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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Hagar


    Most Dr’s will tell you mask do little (or nothing) to prevent the spread of Covid or flu. This appears to verify that.
  2. Thank you. No idea why it didn’t come up. My daughter said I don’t know how to phrase the questions right, so I tried twice (not enough). I guess so. Only person in the US that can’t get Google to answer my questions. 😄
  3. I tried to google this and nothing came up. What’s up with that?
  4. I suggest they investigate the LBJ Coach. It’s been suggested on this Forum that it looked like he wanted to lose. I have to agree.
  5. I wear one, primarily because my wife throws a fit if I don’t. Guess she knows she’ll never find a hunk like me again..... 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
  6. So you’re going to get a shot and will have nothing to fear. Well peon, we can’t have that. Here’s the deal - they’ll find a reason to keep you scared. Is this true? I don’t have any idea, but the story fits in with how they’ve manipulated us so far. [Hidden Content] And as the infomercial guy says, “But wait, there’s more”. If you get the shot, expect some of this. [Hidden Content] And here’s the good news - ________________________ ______________________________________________________ Enjoy.
  7. Yes, she conceded the election, but still claimed he was an illegitimate President. Btw, we agree on paper ballots (I’ve never voted on a machine, lol). [Hidden Content] Here’s the video if you think the Washington Post is a right wing propaganda machine.
  8. Interesting that when replying to my post, you appear to be okay with the fact that suddenly 81 Million voted on Biden, but in this post you imply there may have been some chicanery. Since you mentioned a Sports analogy, there’s an example that’s comparable, albeit not quite as bad. Lance Armstrong was cycling King. Passed all the drug test (vote recounts). He passed all the drug test, but a thorough investigation found he was using drugs. That’s what we need to put this mess to rest, a thorough investigation in Ga or Pa. If no massive fraud is found, I’d be satisfied, as I think most would.
  9. According to my Dr. the hand sanitizer is the most important thing you can do. I got a small bottle of Purell to carry & keep it full.
  10. I don’t know how many of y’all watch a lot of News, but for those that don’t, let me enlighten you. You should be scared. Scared of Covid. What I’ve noticed, any positive news is squashed. You have to wear a mask - but I’ve had Covid - don’t matter. I’ve had the vaccine - don’t matter. Blood type O-Neg get less affected by Covid - my goodness, don’t tell people that. Anything that might look like a slight ray of sunshine in the gloom & doom is brushed off. Why is that? Only reason that comes to mind, “They” enjoy having the power, or simplywant to see how far they can push us until we say, enough. I just saw this article and it set me off. [Hidden Content] Btw, here’s some of that positive for you Bloos Type O folks. [Hidden Content]
  11. Stevenash, since you may be more familiar with this, since it probably comes up in business dealings. Should Joe Biden be required to register as an agent of a foreign government? Asking for a friend..... 😂😂🤣😂😂
  12. Jmo, Carthage beats Argyle & makes a good run at 5AD2. They’re just that good. But Congrats to Gilmer for getting there. As posted earlier, at least they have a shot, no matter how tough.
  13. The Democrats repeatedly said Trump rigged the 2016 election. Was it based on any facts? Not that I’m aware of. While some folks may think it was simply Americans dislike of Trump in 2020, I still would like someone to explain the mathematical anomalies. The primary one is the number of votes Biden got. The record for votes in a winning election was Obama in 2012 when he got 65,915,795 votes. Biden got 81,284,000 votes. Trump, in losing, got 74,221,000. You couldn’t get 81 Million votes in a fair election if you gave away free turkeys. It’s not like he just barely beat the record, he beat it by 16 Million votes. Common sense tells me that’s just not possible, especially when Trump beat the record by 5 Million votes. 2016 Total votes 129 Million 2020 Total votes 155 Million If you don’t consider that an anomaly, you don’t understand the definition. Still, everyone is entitled to their opinion. By now, you certainly know mine.
  14. So he’s the equivalent of Raider Girl? A black cloud for the home team. A bad luck charm dressed up as a fan.
  15. Texas has rejected Dominion Voting Systems after testing them not once, or twice, but three times, and found them unreliable. [Hidden Content]
  16. There’s two obvious reasons to question the results. First, mail in voting is so open to fraud, even the NYT’s did an article on it. Secondly, the mathematical anomalies indicates some shady shenanigans. How the oldest man to ever win the presidency, with obvious dementia, could get the most votes in history, doesn’t make sense, but is possible. As I’ve posted before, a thorough voting audit in Ga or Pa will verify in most people’s minds whether Biden’s win is legit or not. Imo, not to much to ask.
  17. And Dems can truthfully make decals. “America, love it or cheat it”. The Democrat voters are the product of manipulation and brainwashing. They only know what they’ve been told, via the MSM or Social Media. So they were told for almost 3 years - Trump was guilty of Russian Collusion - They were told orange man bad - Orange man, and his supporters racist - They’re constantly told FOX News lies - etc. etc. Then comes the proof. The lies by omission. The Hunter Biden scandal, exposed by the NY Post with proof, the oldest newspaper in America. Both Media outlets, News & Social, get all self righteous and squash the story. There are even former CIA Directors, Bremmer & Panetta, quoted as saying it’s Russian disinformation. And the manipulation & brainwashing is complete. Thirty percent of voters in one swing state had never heard of the Hunter Biden story & ten percent said they would have changed their vote, enough to give Trump the win. So the New Media, assumed by our Founding Fathers to be the watchdog of our Republic, is now nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party & their agenda. There is no watchdog. No guard at the gate. Our Republic is in serious trouble. [Hidden Content]
  18. Most have a price, even for their souls. The Dems have found Warnock’s and he has joined with the Devil.
  19. As the bad guy said in the Outlaw Josey Wells, “Doing right ain’t got no end”. 😂🤣😂
  20. This election, and the mathematical anomalies, is comparable to being in a big poker game with 4 other guys playing, losing, then looking at the cards and there’s 7 aces in the deck - and the other 4 guys are splitting up all the money you lost. Everyone knows there was cheating, but no one cares but you.
  21. The worst prognosticator on the Forum picks Nederland by 10.
  22. I wouldn’t be outraged if Biden beat Trump, but Biden winnng due to fraud and cheating really pushes my buttons. The only thing worse is the fact, despite the mathematical anomalies, no one wants to verify the election. Again, before some liberal responds with, “They did a recount”, recounting does not expose fraud. It might expose someone being inept, but that’s about it. Unless/until, a complete voting audit is done, in one of the States with questionable results, most conservatives will never believe this election was fair. Which brings up all the sworn affidavits by Poll Watchers. If no one cares, and that appears to be the case, why even have Poll Watchers? We might as well anoint the Democratic candidate as President, & not bother with an election between parties. Anyone with any sense should realize how dangerous having one Party forever in control is.
  23. A situation that makes no sense. None. And though I try to rationalize it, I can’t. It sends my feeble brain into overload just thinking of it. It’s like a person saying they hate cold weather, then moving to Alaska.
  24. I’m sick of this. All they need to do is a complete audit of one of these questionable States. If the voting machines are scrutinized, and all the mail in votes are checked, and there’s no fraud found, I’ll accept the results. Until they do, I’ll never believe Biden won. The math alone indicates there was massive fraud. I can’t believe that no one, or group, in power will authorize a complete audit to prove our election, one way or the other.
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