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Posts posted by Realville

  1. 1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

    As a moderate, I try to keep an open mind.  I don't immediately write someone off just because they're a democrat, although I vote republican.  I wasn't happy to have a democrat elected, but I was at least okay with the fact that Biden has a long history of being fairly moderate.  I didn't like trump at all as a person, but I could touch on several things that he did that I thought were beneficial to the country.  100 days into Joe's presidency and I can't say the same.  Apart from undoing several of the things that I felt Trump was doing right, he hasn't done much else besides speak jibberish and somehow fall UP a flight of stairs.  We'll see how this turns out, I guess.  One thing's for sure... all of you guys better be rooting for him to survive four years.  If the VP takes over things are going to be a whole lot scarier.  

    Grandpa Earpiece had already called Harris President Harris multiple times so I think we’re already there.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    So the CDC guidelines are based on political pressure from Far Left Unions.   Yeah, got that.  So much for “follow the science”.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Here’s an idea. Since teachers don’t want to teach anymore...let’s have all ex military personnel teach in public schools.
    Not only will the kids get back to school....they wouldn’t be taught to be such woke liberal wussies.

  3. I don’t trust the CDC period.

    As a private 501(c)(3) public charity, the CDC Foundation receives charitable contributions and philanthropic grants from individuals, foundations, corporations, universities, NGOs and other organizations to advance the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  4. 5 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Anyone not familiar with this nonsense should read up on it.  It is explained very well in this Imprimis issue from Hillsdale college.

    It's a free monthly newsletter you can get by email or snail mail, I highly recommend it.

    This is the hidden content, please

    The left is relentless with their nonsense but it’s amazing how much young brains full of mush just go right along with their nonsense. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Hagar said:

    I was wondering about that myself, then found out why the rates are so low in Africa.  The life expectancy in many African countries is below 60.  No bunch of old folks, less Covid deaths.  Cuomo is America’s expert on how it affects older people.

    Maybe it’s just a coincidence or maybe the  reason their death rate is low is because they use hydroxychloroquine regularly in Africa to treat or prevent malaria which is common in Africa. Where have we heard that before?

  6. 5 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    It's a chart that has projected trends all the way through the year 2100.  It's not uncommon for charts to continue with trends into the future.  That said, they clearly have not had the opportunity to adjust the chart for Covid, which is why they put the disclaimer at the top.  And the numbers completely support "the narrative being pushed".  I showed you on another thread that the large increase in deaths from 2019 to 2020 in the US were very similar to the amount of claimed covid deaths in the US during that time.  

    The death rate doesn’t support the fear that has been pushed and still trying to be pushed but your more than welcome to believe the fear. I don’t the believe the numbers put out are credible but that is just my opinion.

  7. 33 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    This is the same chart Realville tried to use awhile back.  The most recent years are based on pre-covid UN projections, not on real numbers.  Just like I told him when he posted it: It literally says directly about the graph:

    "NOTE: All 2020 and later data are UN projections and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus."

    I went through in another post and provided accurate and easy to navigate data that showed that there was in fact a very large spike in deaths last year that coincided very closely to the amount of reported deaths in the US for 2020.  

    Never understood why someone would put out a death speculation chart an then add a disclaimer to the death chart. Real numbers don’t support the narrative being pushed. Regardless it’s hard to believe much of the information put out to the public these days. It seems there is an agenda to put out false information.

  8. 1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

    from what I've seen they've been hit by one of the newer strains.  but their govt opened everything up with basically no restrictions, and within a month it blew back up over there.  The difference between there and here is that A) it's a lot more crowded. B ) lot less hygienic there C) a lot smaller % vaccinated D) poorer healthcare

    Really? How is Africa doing with the virus?

  9. 1 hour ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

    Ok. Before it was a basic rate for all of humanity. Here is the % of those infected who have died.

    Deaths / confirmed cases 

    US 544,889 / 32,448,723

    India 215,542 / 19,925,604

    Texas 49,303 / 2,897,234

    Survival rates 

    US 98.32%

    India 98.91%

    Texas 98.34%

    Elections  have been known to make the virus numbers sky rocket.  Lol

  10. 6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    If there was election fraud, why haven’t republicans been able to show any evidence? How many times did Rudolph promise that it was coming in the next day or two, but it never magically appeared? 
    We’re six months after the election and still not the first shred of proof. None. No where. Unless you believe everything that guy that makes pillow and Rudolph say. 

    Since you voted for Trump twice I would like to dedicate this music video to you. Enjoy!😎


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