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Law Man

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    Law Man got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Black, Gay actor faked the MAGA attack   
    Chicago police say attack was not a hoax.
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    Law Man got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in It's only a matter of time...   
    Putting lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. The little boy dancing in a dress in front of grown men while they toss money at him is sexual in itself.  I'm sorry, but you can't clean this one up. I'm sure you haven't seen any 11 year male child in Texas allowed to perform in this nature in a public establishment.
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    Law Man got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in It's only a matter of time...   
    Grown men lusting after a child is sick. This cannot be acceptable. This also goes beyond distasteful. CPA should be called.
    You asked me should a child who commits murder be tried as a adult. Do you believe a child should not be tried as a adult for murder?
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    Law Man reacted to UT alum in It's only a matter of time...   
    My best friend, and roommate from my UT days lives in El Paso. He leans way right on economic policy, not so much social issues, but we still get together a couple of times a year and can go at it like cats and dogs, laughing all the way. Wouldn’t it be nice if more of us could do that. I got another friend here in Silsbee who’s a rock ribbed conservative, but we debate all the time and always part with a handshake.
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    Law Man got a reaction from Hook'em in It's only a matter of time...   
    In my profession, I have to address transgender by what they identify themselves as. I can be reprimanded if I address them as Sir or Mr. I  have been told by Federal prison guards that these convicts are locked up in a male prison, but are allowed to purchase female products. They are allowed to purchase and wear makeup and female under clothing. Hook’em, your fears have come true. Take a stroll down the local mall and you will bear witness to the disease that has spread among our girls and boys. Parents filing suits against school districts because there 6 year old son is not allowed to wear a dress. The courts have even favored the student in some cases. The world we live in lacks morality and common sense. Politicians will and have sole their sole for your vote. A Highschool student in my state filed a law suit because he was not allowed to use the girls restroom. When you think you have heard and seen it all, just keep living, it gets worse.
  6. Like
    Law Man got a reaction from WOSdrummer99 in Global Warming Update!   
    No man knows the hour. However we must get our houses in order. Tomorrow is not promised. We are living in the days where you can’t tell winter from summer. A time when man has been giving the license to kill. A time when men can marry men. A time where men are nolonger the head of the house. Yes, run, but run to the truth of knowledge and understanding. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. (BIBLE) 
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    Law Man reacted to UT alum in Global Warming Update!   
    I see now why Law Man swore off you. 
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    Law Man got a reaction from Tigers2010 in Trump lifts sanctions   
    I just hate all things Rissia. They thumb there nose at us. Toying with our military.
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    Law Man reacted to baddog in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    You have touched on a good point. There are so many people roaming our streets who have mental issues and should probably be institutionalized, but doctors believe they can medicate any mental disorder. To some degree they do have success with meds, but woe be unto thee should they FORGET their meds. Some should not be allowed on the streets.
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    Law Man reacted to Tigers2010 in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    We are safe for a while. I expect things to heat up again the closer we get to the 2020 election.
  11. Like
    Law Man got a reaction from Hagar in New York 'celebrates' legalizing abortion until birth as Catholic bishops question Cuomo's faith   
    Humanity out the window when an navy sailor after 7 month deployment returns home and a photograph of the uniformed U.S. Sailor kissing his husband.
  12. Like
    Law Man reacted to mat in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    The dems and media scream daily about Trump. It would be nothing new or different. Trump didn't prove anything. Dem supporters have their view and that didn't change. In fact it unified them because this appears to be a victory against Trump. On the other hand, it has to some level divided Trump supporters because he caved. Whether we agree, Pelosi's political game appears to be strong with the help of the media.
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    Law Man reacted to Englebert in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    I'll give you the short story. We used to have plenty of mental institutions in the U.S. But many people decided that too many people were being held in these institutions. Families were dumping their problem members into these institutions. Many felt that these people should be cared for/dealt with by their own families, instead of being the ward of the American taxpayer...thus the push to close down the facilities. Now there seems to be a slight push to go back to government run institutions. Will the same issues arise again? You bet. The problem facing America is determining who really needs to be institutionalized, and who is gaming the system. There is currently no clear cut "right" or "wrong" answers.
  14. Like
    Law Man reacted to mat in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    First let me say that I think dem and GOP politics are damaging and shameful to this country. Trump and the dems both drew a line in the sand and Trump crossed it. Pelosi and the dems made it clear, even on the day of reopening that there would be no funding for the wall so we all know the results of future negotiations. So Trumps plan A was to shut down the government for weeks to see if they would give in, playing with our country's well being and employees lives? Plan B is to claim a national crisis? once again, the shut down was useless.
  15. Like
    Law Man reacted to mat in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    Trump did not reopen the government that he closed because of compassion for workers. The dems called his bluff and he didn't have a backup plan.
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    Law Man reacted to mat in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    Longest shut down in american history was an absolute joke and a total waste. It accomplish absolutely nothing but cost so much. It also proved Pelosi has bigger ballz that Trump does.
  17. Like
    Law Man got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in New York 'celebrates' legalizing abortion until birth as Catholic bishops question Cuomo's faith   
    We need to keep our families lifted up in prayer. It’s only going to get worse.
  18. Like
    Law Man reacted to UT alum in Welcome to the Republican Party   
    Maybe the homeless guy is suffering from mental illness and can’t perform sequential tasks. Maybe a lack of access to basic medical care has diminished his physical abilities. I don’t like it when political rhetoric utilizes straw men to make its point. Homelessness in our country is a far more complex issue than that catchy little story illustrates.
  19. Like
    Law Man got a reaction from Hagar in Racist Posters on the Forum   
    Burns me up when the race card is used. Arrested a felon for a felony violation and the the response I received from spectators was I was racist. I am accused of targeting a certain area of town. I am belittled and called every name in the book. Everyone wants the street and neighbor hoods clean. Why do people feel you have to be a certain color to understand their pain? I will always help anyone in need no matter race or religion. A bullet has no respect of color or race. I Hate racism and it doesn’t belong.
  20. Like
    Law Man got a reaction from Hagar in Racist Posters on the Forum   
    Being called Lilly-white is wrong and there is no justification for it. Mr. Hagar, you have earned much respect on this board and I can only pray that others on this board come to realize that name calling and using racial tone is wrong not matter how you sugar coat it. These tactics are a motive to assert ones social status. One day they will see the error of their ways before it is too late. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
  21. Like
    Law Man reacted to UT alum in Racist Posters on the Forum   
    I don’t use the racist term lightly, nor do I use it often, and certainly not to delineate political affiliations. I think sometimes prejudice and racism are mistaken for the same thing. Prejudice is a pre-conceived judgement without just grounds or sufficient information . Racism is the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Neither is an attractive trait, but they are not interchangeable terms. In my time, going back to my youth, I have heard many white people proclaim that they were not equal with a black person, but superior. I have never heard a black person claim racial superiority, only an insistence that they were equal, not less than. Black people in my experience are not racist, but deeply prejudiced. There’s a big difference. All prejudiced people are not racist, but all racists are prejudiced.
  22. Like
    Law Man reacted to TxHoops in Media Bias   
    I agree.  The SEC bias in the sports media is as humorous as it is appalling.  
  23. Like
    Law Man reacted to PhatMack19 in Hummm! Food For Thought!!   
    The guy that approves Beer Labels is furloughed.  He definitely needs his job back.  Fresh beer is a must these days with half the country gone crazy.  
  24. Like
    Law Man reacted to Hagar in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    I’m late to this party.  You may be a leftie, but not a complete loon.  The fact that you realize both parties are at fault, is proof enough.  Anyone who thinks their party, whichever that may be, is always right, is not someone who’ll add anything of value to this Forum.
    I hope we’ll occasionally find common ground, but agree to disagree without becoming antagonist.  That said, I don’t necessarily advocate a wall from Brownsville to San Diego.  Only in the most important areas, say Brownsville to El Paso  
  25. Like
    Law Man reacted to UT alum in Build Wall or Shut Down the Border   
    Oh, and I don’t believe anything anyone said they “heard”. There’a a reason heresay evidence isn’t admissible in court.
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