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Posts posted by mat

  1. 6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Is it just me, or am I the last Card fan here? 

    Wait... it would be just me then, wouldn't it?


    Good to see all of the LCM newcomers, though.  Isn't it amazing what a little success will do for your bandwagon?

    I’m rooting for the day BC can build a bandwagon.

  2. 9 hours ago, 1970 said:

    Yes, I attended the PNG-BU game. I also attended the entire PNG-PAM game. And the PNG-LCM scrimmage, and been watching a few PNG practices (I'm retired, so why not?).  My youngest grandson plays for PNG, but I'm fairly objective I think. The BU game got out of hand for BU, similar to (but not exactly the same as) the PAM game did for PNG. I'm not quoting exact numbers, but roughly PNG had almost 400 yards of offense, fairly close to what PAM had. In comparison BU had roughly 100 yards last Friday, to PNG's 400.  I was pretty impressed with LCM at the scrimmage. PNG was pretty rough around the edges. But still PNG held their own individually. One play that LCM didn't fall for was PNG's screen pass attempt. PNG tried it again against PAM and PAM was sitting on it like Altuve and Tucker sitting on those fast balls yesterday, and #11's lob pass was disastrous, and came at a bad time. I was glad to see that the screen pass play was scrapped last Friday night, and I hope it stays that way.

    Anyway, just based on what I've seen of the LCM-WOS game, they appeared pretty evenly matched. So, if LCM and PNG were evenly matched, then PNG and WOS should be fairly evenly matched. And with PNG coming off of a big away win, and things hopefully beginning to gel, then I give an advantage to PNG, with everything else being equal, even at the WOS home field. Sorry for my earlier use of the word "should".  

    Yep, from what I heard, the scrimmage was close but PNG boys were much bigger than LCM

  3. 19 minutes ago, 45thAND46thSucks said:

    Sad situation!  Im convinced there's Probably names on that list you'd defend, it'll be released at the appropriate time count on it

    A common problem is people being convinced of something with little to no evidence. I suppose the appropriate time to release names is when they are dead and gone.

  4. An old man was sitting in a private box at a major football match with an empty seat next to him:
    A young enthusiast saw the empty seat and said to the old man.
    “Who on earth has paid for this expensive seat but not turned up! they must be mad, do you mind if I sit here?”
    The old man sadly looked up and said.
    “For 50yrs I and my darling wife have sat together and watched every major final, but unfortunately she has passed away so was unable to come, so you can gladly take her place if you like.”
    The young man thanked him for his kind generosity and sat beside the old man.
    The young man turned to him and said.
    “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but as sad as your story is, I have to ask, have you not got any relatives, like a son or grandchild or nephew that you could if brought along with you?”
    The old man said.
    “Yes I have, but they’ve all gone 2 the funeral.”

  5. 14 hours ago, Chevy Chevette said:

    Marshman...LCM's admin has always been reactionary and non-visionary. They messed up when they inexplicably PAID their coaches. Much to their shock, the Bungling Bears won in year ONE! After admin finished spitting their playoff popcorn all over themselves, It took them months to craft an appropriate, apologetic, bowed and scraped written statement to the taxpayers regarding the next step - doing to do what should have been done ten years ago - bringing the stadium in to the 21st century! (It only takes 3 or 4 vocal complainers in the community to make the LCM admin soil their hip waders - Yes, I see you nodding.) It took until May to publish their tearful, Bidenian plea. One of admin's creative justifications for turf? The band students shouldn't have to practice on hot asphalt. The LARGEST STUDENT ORGANIZATION AT LCM just happens has been suffering from heat stroke and shin splints...FOR DECADES NOW...TRAGIC...AND BRILLIANT. (Administrative negligence...noted. And let me know when they stop practicing on asphalt, tee-hee.) Anyway, so yeah, it's late. TEN YEARS LATE. Maybe one day admin will grow a pair (ahem) and do what needs to be done - when it needs to be done - without fear of the opinions of the treehouse dwelling Sleestaks. In the meantime, who's up for some Thursday night games at the Butch? Butch - Now there was a visionary...SHAZAM!!!

    Your attempt at wit has fallen way short. The more you talk, the more you show how little you know.

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