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Posts posted by Hagar

  1. ​According to where you are. 

    In some communities that might be extreme mischief by egging, toilet papering, confetti, etc. 

    Thank goodness egging is out of style.  Can get expensive getting cars back to normal.  Heck, with the price of eggs now, wasting them is expensive. 

    Now "wrapping" is alive and well in the Dale.  Happened so many times to the g'kids, If I could've figured out how to get it back on the rolls, could saved money on last Colonostomy I had lol

  2. I think this is the appropriate place to post this.  I just got this from a friend of mine and it may be pertinent to some of you. 

    "I've been thinking about all that is going on these days.  If I shot a buck this coming season and I only have a doe tag, can I claim that the buck wasn't really a buck?  I mean, maybe he had always wanted to be a doe, but thru no choice of his own, he was  born with the physical attributes of a male. Yet on the inside he had always known he was truly female.  I'm just wondering if the game warden will buy it ?"

  3. Because Republicans opinions are divided. They have several choices.......not a bad thing for us.......


    Been meaning to mention this Hippy. Remember quite a few years back when the Democrats labeled themselves as "The Party of Diversity".  Now the Republicans are diversified, and the Dems, you better lock-step with them or you're out on your kister.  Ironic!   Smh

  4. I'll just say this me and dove compare the Confederacy to Isis and traitors and get criticism but have the board calls the president a traitor a Muslim etc and get likes and agreements. Which of the two is more deserving of the word traitor...... 




    On the flag it might be time to just agree to disagree 

    Name calling Presidents is like hollering at Officials at a football or basketball game.  It's a time honored tradition.  I've heard them called a lots worse than traitor or Muslim.  

    I'm with you:  Let's agree to disagree.  It's the way things are.  Move on to other topics, like I heard this morning the Cowboys may lose Dez Bryant. 

  5. ​Missing my point. Those same folk at Evadale are against American Isis supporters but there is no big difference between them and southern armies in the civil war. They both went against their country. There you have iIt's

    It offends me when you compare Confederate Soldiers to ISIS.  I'm afraid you've lost all credibility with me BD3.  

    I make every effort not to do that towards anyone.  Sad.  I enjoyed these discussions.  I've learned.  Evidently, you've learned nothing. 

  6. Even if I agree and call them rebels instead of traitors which I wont. All those tribes were fighting for righteous reasons the south wasn't it can't be denied slavery was a huge part of the war I don't care if only 3% owned them what percent which they had them which percent felt slaves were subhuman and should stay slaves. Again to me thats like calling Isis or anybody who fight for unjustic reasons rebels. I'm not denying the south had other problems with the north but slavery was the head of it. 

    I agree PF that those tribes were fighting for a righteous reason.  

    First, I was surprised about the similarity of the words traitor and rebel.  Knew the words, just never put the two together, so I learned something myself.  

    What I've been trying to point out, probably not well from your perspective, yes, to the Confederacy slavery was a factor in the war.  For whatever reason - political, economical, Nothern attempts to put the South under their thumb, etc.  But that young man who joined because his state, his home, was threatened, slavery never crossed his mind.  Again, like the boys who went to Nam, country called.  

    I'm not posting this to provoke responses.  I have a pretty good idea why you have taken the stand you have (not totally because I'm not black, and haven't lived your life). I just want you to understand what I see when I hear civil war or see that flag.   I don't see the despicable things done, I see them young men getting cut down and stacked up like cordwood.  That's why I said, we both see an orange but based on our lives, you may see an apple, and I may see a pear.

    Even though I don't expect you to agree, I hope you can understand what I see, as I understand what you do.  Enjoyed this discussion.  I think I've learned a few things.  


  7. I keep seeing the word traitor in reference to the South.  By what I gather by looking up the definition of traitor & rebel, they're pretty close.  Let me put this disclaimer in:  I'm to heck & gone from being great in English.  I studied.  Tried hard.  Brown nosed my teachers, just to get a C.  What I'm posting now may be, by definition, wrong, but it's what my pea brain has come up with. 

    I'll use the American Revolution as my base, since all seem to agree it was fought for the right cause.  So as it unfolded, to the British, we were traitors, but to us, we were rebels (way over my head here).  

    So based on that, you can pick any armed struggle of people fighting against the governing body, and call them traitors.  That would include the Confederacy, the Irish, also against the British, and many African tribes, like the Zulu, also against the British, and the Boers (I think they were Dutch settlers but not positive).  

    I suppose if we had lost the Am. Revolution, we'd be on line now and the English would still refer to us as traitors.  You could also say, hey the African tribes were fighting for their homeland.  Yes, so was the Southern soldier.  

    Please, don't think I'm trying to start anything with this.  I'm just trying to point out the many ways we have at looking at things.  I don't consider those tribes traitors.  I don't consider the southern soldier as a traitor.  Both were fighting for their homes.  I know, apples and oranges.  Maybe so, but I think all of us, depending on our life experiences, sometimes look at an apple and see an orange.  All of us.  

  8. IMO the folks running Iran are either crazy or just fanatics.  The Jews in Israel, having almost been exterminated by the Nazis, are paranoid, and again IMO justifiably so.  And just a glance at a map will show they are not much more than a dot compared to the other countries that surround them.  And virtually all of them want the Israelis dead.  

    I wouldn't want to be in between them when the 2 hits the fan. 

  9. Just heard this afternoon that some recovered emails prove that Mrs. Clinton knew immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist act and was involved with putting together the Susan Rice response for several days on television.  When the deceased arrived at the airport, she looked one of the parents in the eye and assured them that they would bring the guy that made the video to justice

    Seen a lot of them come and go, but she takes the cake.  No morals whatsoever.  She couldn't spell integrity or honor.  

  10. ​Last year  my Son ASKED to go to Evadale, as it is limited open enrollment.  I was a little hesitant at first because I did not know much about the school. Honestly, the only thing that crossed my mind was the smell......

    My son absolutely loved it.  A  small school has an advantage of not letting things slip through the cracks. Everyone knows everyone and they are treated with respect. The entire school is well disciplined and they make sure parents are notified immediately if there is an issue. 

    I am very excited for him to be entering 9th grade there this year. I am entertaining moving to the big city of Evadale if I can find something I like.

    Wow, got Quote to work second try.  If you can find a place down 1131 you only smell the mill when the north wind blows, & I could smell it in Vidor anyway.  It's a gem in the woods. 

  11. Well BD3, I've tried to Quote you 3 times, but sometimes this phone, which is smarter than me, gets - mad, lazy, sleeps. 

    To answer your plea for $200, my grandkids (all 5 - two here & 3 in Porter) all have the same physical problem.  When they approach me or my wife (almost 50 yrs) their elbows bend and their palms go out. I don't think the Med people can help.  

    And the card my friend gave me, my "boss" got that.  Glad cause last time I went to Mall ended up in ICU with rashes.  Funny thing about Malls - you could take me in the woods, spin me around, and I could walk straight out. I get in a Mall & my sense of direction is gone!  Seriously.  I guess it's as close too a panic attack as I can get.  

    Oh, this phone - like a guy with a Lamborghini, and doesn't know how to get it out of first gear lol

  12. One more thing about BS.  I wish they had a football team.  For whatever reason, in most Sports around here, none of 2A schools are competitive in our District.  We breeze thru Dist, and then have to play them two outsiders, Iola & Normangee & tote a whippin.  Volleyball last year.  Did not lose a set (not sure if that's correct word) in Dist.  Seems strange to me.  Why we consistently play 3 & 4A schools (and occasionally 5A) in non-District. And most of the time win.  

    At last count our Sr class has 30 kids. They do a lot with a little there.  

  13. This ought to give ol' AlGore a cardiac arrest!

    This is the hidden content, please

    Before I get to Al Gore, I want to give you an Attaboy. 

    Haven't been on long, but you keep things going.  If not for you we'd be trying to figure out who's the best Midfielder on our National Soccer Team (my Gd played that position, otherwise I'd had to put Goalie lol).  

    Now, the Global Warming bunch want to blame fossil fuels.   IMO they are minutely correct.  Say, less than 5% on any climate change.  The rest is cyclical. 

    I stand by my assertion that Al Gore is an Alien living among us.  His home planet got too liberal, went broke & he (I'm beginning to think Hillary also) was sent here to raise money to bail them out.  Am I a genius or what.  

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