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Posts posted by Realville

  1. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I had a very possible exposure a couple of weeks ago but it turned out alright... I just started thinking that it would be ridiculous if I skipped the vaccine and then ended up hospitalized for a few days and set myself back about $20k because I didn't trust a free vaccine.  I'd be really upset at myself.  

    Yeah I hear ya our family was given a free kitten about 5 years ago an that cat sure has cost us some money over the years. Lol

  2. 59 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    Get the vaccine or not, I don't care.  But it's hilarious to me that anti-vaxxers use the argument that the high survival rate of Covid is a reason it's not worth risking the shot (only 572,000 people dead out of 330M Americans), but also use 15 people out 8M developing blood clots from the J&J shot as a reason that you shouldn't get the shot.  Kinda similar to how they say that the government is pushing the shot, and they don't trust the government, but then turn around and say there's no way they'd take a vaccine not approved by the FDA.  

    Obviously you do care because your on a thread that is asking how many have NOT been vaccinated trying to justify your case on why you should get vaccinated with a vaccine that you have no idea what the future health ramifications could be. Lol

  3. 7 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Follow the science, but only the ones the Democrats want to follow.  Couple of them at MIT disagree.

    This is the hidden content, please

    I have said it for the past 12 months an I’ll say it again. The country has been played like a fiddle and the cost is incalculable. Seems almost like a Big Psyops. Fear is a Liar. 

  4. This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    Disclose.tv 🚨’s Tweets

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    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    JUST IN - Trump calls for the immediate deployment of state police or National Guard "to provide large-scale security" for the election audit in
    This is the hidden content, please
    , in a just-released statement.
  5. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    It’s just too far gone at this point. I turn on CBS news a lot of mornings and I’d say that at least 2 thirds of their clips are race related. If it’s not the latest police shooting, it’s Meghan Markle vs the royals. If they’re talking about Covid, they’re talking about how it’s affecting people of color disproportionately. If they talk about the eviction moratorium, they have to mention that ending it will hurt more people of color. Stories about education always have to include a bit on inequity. 

    I’m really getting to the point where I feel myself getting less sympathetic by the minute. I wonder if I’m the only person that feels that way?

    I have zero tolerance for the level of stupidity this country has reached.

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