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Posts posted by mat

  1. On 11/22/2022 at 7:21 AM, Unwoke said:

    Alright everyone, I have posted a lot stuff about the vaccine but this hard hitting documentary is a must see. Take the time to watch the whole documentary if you can stomach some of the scenes. They can be a little gruesome. Feel free to share this with everyone. There is a Evil vs Good battle that has been going on.




    I watched the whole thing. I never put full credibility into any conspiracy theories. The documentary appeared to have a lot of factual content but I don’t ever trust those connecting the dots. Anything can be claimed with apparent factual content. With that being said, it was very alarming and could very well be credible because I never trust our government. The narrative certainly falls inline with much of what I’ve seen or thought.

  2. I’ll throw out a wild prediction to entertain those conspiracy theorist.

    The dems plan will be to continue slinging mud at Trump for the next two years that includes more criminal accusations with no intent to go to trial or convict. The goal will  be to make him look as bad as possible but keep him in the race because he will be easy to beat.

    The GOP will quietly, behind the scenes start plotting a criminal case against Trump so he can be convicted and ineligible to run. It will appear to be the dem’s fault and open the door for a new nominee without getting blood on their hands.

    You heard it here first.

  3. 2 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Folks have been screaming to have someone step in that wasn't part of the swamp...then we got it.

    It led to energy independence, lower taxes and unemployment, someone at least wanting to solve the border problem, someone that was tired of being taken advantage of in free trade and NATO...the list goes on.

    What is much more toxic to me than rhetoric is stuff like Bush doubling down on the DEA and Medicare D...that's what is toxic to me...expanding the federal government.  

    Republicans seem to think that getting back to the more civil but same old swamp politics that brought us Trump in the first place is the way to go, all because the idiotic moderates say so.

    Personally, I would rather go down fighting for what's right instead of kowtowing to the radical baby killing left.

    Trump may not be the guy but he's better than any of the folks I see in Washington that will simply play by Washington rules.

    I agree with much of what your are saying but not in favor of putting all our eggs in the Trump basket. There are other's that could offer some of those values like Pence, DeSantis, Keri Lake, Nikki Haley just to name a few. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    My wife and I are both extremely sick.  Prayers are our crutch, our foundation for moving forward.  I feel extremely bad for folks who don’t have it to rely on.  What do they do?  Who do they turn too?  So yes DbD, pray.  Pray with all your heart.  For her comfort.  For her health.  For her soul.  As posted above, it’s not all you can do, it’s the best you can do.

    Prayers for her and you.  🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏

    Prayers to you Hagar and your wife.

  5. 1 minute ago, Dirty_but_Dazzling said:

    From the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank each and every one of you. 

    my pumpkin rine is now in Beaumont. Gonna remain in induced coma( because of being on ventilator) until at least this evening but most likely tomorrow before they try taking her off of it. On top of confirmed congestive heart  failure she has a case of the flu.

    once again it has been proven that Southeast Texas is blessed with lots and lots of kind caring people like you all are.

    Thank God for strength, a road to healing and answered prayers.

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