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Posts posted by Hagar


    Like I told Hoop, never done this before​ and I want to enjoy it.  Perfect world, I'd like to make a point and get a chuckle.  Unfortunately, Pam's concern didn't leave room for humor, and I wanted to express sympathy plus convey to him what that flag & the sacrifice those boys made mean to me & a few old codgers left.

    thxs to you guys for putting up with me thru the first. Not puter savy & only have Ip4.  Got to get a pad. Be retiring end of year PTL


  2. Black women babies and men not killed raped hung in good old south.

    From what I read of the History of the Civil War, the Confederate soldiers were to busy fighting and dying to commit the atrocities you're referring to.  I'm certainly not proud of what many slave owners did, or had done, but the average Confederate soldier was (and I know you've heard this before & will probably blow it off) a relatively poor (what would be described now as trash) man who answered the call for the South, or perhaps drafted into service.  He didnt own slaves, nor a pot to pee in or window to throw it out of.  Like the hundreds of thousands of boys sent to fight in Viet Nam - to stop the "domino effect" (commies will get VNam then Australia, then U.S.).  I was in the Army then.  Fortunately, had orders to go & they got cancelled.  Hell, we didn't know a commie from a Canadian.  If someone mentioned Stalin, we may have heard his name that's it.  Our country called and we got sent where  they wanted us to go.  And almost 60,000 died there, many boys I'd gone to school with.  And like the Civil War, most were the poorer young men, not the rich.

    That's the same as happened to the Confederate soldier.  

    One last thing Pam, I'm not sure but I'd guess slavery started in America just prior to 1700.  So slaves were subjected to unimaginable cruelties for a hundred & sixty years prior to the War.  That war lasted four years and as you know, hundreds of thousands died.  Very few slave owners, they had money.  So in that 165 years of slavery, that flag, that meant so much to so many men, innocent of the sins of slavery, was only around 4 years.  And those 250,000 men that died, many did in as terrible a way as any slave.  

    I don't care about slave owners except to say I hope they rot in hell.  But for all those innocent young men who died, I care for them, just as you care for yours.  

    Don't know what else I can tell ya.  We both have TO MUCH to morn, but I'm reaching to you hard as I can. I know your pain, I'm just trying in a sincere way, to explain mine.  






  3. Hope they're allowed to keep it as well,  but somebody with nothing better to do will try to stir the pot.  By the way,  that baseball rivalry between Big Sandy and Evadale is great.  Mine graduated this year,  but I'm at least gonna try to catch these two games for sure.  If it's anything like last three years, they will get to play each other 3 times.

    A good rivalry in girls BB too.  I think it was 2 yrs ago whe my Gd was a Soph, we had a real good team.  In BS, ahead by 2, with, I think 2 sec left. BS inbound from under the net to girl out pass the 3 line.  She goes up - yep, buzzard goes off half way, nothing but net.  Went home feeling good because BS was just better that night.  

  4. I truly believe we are getting there.  My kids and most of their friends (black and white) are truly color blind.  I don't know that racism will ever be truly eradicated, but with the next generation, I think we will be even closer. 

    I know you're right.  As I've said before, been here in Evadale about six years. With both GK's popular, been around a lot of kids and NEVER heard one use a racial slur.  And as most know, their mascot is Rebels.  But what most don't know, the colors are Blue & Gold (dam Yankee colors).  Friend of mine said they an identity crisis lol.  Also, the school emblem is a Crest, with the flag in it.  And I've never seen a rebel flag being waved at a ball game.  

    As the kids & people in Evadale aren't racist, I hope the people & media in the area will allow this little community to retain their mascot.  


  5. You know I'm a fan of yours.  I also, believe it or not, grew up in a lily white town.  Through sports, I had many friends of different races and learned at an early age we are pretty much the same inside and skin color has nothing to do with "the content of one's character."  Although I am fairly certain there was Klan activity in my hometown, my parents were educated and did pretty well and didn't know "for sure" of anyone involved.  After all, racism is at its core, rooted in ignorance.  And as far as the Klan goes, in addition to being idiots, their cowardice has them hiding their faces as well...

    I like good people, I don't care what color they are.  Before downsizing got me, we had a black contractor just put in our warehouse. He had got cut from another Co. Under dubious circumstances.  Was Nam vet. Helped get him hired.  Helped him & his family until he did.  Good man!  We use to talk about race relations.  I told him we all need to forget race, and the Good people, white & black, need to be against the Bad people, white & black.   He agreed. 

    That was about 26 years ago.  He called me about 4 months ago to meet him.  He gave me a $100 gift card for all I'd done for him so long ago.  This old man had tears in his eyes.  

  6. Rebels with a righteous call....is Isis not rebels.

    I would characterize ISIS as fanatics, as the Nazi's were, not Rebels.  English/American Rebels who fought our Revolution, nor the American/Confederate Rebels who fought for the South, slaughtered women, children, and non-combatants by the thousands, as the Nazis did & ISIS is doing.  

    Rebels?  No, members of ISIS are not rebels.  Not even based on the dictionary definition. 

  7. This company is based in Texas, he could care less.  He would just as soon it move to a northern democratic controlled state.  Kind of like what he did with the company that had the govt. contract in Sealy.  And don't think he was not behind the decision to not give Houston one of the retired shuttles.

    Oh no doubt BS.  I said it as a joke. But if HE did, I would give him him Kudos and be one happy fat old man. Can't find a sub. that compares.  

  8. ​there has been other incidents in which the officer (s) were cleared and those families didnt receive anything (from my recollection)… whats the difference in this one? 

    As I said above, I saw it on TV, no way they ought to get money.  But, if whoever decided they'd get it, made his/her/their decision after a split was arranged with the family, then I understand why they got it.  Heck, I got bought by a promise of Sat Sun & Mon off, with pay.  

  9. If I remember correctly, Trump was asked how he got to be a billionaire once again and he said, "I'm in New York. There is plenty of money here." ......or something like that.

    Well y'all may know my feelings on NY from my previous postings, but if the Russian Mobs are there, and are as ruthless as portrayed in movies & TV, El Chapo and his son might need protection.  Isn't any doubt Trump could pay to have them taken out. 

  10. Growing up in Vidor (don't think less of me Hoop) when I was young @ 1955, I ask my dad if he ever thought about joining the Klan. He told me, "Hell no!  If I want to whip somebodies a$$, white or black, I want them to know who's doing it, not hiding under a sheet".  Here ends the lesson.    

    I guess the Klan is alive & well, as are the Black Panthers, & no telling how many other racial/religious groups that I'm not aware of.  Again, Cest La Vie (such is life - for those of you who flunked French like I did).  

  11. I've seen the video of the arrest.  He was refusing to comply with the Police's instructions.  Now I'm so big I have Goodyear on my side, but only 5'10".   He was several inches taller and I would look emaciated next to him, so yes they got rough.  And his family is getting $5.9M?  What in the cornbread h-ll is going on????  They need to arrest the stupid SOB's that authorized that.  

  12. Hey, this is first thread I'm proud to say I don't understand.  But since I'm inquisitive, I'd like to ask a couple of questions:

    1:  is this about a transgender who's a transracial?

    2:   About a transracial who's a transgender@

    3:  Or is this the time I'm suppose to ask, what came first, the transgender, the transracial, or the egg?

    I've lived a pretty long time but I'm not all that familiar with them two words.  Know about eggs though. 

  13. This is what happens when liberals are in control...

    This is the hidden content, please

    LOL, that's some funny stuff.  Another   good reason for me not to go there, and I have a long list of'em. 

    I prefer someplace with a little class, like Evadale.  We don't urinate in the streets here.  Backyard maybe.  Don't mean to make you other folks jealous.  

  14. ​He has, but so has many. I usually don't have a problem with changing a stance if you can explain it and can convince me it is not for political gain. 

    I think he knows he would hurt the Republican party if he did that, so I'm sure he would

    About changing his mind, one old timers sayings comes to mind:  A wise man changes his mind, a dam fool never does.  

  15. You know, when I hear the left making comments that Trump is helping them, it tells me they are scared.


    My opinion, Trump has too many Skeletons in his closet to have a real chance. What he will do however, on both sides, is force them to debate and answer EXTREMELY difficult questions. He is not dancing around subjects, which means you have to be either for or against whatever he is running on.........

    That is going to make it very interesting for both sides........

    I'm glad he is running and think he will have a huge impact on the election and what is talked about.

    Yep, he's got baggage, but he has stirred the pot.  Has flipped flopped a bunch, but has everyone's attention. 

    I only hope he doesn't do the 3rd party thing.  If he does, it's Everclear time.  

  16. What I find most fascinating about these Sanctuary Cities, this is the second time that Local or State Govts have thumbed their nose at the Federal Govt Laws.  The other is Legalizing Marijuana.   

    Now, I'm a proponent of States Rights, but in all my many years I can never remember Local or State Govts doing this with impunity.  May have happened, but someone will have to remind me (please do).


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