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  1. Just saying y’all get ready for your Super Bowl the Eagles are coming to stomp 🤟 No significant improvements sure just bringing back a 2,800 all purpose QB with all of his weapons plus the kid that torched y’all in the infamous blind Ref game. BH bringing back 7/6 while y’all bring back 5/4 not to mention the kittens returning 17 to BH’s 24 from last year. Y’all can’t even get a Freshman team together for Gods sake. Not to mention our Coach is in year 2.5 while y’all in in .5😂😂😂😂😂. Y’all should be worried about repeating 2018. You only got about 6 weeks left so talk while you can because after that I’ll just point to the scoreboard. 🤔
  2. Then only people mad at Biden are the ones who listen to conservative talk radio all day and haunt message boards for like minded Trumpskins. BUT most of the country hates Trump. That’s a fact, and if your plan is “we’ll nominate the guy who finished up 8 million votes behind who last time and cross our fingers he turns it around in 2024” you deserve whoever eventually gets elected. You know I’m right.
  3. Over paid refinery paper pusher hating on some welders that actually work. Classic Crosby Sewer Talk brought to by 14.2 Carry on, you’re looking great. Lol
  4. You reminded us of that 11 years ago when I first go on here. The fact that 11 years later you still have to bring it up lets you know that to this day still see these first two quarters of exhibition football as the gospel. Que the Friday/Saturday morning "I can't belive the OC called that!" talk.
  5. I know you guys are all about victim shaming, but the rest of the country isn't. [Hidden Content] That makes the score Trump with one win and about 150 losses in the courtroom at this point.... if you count it as a "win" when Trump's lawyers got a judgment for their fees against Stormy Daniels (the porn star with which Trump cheated on his wife) for their fees only... trump didn't win a nickel. Talk about a clown show. 1. Trump pays prostitute/porn star for extramarital sex. 2. Porn Star decides to sell her story to the media. 3. Trump Attorney Michael Cohen pays "hush money" to said porn star, err..... "adult actress." 4. The whole world finds out about the affair anyways 5. Trump Attorney goes to prison and gets disbarred for using campaign funds to pay said prostitute "but not for Trump, wink, wink..." 6. Trump gets indicted for the same thing in NYC in 2023. Trumpskins: "he's the best president we've ever had! MAGA 2024!!!!!
  6. It’s all just talk… Dems talk about global warming to appeal to the tree huggers in their base. Repubs talk about abortion for the same reasons-they don’t really care about Christian values, they just need Christian votes.
  7. [Hidden Content] From the article: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan said a bombshell 2011 note from then-Vice President Joe Biden to his son's then-business partner, Devon Archer, is solid proof the current president has not been aboveboard in his denials on the matter. On "The Story" Thursday, anchor Martha MacCallum read from the note, obtained by the New York Post, that Joe Biden said he regretted being unable to speak with Archer at an event where he was hosting then-Chinese President Hu Jintao. "I apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday. I was having trouble getting away from hosting President Hu. I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed lunch. Thanks for coming," the letter read. Biden then reportedly included a handwritten footnote, "Happy you guys are together," at the bottom of the letter, which was addressed to Hunter's and Archer's joint venture at an address on Wisconsin Avenue in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C.
  8. Wow, I miss the site. Love all the talking that goes on, some of it true some of it made up. Just like being at the barbershop Haven’t been on it much in the last year. I was a Northern Nevada driving miners into the gold mines. And I have moved from Southeast Texas, leaving the Houston area after 38 years of teaching and coaching and stuff back to Central Texas. Lots of great schools here to like Franklin and Mart, But will keep up with Southeast Texas and drive to a couple of games. Really looking forward to the Crosby Barbers Hill game. Crosby because a lot of my players from my defensive coordinator days have sons that are on this year’s team. And Barbers Hill Because, one of my former players, Chance Nelson from Baytown Sterling, is coaching receivers at Barbers Hill now. This will be fun to watch. Keep up the trash talk, makes it fun! Go Texans, Go Jets, Go Longhorns AND Aggies ( and Nebraska, I am a big fan of Rhule and he is heavily recruiting Texas, just signed an offensive lineman from Klein Cain top recruit whose dad I coached at defensive end and played for UTEP if memory serves me correctly Big 10 west is there for the taking) and Go Cowboys just afraid of our HC calling plays when he can’t manage timeouts
  9. "The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn You obviously don’t want to talk about Hunters laptop and Biden business dealings because you made an Ass of yourself back when Giuliani brought all this out in the light a couple of years ago saying it was BS. Keep flapping them lying Soup Blowers. Lol
  10. When a bottle of syrup offends you, you have a big problem. Are you offended by lyrics of some of the thug rappers music, when they talk about killing cops? Or, do you give them a pass because of the color of their skin?
  11. Talk about rings? My friend, if you only knew.
  12. You’ll believe in a BS Vaccine enough to take it based on a business decision. A vaccine that was created in 9 months which typically takes 12 to 15 years to make but you don’t believe there was election fraud in 2020! 😂🤣🤡🌎 Talk about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy! Lol Stay away from the CBD stores, they are clouding your thinking.
  13. Then what happened to Ted Cruz. He was the conservative talk of this board. Rising star desantis? Hell go back and read people thoughts on pence and many other trump appointees. All praised till trump said otherwise. Yes something is ridiculous about that. Im not on the left so you can stop that sad song.
  14. On this site alone it’s talk of a trump rfk ticket
  15. C’mon, man… I’m just a beta male who’s a psychotic idiot. And I’ve got a bad case of TDS. If you don’t take my money I’ll probably just donate it to Dems anyways… it’s your DUTY to make this bet, sir. Where else are you going to find a certain 100% return on your money in 17 months? You’re not scared, and it’s not because you’re “not a betting man.” It’s because deep down, in places you don’t like to talk about or even think about…. You know I’m right. If the money is the problem we can work around it. How about this…. Screen name bet? If Trump doesnt get elected, you change your screen name to “cardinalbackersleftnut.” If trump is inaugurated I’ll change my screen name to whatever you want. Deal?
  16. This is from BillyClydePuckett on Smoaky, he makes some damn good points here: I can solve this problem in a heartbeat. Coaches quit being a jerk to officials ESPECIALLY in sub varsity games you are lucky to have officials. School Administrators start kicking jerk parents and fans out of games. Second time they offend ban them from schools. That silliness will stop overnight. UIL bump Minimum pay for sub varsity games to $100 / game. PLUS mileage. Bump MINIMUM pay for Varsity games to $200 PLUS mileage. And do NOT for one second tell me schools cannot afford this. I was a coach and teacher for thirty years. Every school I ever worked at threw away more money in a week than officials cost. Schools if you want to ensure your kids have officials make Officials WANT to come to your school by paying them in cash THAT night. If your Admin says "we can't do that" (and they can btw its just a little extra work for them god forbid people in Admin have to do that) get booster club to pay them that night. AND Feed them......WELL not a Concession Stand Hotdog either! If your Admin is too inept to pay them in cash AD;s do what it takes to make sure these guys are not waiting for their check for two and three months. And yes this is standard operating procedure for most schools. I've even seen AD'S put officials checks in their desks for weeks to "pay back" officials that they feel did not do a good job. Trust me, officials talk to each other about schools that do a good job of taking care of them and which schools make it REALLY hard to go there. Guess which schools usually have officials and which do not. When you have a shortage of workers it is because of two things. Pay is not high enough and / or the work conditions stink. Eco 101. It is amazing that schools just throw up their hands at the drop of the hat and say "there is nothing we can do" that is BS. Example: 6 Man schools have the hardest time getting officials. Many are having to play sub varsity and Varsity on the same night to address this. I know a place that has Officials FIGHTING to go call games there. Strawn, Texas. They pay in cash AND the HC feeds the Officials no matter what the sport after the games. At Mary's. He has an open tab there for officials. Take a hint. Schools and the UIL better pull their head out of their fourth point of contact. If the current trend holds you will be having coaches call sub varsity games. And your Varsity Schedules will be getting rearragned around when the officials can show up. To sum up show these folks some respect.
  17. You must be either a democrat or liberal media because trump is all you talk about.
  18. What's comical is you're talking about yourself. You voted for Trump twice but want to talk down to others that did the same thing. But somehow you're now smarter than us, lol. Maybe you're catching on, we have a nation of morons, our problem isn't a candidate. The same morons that can't make the best choice for the country show up every four years even after candidates move on.
  19. He will be the starting QB. But how about take this football talk to the football forum? Thank you
  20. There are reasons. Okay can you name the reasons? We could talk about it but there are reasons. Are they capable? Well yes but there are reasons. What are they? There are reasons…
  21. I'm simply talking about if it comes down to Trump and Biden, no brainer. Insurrection, lol. It's comical to me how you talk about how bad it was under Trump with what we have going on right now, but I've figured out to not take you too seriously, as most posters have also, you don't believe half the stuff you post.
  22. SMH, I couldn't get past the first line. It's like asking Bill Clinton and how to clean a blue dress. In a clip from CNN, network host Abby Phillip brought on an author named Mike Rothschild to talk about the new and popular anti-child sex trafficking film, Sound of Freedom.
  23. My source? You. Black people fled the south for places like Chicago, Detroit, California. They left to escape racist attitudes that used to be prevalent in the South and they went for JOBS. You want to pretend like there was not a single black person with a job prior to affirmative action, but then you’ll carry on about how racists destroyed the black Wall Street in Tulsa a hundred years ago. How is it that y’all had a black Wall Street if nobody could get a job? Fast forward to 2023 and you argue that every black person today should be entitled to special treatment because a few black people (but nowhere near all of them) experienced racism 3 or 4 generations ago. To be honest, if reparations were paid fairly , you’d be entitled to nothing based on your success that you like to talk about. To be completely honest, there isn’t a single living victim of chattel slavery in the US. And there hasn’t been in probably 70 years. You’ve never experienced institutional racism, either. Has somebody called you a name over the years? Probably… does that mean we all owe you something? No, ma’am. There are very few people alive today that can tell you what being a victim of racism feels like… the rest of y’all just want to pretend.
  24. I hate it because she’s obviously not a dumb person. I just don’t know how that group mentality ever gets better. It’s deeper than simply changing voting patterns and I believe that the change would have to come internally-it’s nothing that someone from outside the group could ever initiate. That’s probably my biggest gripe about President Obama. You have a guy that could have said “look at me… I’m proof that it’s done. White people literally just elected a black president- welcome to post racial America!” Instead we got talk of reparations, affirmative action, social Justice, etc. At one point he was the most powerful man on the planet and just last week he was talking about how he’s just a victim who made it in spite of racism. The ease with which that community accepts victimhood never ceases to amaze me.
  25. I guess "will be alright" is pretty subjective though... No Smack Talk Synopsis (for the sensitive...) My guess is they will probably have a mediocre season. The Seniors will leave unhappy with their record. For many of the dedicated ones, it will still sting 25 years from now. All in all though, it won't matter to the rest of the interested parties by the 2024 season. Somebody gonna win and somebody gonna lose. The most the Bulldogs can hope for is somewhere in the middle. Good luck to all.
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