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    CraigS got a reaction from CCRed in Fox Commentators Call For Assault Rifle Ban???   
    NO! Just muslims and people that are RN's.
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    CraigS got a reaction from Hagar in Extremist Muslims   
    the bottom line is political correctness.....lets call it what it is
    Whites are predominantly your serial killers - that kill
    Blacks are predominantly your gangsters - that kill
    Middle Easterns are predominantly your terrorist - that kill
    Everyone - will have some that will randomly kill for various reason, but you take away these 3 things from society, you've stopped a large percentage of the killings.
    Doesn't make all of any group a serial killer / gangster or terrorist....but if we aren't willing to identify the problem as what it is, it can not be resolved, which is Trumps point against the liberals.
    Simple solution - Lock up the crazies (whites) lock up the gangsters (blacks) and lock up the religious freaks (Middle Easterns)
    If you are mentally ill, belong to a gang or follow sharia law - you WILL go to prison....no need to wait until these things cause you to commit a crime...being associated with any likelyness of these will land you with a life time of lock up.
  4. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from baddog in Extremist Muslims   
    the bottom line is political correctness.....lets call it what it is
    Whites are predominantly your serial killers - that kill
    Blacks are predominantly your gangsters - that kill
    Middle Easterns are predominantly your terrorist - that kill
    Everyone - will have some that will randomly kill for various reason, but you take away these 3 things from society, you've stopped a large percentage of the killings.
    Doesn't make all of any group a serial killer / gangster or terrorist....but if we aren't willing to identify the problem as what it is, it can not be resolved, which is Trumps point against the liberals.
    Simple solution - Lock up the crazies (whites) lock up the gangsters (blacks) and lock up the religious freaks (Middle Easterns)
    If you are mentally ill, belong to a gang or follow sharia law - you WILL go to prison....no need to wait until these things cause you to commit a crime...being associated with any likelyness of these will land you with a life time of lock up.
  5. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from team first in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Good, now stop stereotyping and answer the mans question, can you back you assumptions up....or just spewing white hate.
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    CraigS got a reaction from team first in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    you need a dictionary...calling out your stupidity and call you stupid are not the same....which shows your ignorance of the difference....see how that works...using and understanding words in their context and definition. 
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    CraigS got a reaction from Team Game in Locals who have asked for release   
    Not much difference at all really. No "charges" were brought against the Baylor players until after they were no longer players at Baylor. It is said that Baylor failed to investigate. Well, the police were investigating, why did Baylor have to investigate? Well, that's the same thing Silsbee said, the police and DA's office were handling the case, there was nothing the school could do, per se without any "charges".
    With that said, in Silsbee's defense, once the DA's office screwed it up, it did limit the schools "legal" ability toward the accused. UNTIL, the special prosecutor did get an indictment, by that point the player was no longer a student at SHS (the same as at Baylor) However, like so many now want to blame Baylor for not doing more....the same could be said of Silsbee.
    ALSO, whereas the connection mentioned by others....Briles and the former SHS AD were roommates during their college careers...and it is believed that the former AD was in some way going to benefit from that relationship had Briles remained as HC at Baylor........it is also said the lack of discipline at Baylor by Briles is the cause of said culture....it is also said that the lack of discipline at SHS was the reason for the resignation of the former HC/AD of SHS.......
    With that said....I might know a little about exactly how this went down at SHS! 
    AND, Those wanting to bail on Baylor now has NOTHING to do with the situation going on there EXCEPT that Briles is gone.
    Disclaimer: This culture of blame the victims and protect the superstar athletes is not limited to Baylor and/or SHS. It is a national problem (all sports , mostly football), these 2 schools at their respective levels just got caught and got more publicity.
    - carry on
  8. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from bullets13 in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Reminds me of the commercials......I'm not a security guard, I'm a security monitor, I don't stop robberies, I let you know when there is one....There's a robbery.........or the insecticide inspector, not killing the termites, letting you know there's a problem....as the person falls through the stairway....There's a problem....it goes on to say... what good does it do to identify there's a problem, if you're not going to do anything about it.....so we've become "Terrorist Monitors" it seems........
  9. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from 77 in 50 KILLED, 53 INJURED AT NIGHTCLUB IN FLORIDA   
    Reminds me of the commercials......I'm not a security guard, I'm a security monitor, I don't stop robberies, I let you know when there is one....There's a robbery.........or the insecticide inspector, not killing the termites, letting you know there's a problem....as the person falls through the stairway....There's a problem....it goes on to say... what good does it do to identify there's a problem, if you're not going to do anything about it.....so we've become "Terrorist Monitors" it seems........
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    CraigS reacted to LumRaiderFan in Muhammad Ali   
    I think his net worth was $50 million when he died...doesn't sound like he was too oppressed.
    A country that can afford you that kind of opportunity sounds like one worth fighting for.
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    CraigS reacted to baddog in Muhammad Ali   
    Friends I knew in high school were drafted and some of them killed in Vietnam. First class, second class, third class, it didn't matter. The draft applied to everyone.....even Elvis.
  12. Like
    CraigS reacted to stevenash in Black Lives Matter leader Charles Wade charged with sex trafficking   
    Sorry, but I see it another way.  Those who are BLM participants, I believe, know precisely about the false narrative that they promote.  If one is a member of the Klu Klux Klan, I dont see anbody trying to suggest that he is basically a good guy, but belongs to a bad movement.
  13. Like
    CraigS reacted to Ty Cobb in Southland Conference Baseball Champs   
    Eat 'Em Up KATS!!!

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    CraigS reacted to Ty Cobb in Southland Conference Baseball Tournament   
    Game 3: SHSU 5 sfa 3
    Eat 'Em Up KATS!!!
  15. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from TxHoops in When you're flipping channels, which movie do you stop on every time you see it?   
    Any of the classic sports movies (at least in my mind), in no particular order.
    Miracle, Friday Night Lights, Hoosiers, League of their own, Rudy, Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Eight Men out, Money ball, The Natural, Tin Cup, Field of Dreams........
  16. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in When you're flipping channels, which movie do you stop on every time you see it?   
    Any of the classic sports movies (at least in my mind), in no particular order.
    Miracle, Friday Night Lights, Hoosiers, League of their own, Rudy, Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Eight Men out, Money ball, The Natural, Tin Cup, Field of Dreams........
  17. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from Ty Cobb in When you're flipping channels, which movie do you stop on every time you see it?   
    Any of the classic sports movies (at least in my mind), in no particular order.
    Miracle, Friday Night Lights, Hoosiers, League of their own, Rudy, Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Eight Men out, Money ball, The Natural, Tin Cup, Field of Dreams........
  18. Like
    CraigS reacted to NDNation in Thank You MR. Cavness   
    This is what I'm getting at. If its not getting changed on official documents, why is it being changed in bathrooms that kids use?
  19. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from Hagar in Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty   
    I'll tell you my biggest issue with gays as a sin. Most Christians, know they sin, admit to sinning, even if they are sinning and continue said sin....multiple marriages, child out of wed lock, adultery, etc........Gays, they won't admit it is a sin.....fine if you admit it is, and state boldly, I am a sinner and will willfully continue to sin, OR...I'm not a Christian, therefore I don't believe in sin........but STOP denying or acting like it's ok, just because two consensual adults are in love, and that makes it all ok.........the acceptance to gays IMO, is no different than accepting adultery and polygamy. After all all 3 of these pertain to consensual adults that "love" each other.
  20. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty   
    You and the rest of the liberals take bits and pieces and use it as a whole story or circumstance...for instance...you see one guy drunk, one guy cheating, one guy hating gays, one guy ...blah blah blah....then go on to tell the story about how "Christians" go around doing all these things. Yes, each their own, some will certainly have different takes, beliefs, and actions....that doesn't translate to "Christian" beliefs.........the things you mention are true, none should be tolerated or acted on......but that doesn't mean just because one is already happening we should allow all....it doesn't mean just because I to am committing sin that I can't recognize others, and be considered hypocritical. 
    On another note: It sure seems the non believers claim to know more about Christianity than the Christians themselves..........the truth is...you don't know anything, you once again, pick and choose pieces to satisfy up your agenda.
  21. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty   
    So based on your logic: take gay out of your comment and insert - polygamist / prostitutes ...
    Since consensual love allows gay marriage - why not legalize polygamy, it's just multiple people with consensual love.
    Since abortion is allowed because it's the woman's body she can do with it what she wants - why not legalize prostitution, it's her body to sell.
    You are correct, no law will keep us from having polygamist, prostitutes, or gays....but it at least keeps it to a minimum and in the shadows, not out, in your face telling our kids it's ok to live this lifestyle.
  22. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Mississippi has taken a bold step to defend religious liberty   
    Maybe it's your interpretation skills or lack thereof. No one is saying one sin is better or worse than another. All that is being said is, no one should have to "assist" another in doing "that" particular sin....in simple English.........Christians would not assist said sin to take place.... murder, rape, etc. knowingly either.
    It's also been said...What would Jesus do? He would love the sinner, hate the sin...he would not deny them services (food, housing, clothing, etc)......however, I feel quite certain, He would NOT perform their marriage or partake in said ceremony.
    On another note, they probably weren't celebrating her "out of wedlock" birth...probably just celebrating LIFE...but that doesn't fit your agenda....perhaps by liberal thinking, she should have just aborted!
  23. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from smitty in TERRORISTS ATTACK IN BRUSSELS   
    Dutch Party For Freedom (PVV) leader and prominent counter-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders
    Mr. Wilders said: “I fear that we ain’t seen nothing yet. According to Europol 3,000 to 5,000 European jihadists, who went to Syria to fight in the ranks of IS and similar terrorist groups, have meanwhile returned to Western Europe. Some of them hid among the hundreds of thousands of Islamic asylum seekers that entered Europe from Asia and Africa. 
    Speaking earlier today Mr. Wilders lamented that commuters were killed in “cold blood” and said “The cause of all this bloodshed is Islam. We need to de-Islamize the West. That is the only way to safeguard our lives and protect our freedom”.

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    CraigS got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Explanation And Education...   
    If I remember correctly, ISIL represents a smaller element, whereas ISIS represents a bigger stronger reach. I believe it has something to do with overall area in which they control.....saying ISIL it like the JV team as ISIS is Varsity....I'll look to see  if I can find the original articles explaining the difference
    Not sure my memory was 100% correct, but here it is.

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up ISIS: The militant group, which began as the Iraqi branch of al Qaeda during the U.S. occupation, gained this name after it invaded Syria in 2013. ISIS is short for "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria," or "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham," which is an old Arabic term for the area.
    ISIL: ISIL translates to “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.” The Levant is a geographical term that refers to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean -- Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Jordan. It’s the term the U.S. government uses since the "Levant" is apparently a better translation for al-Sham, the Arabic name for the region.
    As hard as it is, my memory was quite the opposite of what ISIS and ISIL stand for, I must admit the President using ISIL is more accurate.
  25. Like
    CraigS got a reaction from smitty in This should make some of yall "happy"   
    nor do they disclose how many have dropped out of the workforce (stopped looking "officially") which drives the unemployment numbers down even more.
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