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Posts posted by mat

  1. 9 minutes ago, ladybug33 said:

    Thank you for being open minded. I agree with everything you have said except #2. things are not so perfect over there at LCM, they don't have a perfect record neither.  Things can turn around, I'm all for replacing people who can't do their jobs, it happens everyday. and it's not personal for me. Mustang4life!

    I hope I’m wrong but we don’t know yet how damaging this season will be.

  2. 31 minutes ago, ladybug33 said:

    SMH, my statement about being sick watching my team lose to others teams whom we should be beating, has nothing to do with the other team and more about WHAT WOS is not doing. Not tackling, no effort in trying to pursue. If we do those things WE win period. IMO 60% of us losing is coaching, and 40% are the things that players are not doing.  To all the teams who have victories over WOS this year CONGRATS to you respectfully.

    True. WOS has set a standard other programs had to reach to compete. Jasper, Silsbee, HF, LCM and others have been working hard to reach that standard to compete. They are now deserving competitors and not just because WOS is down.

  3. I for one was supporting the program and the new hire saying give him a chance. I never imagined such a spiraling meltdown. Here’s some key points.

    1. The new hire was with the program under CT. He must not have been a very good learner. His plan was to change everything that works.
    2. At this rate LCM will not be recruiting players. They will be voluntarily lining up.
    3. The district has now invested millions into first rate facilities in support of a program that after not even a full season, is no longer first rate.
    4. The program has dug a hole that will be difficult to dig out of.
    5. I will not criticize Harris for what looks like a poor hire. It happens. How he handles it from this season forward will tell the tale. 
  4. Last year’s great first season set the bar pretty high. Expectations were very high.

    I’m quite certain if you asked Peevey, he would take full responsibility for player flatness, too aggressive play calling, etc. I also think he’s disappointed with the record so far and not blaming it on the players or a lack of talent. You can bet he’s working on improvement now and not looking for excuses.

    Matthew’s upped his game after a disappointing start to the season and will continue to through the rest of the season (even though some so called fans were ready to run him out of town.)

    Both fan bases need to be patient with their good coaches and support the programs.

  5. 11 minutes ago, MMstangfan said:

    Sad time for WOS supporters, we had a great run with some great coaching and talented players. The plunge to Mediocrity has begun, still some talent in the pipe , but there is an exodus of that , coupled with an inexperienced staff and administration that is clueless 

    Sad day for the Mustang program to lose the fan base as soon as they hit slump.

  6. Trump is no saint but less credible is anything that comes out of New York. I don’t care to dig for the facts but since it’s a civil suit I assume there was not much criminal.    They are throwing everything at him including the kitchen sink hoping something sticks or sways the voters. They are that scared of him. I’m not a huge Trump fan but I am much more opposed to the liberal base.

  7. 50 minutes ago, XX Man said:

    You are right about the population moving away from Orange, even if they work here. They do not want their kids in WO schools. There is no diversity in the school, the athletics, the school board or the administration. West Orange has turned into another Wallace. First thing needs to happen is at least half the school board has to go. The superintendent has to go, and his lackey he brought in from Silsbee has to go. People need to show up on elections to the school board, to begin with. Let's get this done. Bring diversity back to West Orange and the whole community will profit. 

    If I recall, the community just voiced their opinion during the last election. 

  8. 8 hours ago, BADSANTA said:

    Coach Hickman will get things going. Hopefully not vs him Alumni in Silsbee next week but the week after. WOS has never had a down season that I can remember and this won't be one those years. 

    If they lose to Silsbee that will be three losses in a row. Finishing second in district will be a down season. I’m not giving up on Hickman or the Mustangs yet. They should know they’ve dig themselves a hole. How they handle it will tell a lot.

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