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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Lol, yea I might have gotten carried away. 😄😂😄
  2. They found a still in Evadale. It had urine stains all over the place. 😂🤣😂
  3. Aha, more proof for you non believers. [Hidden Content]
  4. Hagar


    Dam right. Her and Maxine Waters need to be locked up. The Democratic Party is out of control.
  5. Carthage vs Wimberley will be the equivalent of Vidor vs Argyle. 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
  6. Where’s the crying emoji, because you’re probably right.
  7. I tell you how bad this is, it may me think of a movie, one I didn’t like, but the title, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, came to mind. Scientists need to quit worrying about alleged global warming, and find out why people have no common sense. Not just this crazy “female dog”, but all the people who voted on her.
  8. What most forget, there are many white African Americans.
  9. Congratulations to your nephew. Well deserved, and I doubt to many nose guards win that award. Should be a shoo-in for winning it again next year.
  10. Simply look at Lindale’s scoring for the year. They’re averaging over 40 points a game. Jenkins has in the neighborhood of 2800 yards, while not playing late in several games. He had over 250 against Kilgore (about 350 in their first meeting) in the Reg finals. Against LBJ, the Miller QB, Body, had 278 yards. While Body is a very good QB, I doubt he’s as good a runner as Jenkins. So if Body can get 278, I can see Jenkins getting 300. Now LBJ can stack the box and lower Jenkins output, but if they do that Peterson, the Lindale QB, will burn them through the air. Either way, my opinion is based on stats, but like all opinions, when that first kickoff rises in the air, my opinion doesn’t mean diddly poo. Also, since you may not be familiar with them, Lindale’s Defense isn’t to good either. They do make enough stops to win though. Conclusion, if the bus is to crowed, and you have to leave one player behind, leave the punter. 😂😂🤣😂😂 Btw, even though they avg over 40 points a game, Vidor held them to 29, their second lowest total all year. Midlothian Heritage held them to 21 in the 2nd game of the season. Of course Vidor’s time consuming offense helped in the overall effort.
  11. Or any of those other I’s. Just go. [Hidden Content] For those of you that don’t read the link posted, Tx filed suit that many votes in the 4 States are unconstitutional. In cases of a State vs State, it automatically goes to the SCOTUS. SCOTUS has the right to refuse, but since it’s a fact that it was unconstitutional, I can’t see them refusing it.
  12. Lindale probably relies a little more on the pass. I haven’t been to a game in many years, do the new turf fields get slippery at all? Both teams have awesome RB’s.
  13. Yes, well, I still remember the armed, full riot gear, goons taking that Cuban boy in Miami under Clinton. And let’s not forget Waco. Does bring up an interesting question - Since so many Hispanics voted for Trump, will the Dems now want to build the wall? 😄😄
  14. And I hate to even speculate on what that half-wit will do.
  15. Pretty generous of them. Maybe they meant in the 3rd Qtr. 😂
  16. Sorry Indians. I’d love to be able to pick you, but in this game, you’ll need someone to pick you up when it’s over. How I’d love to be wrong.
  17. I was checking out Lindale’s RB Jordan Jenkins. He’s averaging about 214 yards a game (Total right at 3,000 yards this season). Vidor holding him to 126 yards on 27 carries was a heckuva performance by the Pirate Defense. I predict he’ll get 300 yards against LBJ, unless they stack the box and leave receivers open. If they do, Peterson (QB) will make them pay with his arm. But LBJ has a couple of good backs themselves, so yes folks, this will be a track meet. Not impressed with Lindale’s Defense overall, but they play the run better than the pass, and LBJ is predominately a running team. Imo, that gives Lindale a slight advantage. You can go to the bank there won’t be many punts in this game.
  18. It’s quite possible that incidents of cops killing a black man will cease to be News during the next four years. There are many other changes we can anticipate: When Biden gives his mask edict (everyone to wear a mask for 100 days), Flu deaths will skyrocket, and many Death Certificates will record, as cause, cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, impacted colon, malaria, dengue fever, etc. etc. and Covid deaths will become virtually non-newsworthy. China will become our staunch ally. Major manufactures moving their production plants overseas will not be considered newsworthy. The price of gas will soar and the increase will be blamed on Saudi Arabia & Russia/Putin. The country of Georgia will see an economic boom, and Hunter could, quite possibly, end up in their Parliament. We’ll no longer read so many stories of the homeless, unemployment, or the poor in general. Israel will be labeled as the reason there’s any trouble in the Middle East, constantly provoking the peace loving Muslims. And finally, anything, anything bad that happens, anywhere in the world, will be blamed on Trump. As Yul Brenner said in the movie The Ten Commandments, So let it be written, so let it be done.
  19. Don’t hold back BS Wildcats, tell us how you really feel. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
  20. Most of us thought (knew) this was happening. I’m just surprised the old bat admitted it. I suspect she wishes she hadn’t, but like Biden, she’s old, and somewhat senile. [Hidden Content]
  21. My son sent me this, being a connoisseur of music, and then insisted I listen to it. Yes folks, this song is a classic. And definitely belongs on this thread.
  22. Providing one team or the other doesn’t get fumblitis, that sounds about right to me. Btw, I put O/U at 105, so we’re close.
  23. Probably not, but at least Carthage starters would have to play the whole game. 😂😄😂
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