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Posts posted by Realville

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    If conservatives are to have any faith in our election process, this needs to happen in several states.  It won’t, but it should.

    Every state should under go a forensic audit  not just the swing states if they are to restore faith and integrity in our election system. Only problem is they are afraid what they may find an at that point we are in uncharted territory. This country is corrupt to the core. I say bring the whole corrupt system down. 

  2. 1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Democrats can’t leave the responsibility of spending all that money to the unwashed masses and creating jobs themselves, they just went through that nightmare with Trump.

    Nothing but a money laundering bill. The u.s. government is the largest business in the world that doesn’t have to produce a profit. It’s gotten so big and bloated it can even police it self....hence the out right thievery of politicians is unbelievable. Spineless Republicans and Power Hungry Democrats. Where does end?

  3. 4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    "He wasn't trying to hit them, he was just trying to get away... and even if he DID hit them, that doesn't give him the right to kill him!!!!"


    Said all of idiots in unison. 

    You forgot to add that the police should have tried to shoot him in the foot too. Smh

  4. On 4/26/2021 at 8:51 AM, bullets13 said:

    Get the vaccine or not, I don't care.  But it's hilarious to me that anti-vaxxers use the argument that the high survival rate of Covid is a reason it's not worth risking the shot (only 572,000 people dead out of 330M Americans), but also use 15 people out 8M developing blood clots from the J&J shot as a reason that you shouldn't get the shot.  Kinda similar to how they say that the government is pushing the shot, and they don't trust the government, but then turn around and say there's no way they'd take a vaccine not approved by the FDA.  


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