever was . But, you just keep thinking trading cards is a subject to talk about. 🙄
  16. Don't want to digress too far, but all this reg 2 talk got me thinking about FW OD Wyatt. I checked and they are in region 1. They could conceivably make it to SA. Maybe even win it all.
  17. It’s a shame that the lefties on here only want to talk about Trump, can’t seem to find time to talk about the many disastrous policies put forth by biden.
  18. Yep. It was a rhetorical question. Kinda late to talk about it at this point. Lol.
  19. Now that Twitter is the newest shiny toy to get the con’s attention, can someone chime in on how truth social is doing? Oh that’s right. Just another grift, scam, con, etc. phew talk about lessons unlearned. At this point I have to congratulate the GOP at how often and successfully they’re able to swindle money (and votes) from their easily manipulated voter base. as BS wildcats said - 2024 will be different! (He means it this time, for real)
  20. I said this for years but PNG has had strong QB play for years that everyone talks about. What people forget or don’t talk about much are the big hogs up front. They have always been big and coached well upfront. They will get after you and play as a well oiled machine
  21. I know that nobody wants to talk about it, but you may be watching the next Katy HS head coach when his dad retires. His resume will be pretty good.
  22. We are all entitled to our opinions. But you talk about TCU losing to a 3 loss K St team when Bama lost to a 4 loss LSU team. You point out K St lost to Tulane which makes me wonder how much football you’ve watched since Tulane is a top 20 team likely to get in a NY bowl game. Conversely, Bama lost to a 4 loss LSU team that just lost to a really bad A&M game (who will not even make a toilet bowl). So unless you are going for the name and history, Bama shouldn’t even be in this conversation. Hell put in Tennessee - same record and they beat the Tide head to head.
  23. Here is an interesting note since everyone wants to talk about Schedules. Lets throw away the regular season because lets face it that really don't matter now, Lots of people are talking smack on Silsbee has a weak regular season schedule and people are saying the same thing about Cuero so lets talk about the play-offs......... Silsbee has scored 128 points and only given up 31 points. Cuero has scored 93 points and given up 39 points. I mean the playoff is the only thing that matters at this point huh ?
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