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Posts posted by Realville

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    This is the third of Trump’s lawyers to be attacked by jack-booted thugs. And Rudy for what?  Oh, suspicion of lobbying in the Ukraine.  But wait, what about Hunter?  He was there, using his fathers name for influence and financial gain.  Wouldn’t that be considered lobbying?  Again, why not Hunter, or both?   And everyone knows Hunter lied on a gun application document, a federal felony.  Where’s the FBI?  And Joe said he didn’t know they were going after Rudy.  What 🐂💩.   The FBI has become an armed faction of the Democratic Party.  Now discredit the Police.  Encourage good Cops to leave.  Replace with Antifa types who will do the Left’s bidding, and to hail with the Constitution.   Now they have another armed group.  You think that’s 🐂💩?   Go read up on what happened at Waco, or Ruby Ridge.  These folks are serious.  They’re taking us over a piece at a time.

    He’s still upset about the Orange Man hurting his itty bitty little feelings. TDS triggered 😂🤣

  2. 38 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Rudy is dirty, IMO.... 

    It's one thing to be "new york" shady when you're in power in New York.  When you bring that same "the rules don't apply to me" mentality when going up against the Justice Department, the media, and the entire democrat party... you can be sure that your sins will find you out.  

    Do you have proof that he’s dirty? If so I’d be interested in seeing it. The truth has no agenda.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    I have zero confidence in our election process.  If States don’t take steps to validate it, we’ll never have honest elections.

    If the 2020 election is not made right like they’re doing in Arizona then your right we will never have an honest election. Hopefully the forensic audit is being done right.

  4. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    I didn’t watch the crap because I pretty much knew it would be depressing words from a mentally incapacitated man. I have seen some pics from the address. I focused on Kamala and Nancy sitting behind Biden. They looked like a couple of vultures waiting for Biden to die. Did Nancy tear this speech up? Probably not worth the bother.

    Well I had more important things to do like rearrange my sock drawer.😎

  5. 8 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    They have a really misleading website name for really just being an anti-vaccination website.  Kinda like getting information about animal abuse from PETA.  There are certainly some valid arguments for not getting vaccinations, but this isn’t the source I would look to to find them.  

    The site actually gives both sides of the pros & cons of doctors and nurses being forced to get vaccinated but I agree with this side.😁

  6. The Argument for Allowing Doctors and Nurses to Decide for Themselves

    The National Vaccine Information Center 

    This is the hidden content, please
     on their website. It’s a long article, but I recommend reading it if you have time. I’ll just summarize the main points of the case against mandatory vaccination here:

    1. Side effects. The flu vaccine has been linked to increased risk of 
      This is the hidden content, please
      . Research published in the Eurosurveillance journal indicates that one flu vaccine, Fluvax, may 
      This is the hidden content, please
       as it prevents for the flu.
    2. It sets a precedent. If it’s OK to force doctors and nurses to be vaccinated, will they come after the rest of the population next? What is going to happen to a patient’s right to refuse medical treatments they don’t agree with. 
    3. It’s unnecessary. Most people who are healthy when they contract the flu do not experience any adverse effects and are left with a natural immunity to the virus that made them ill.
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