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Posts posted by Hagar

  1. If you can get WalMart to make you an Isis flag cake, the Confederate flag should fly high! I see nothing wrong with the Confederate flag. Can someone explain this to me? I just gotta hear this.

    I do understand why some some don't like it, but what all should understand, there's many things that groups or individuals don't like.  To paraphrase, All aren't going to like All the things All the time.  

    This confederate flag business has gotten totally out of hand.  


    Good question... amazing how all this disingenuous contempt has surfaced over a TV show that has no shred of racism in it.

    It amazing LRF.  All because a sorry lowlife nutcase (in lieu of the cuss words he deserves) killed 9 good Christians, and had a confederate flag behind him in a picture.  If it was a poster of Dineyworld, would we condemn it & all who go there?

    if they want to start a movement to lynch Dylann Roof, I'd be all for it (and may God forgive me)!

  3. If you want to get right down to it, so did the original flag of the U.S. I'm glad our fore fathers had a vision for a better country, but we need to call it like it is.  Right?

    Yep, the American Revolution was started & fought by English citizens rebelling against England (obviously why they were called rebels).  Fortunately, those rebels won.  

    I'm still trying to figure out why a humorous TV series that Millions of people have watched and laughed at for 35 years is suddenly identified as The Death Star commanded by Darth Vader.  


  4. How in the world could anybody ever compare that buffoon to Reagan? The liberal news outlets, I'm sure.

    You're correct and I wish I could remember exactly.  Think I might have seen it reported on Hot Air, but my rush to the porcelain goddess to regurgitate my supper followed by Alka-seltzers and 4 Rolaids left my old feeble brain in turmoil.

    My wife found me stumbling around with a blank look on my face, eyes glazed over mumbling, "What in the cornbread h-ll is going on".  

  5. ​i wonder what our Governor feels about Trump's remarks……….. 

    Just saw on Hot Air that he said, "Trump made a huge mistake attacking Mexicans like that". 

    On a related subject, there will probably be a job opening at the CDC.  During an investigation of them on an email, one person said Obama was an amateur, Marxist, for allowing all these illegal immigrants in since many are carrying diseases.  That's paraphrased since my computer capabilities are limited (but not to bad for a guy who grew up writing on cave walls with charcoal). 

  6. Great. I clinked the first link and now have  Gay Star News in my browser history.:)

    The second link is a perfect example of the distorted interpretation of scripture to support one's views.

    Sad but true.  It has been difficult translating the scriptures through the years.  And interpretation to support a view is the reason we have so many denominations.  The link above is going a stretch to make a sin into something else.  I'd like to do that with all my sins but I don't think I'll live long enough to do all that research lol.  

    As far as the link on the Texas law, I applaud their effort, but if/when the S.Court gets involved, it'll get over ruled. When it comes to them, conservative States have no rights. 

  7. Yarbro is so ready to play for Lumberton this year. All the Seniors are ready. I'm so excited to see how he does this year, I rhink he'll do a lot better this year 

    I hope y'all have a great year.  I hate to see teams/kids going through losing seasons year after year.  Watched Vidor do it through the "score Interstate 10 Vidor 0" era. 

    Show'em what you got Ltown. 

  8. Can you imagine the mainstream press outcry had George been a conservative?   Skewer, turned over a low fire with just the right amount of sauce applied.  SMH!

    I know many of you Conservatives wonder how our reasonably intelligent liberal friends will deny liberal bias in the media.   Again I draw from life experience.  Through the mid 60's the news was right bias (not right as they are left now). We didnt know.  When I got first good job, a liberal co-worker said he listened to Radio Moscow with a short wave radio.  Wow! Why?  To get the other side of the news since ours was biased.  Disbelief from me dripping from every pore.  No way!

    I called him several months ago and apologized for my ignorance & remarked now I needed a short wave, and we had a good laugh. 

    Like me back then, our liberal friends read the BS of today's media and its like consuming comfort food.  

    Cest la vie


  9. So Lumberton plays on the 27th of August so who's game should I go to the next day? Also Lumberton is off the next week so who has a home game the 4th of September?

    Well LG on the 28th cross the Neches and watch Evadale play Galveston O'Connell (my GD will be the prettiest cheerleader - of course all gp's think that). 

  10. IMO that post is probably close to the truth.  I realize there are many who will scoff when they read it.  It sounds far fetched. Never happen. I can only repeat what I said in a previous post, "they" are extremely patient.  Understand that in the 50's most college professors were considered conservative.  Now, at even state run colleges, I doubt if 20% are.  Took'em a while, but they got it done.  

    The further chipping away of religious values will continue.  Most will seem small and insignificant, but after enough sand falls through the hourglass, you'll realize how bad it's gotten.  

    I base this on what I've seen in my lifetime, for all I've said above is what's happened to me.  Only the future, and your life experiences will validate what I've said, or make me out to be an old misguided fool (and believe me, I hope with ally heart that's the case). 


  11. Let me preface this with saying I've never "studied" the Constitution, but it's my understanding that virtual all the Founders believed in God (confirmed by the large number of Masons).  The efforts in the Con. on this was to prevent a theocracy, and that effort is being used by the far left to take as much relegion out of our lives as possible.  

    What should concern a normal liberal (and scares the feces out of conservatives) is why is it so important so these ultra leftist to remove ALL reference to religion?

    What's on their agenda that makes this such a high priority?  

    Wish I had more answers than questions, but I doubt anyone would believe the answers if I knew them.  

  12. There's always another way of looking at stuff.  Another angle.  Like me not wanting to feed'em all, insurance providers wouldn't be happy with the extra baggage.  Good job 77. You stopped my quest before it started lol. 

  13. Since the SC doesn't care what I think (or what the Constitution says), I  can't see any reason multiple partners couldn't marry.  Having them for dinner is a problem.  Man w/3 wives, heck, four more mouths to feed.  If they're pleasant, I'd go to their house to eat.   I got principles but I can be bought. 


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