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    baddog got a reaction from smitty in Obama.....   
    .....calls for air strikes against ISIS in Iraq.

    About time.

    I'm not a huge fan of Obama because I am not communist, but I am a war monger and like this move, albeit late in my opinion. I personally think it will take more than strategic air strikes to fend off the murderers.

    I do not like the fact that Obama said we must defend our diplomats in the region when he completely forgot them in Benghazi. I do completely back any offensive military tactics. I like Daisy Cutters.

    I'll give Obama a +1 on this.

    What say ye?
  2. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Possible OOC Games for SEC Teams   
    Wow, establish yourselves as a military academy then cry because your men go to war, and on top of that, hold Texas accountable. Only an Aggie could have that mentality. The players didn't have to be cadets. You just got your arses handed to you and you have to come up with some flimsy excuse. Ags, gotta love how far they think past their noses.
  3. Like
    baddog got a reaction from TxHoops in Possible OOC Games for SEC Teams   
    Wow, establish yourselves as a military academy then cry because your men go to war, and on top of that, hold Texas accountable. Only an Aggie could have that mentality. The players didn't have to be cadets. You just got your arses handed to you and you have to come up with some flimsy excuse. Ags, gotta love how far they think past their noses.
  4. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Possible OOC Games for SEC Teams   
    Sip this.

    Notice it says the higher ups at both universities don't want the game. Heck, I do.
  5. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Steven Avery in I Want My SEC Network....   
    Is this counting the $300 million?

    LHN was not marketed correctly, I admit, but we have one school vs. an entire conference. Nothing like having a level playing field huh? Ags having to thump someone else's chest.

    Why don't Ags attempt an Aggie network, then get back to me on your success.
  6. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in I Want My SEC Network....   
    You don't see the comparison you made?
  7. Like
    baddog got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in I Want My SEC Network....   
    Is this counting the $300 million?

    LHN was not marketed correctly, I admit, but we have one school vs. an entire conference. Nothing like having a level playing field huh? Ags having to thump someone else's chest.

    Why don't Ags attempt an Aggie network, then get back to me on your success.
  8. Like
    baddog got a reaction from TxHoops in Are Divorce Laws Biased Against Men?   
    Had a man ask me what I would do if my son called me and said he needed a jacket for winter. Obviously the mom (his ex) spent the child support on who knows what. He was furious and thought he shouldn't have to pay it. I simply told him that I never had to deal with divorce, but that if my son EVER called me and said he was cold and needed a jacket, if I had to pawn something, he would have a jacket, but that's just me. Thank God my wife is stuck with me. I couldn't deal with that stuff very well.

    Staying on topic, I think the courts do favor the woman with good intentions, but nothing is perfect and good people suffer. Probably what I have already said.
  9. Like
    baddog reacted to Peppermint Patty in Charlie Strong dismisses 3 Longhorns   
    How did those "Junction Boys" handle the "sleepover" requirement of Coach Bryant?
  10. Like
    baddog reacted to Ty Cobb in Are Divorce Laws Biased Against Men?   
    The law is old and outdated.  Most women are in the work force now days and earn a good pay check.  The laws that give the woman half of the man's belonging and assests were put in place for the women who were stay at home mom's.  
  11. Like
    baddog reacted to thetragichippy in Are Divorce Laws Biased Against Men?   
    Child support needs to be accounted for.  A man gives ex 20% of income and they can spend 25% of that on kid and the other 75% on a BMW or whatever......
  12. Like
    baddog got a reaction from thetragichippy in Are Divorce Laws Biased Against Men?   
    I've known some cases where the kid would have been better off with the dad, but what do I know? I think the laws are designed to protect the woman from being used and abused and being stuck with a kid with no visible means of support. I understand that, but some women abuse the system (golddiggers) and the man suffers......why?
  13. Like
    baddog got a reaction from thetragichippy in Calvin Walker indicted - Someone is NOT playing.....   
    Dinner date......better known as "The Big Fish"
  14. Like
    baddog reacted to thetragichippy in Calvin Walker indicted - Someone is NOT playing.....   
    If they are going after him, makes you wonder if they are going to go after his dinner date........
  15. Like
    baddog reacted to stevenash in Year Up   
    Just watched a segment on Sixty Minutes about this program called Year Up.  It is a highly successful program intended solely for the disadvantaged that gives them an opportunity they might otherwise not get.  All of you lefties who believe that the right consists of greedy, uncaring, rich people need to take notice and understand what this program is achieving WITHOUT GOVERNMENT assistance and WITHOUT TAXPAYER DOLLARS.  And the majority of the participants are the Wall Streeters that you have been taught to hate ( even though you really don't know why, you have just accepted that they are evil)  THis program has high standards and demands accountability.  I heard one instructor say that if you are late to class because the bus was late, that simply isn't acceptable.  Young people who come out of this program are producing at a very high rate and have become productive citizens without throwing endless taxpayer dollars at it.  Donations are coming in from all over the country and you need to know that those evil Republicans are heavily involved in the donations and even more heavily involved in the education process.  This is PROOF POSITIVE that there are often times better ways to solve problems that having a bloated, inefficient, and unaccountable government handling the process and it is damn sure more productive than Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.  Big Girl, what would you do if someone you knew took advantage of this program and became a Wall Street success story?  Would you cheer them for what they have accomplished or would you demonize them for becoming a productive member of  the "establishment"?
  16. Like
    baddog got a reaction from smitty in Federal Judge Rules...   
    .....handgun ban unconstitutional.

  17. Like
    baddog reacted to stevenash in Big Girl- What do you think of this analogy?   
    You simply have swallowed the party line without examining the facts and coming to your own conclusion.  First- A subsidy is a money provided by the government for the purpose of promoting something such as solar energy.  Therefore, the oil companies do not receive subsidies.  Additionally, the oil companies have available to them the same tax deductions that every other corporation in the country has access to.  When you understand the difference between a subsidy and a tax deduction, you will be better equipped to then cry and bemoan the deductions that the oil companies take.  All are lawful and were passed by the government.  Once again, you should be very pleased that the oil companies make significant profits.  Of course, what you don't consider is that they also take significant risks but that doesn't matter to you.  When British Petroleum caused all that damage in the gulf last year, they were able to be financially responsible for everything without needing a government/taxpayer funded bailout and a bankruptcy.  Thus they are still employing thousands of people who pay a lot of taxes based on their income.  If they had not earned significant profits over the years, they would have gone under, thousands of people would have been added to the unemployment roles, and government tax revenues would have declined due to the lost jobs and the taxes paid by British Petroleum.  If and when that would have taken place, the government would need more money and would cry out (with your full support) that some other industry and some group of individuals weren't paying their fair share-  It never ends
  18. Like
    baddog reacted to PNGFan in 642,000 Crimes...   
    Illegal is Illegal....Period..... Ship them back!!! All 20 million!! Let their own government take care of them. If they want to live here, then apply for citizenship and do it legally.
  19. Like
    baddog reacted to Ty Cobb in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    I remember the piece of the Hot Wheels race track.  Not very fun.  My mom was about to give me a spanking once with a yard stick.  I decided to challenge her by taking the yard stick away from her and breaking it over my knee.  BAD MOVE!!! Then, for some reason I handed both of the broken ends back to her.  ANOTHER BAD MOVE!!!  As you can probably imagine, mom went to work on my little behind with both ends of the yard stick.  One of those childhood memories that I will never forget!!!  Never challenged my mother again!!!
  20. Like
    baddog got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    My Dad used a belt and would hit me high enough so as not to show below my gym shorts. My Mom liked a switch. You better not come back with a puny one either. Both of these offenses would land both of my parents in jail today. I loved my parents to death and hold no grudges for being disciplined. We have become a country of wusses.

    I told my kids early on that if I ever disciplined them and they called the cops on me and I went to jail, then they better run because one of us is going to the hospital and the other is going back to jail. I can actually count on one hand the number of times I spanked my kids. I guess i was lucky. When they were old enough and I made them have a conscience. I was able to reason with them. I would make them apologize to their Mom and never sent them to their room or to timeout.
  21. Like
    baddog reacted to Englebert in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    Every time I hear about anything to do with child abuse I can't help but reflect on an example one of my professors used as to how statistics can sometimes be very misleading. (It was a statistics class.)
    The number of child abuse cases is higher today than it was in the 1970s, and dramatically higher than in the 1950s. One would conclude that child abuse is on the rise. And that conclusion would be false, and in fact the opposite is true. What has led to the rise in child abuse cases is the definition of child abuse, and the number of cases reported. In the 1950s, a complete stranger could swat the backside of a misbehaving child without fear of any type of prosecution, much less any reporting. Leaving a child in car while going into a convience store was standard practice for many. Now-a-days, both can get you thrown in jail. For this particular topic, in the 1950s this trial would have never seen the light of day even if the kid had huge welps from being spanked. In fact, the person who reported the abuse would probably be more liable to being charged with submitting a false report than the parent facing abuse charges.
  22. Like
    baddog reacted to thetragichippy in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    My Dad used a belt (and not very often because I was a pretty smart kid and it only took one time to realize that sucked!)......
    My Grandmother would use a metal fly swatter.......holy crap that stung!! I remember my cousin being chased up a tree with my grandma following her.....She wouldn't come down, so my Gandma went and got a lawn chair and waited for her :D
  23. Like
    baddog got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    My Dad used a belt and would hit me high enough so as not to show below my gym shorts. My Mom liked a switch. You better not come back with a puny one either. Both of these offenses would land both of my parents in jail today. I loved my parents to death and hold no grudges for being disciplined. We have become a country of wusses.

    I told my kids early on that if I ever disciplined them and they called the cops on me and I went to jail, then they better run because one of us is going to the hospital and the other is going back to jail. I can actually count on one hand the number of times I spanked my kids. I guess i was lucky. When they were old enough and I made them have a conscience. I was able to reason with them. I would make them apologize to their Mom and never sent them to their room or to timeout.
  24. Like
    baddog reacted to TROJANSWIN in NSA Spying On Americans - Good or Bad?   
    Spying on Americans by our government without proper warrants is always bad. Using the guise of it being for security is no excuse. Bad people will do bad things. We will never be able to completely eliminate this problem. Justice for such an act should be swift and complete. If it is state sponsored or allowed to happen because a country allows terrorists to train and prosper in their country, when those terrorists hurt Americans, we should wipe out the leaders of that country along with the terrorists. Make the country responsible for what happens in their territory. If the terrorists are Americans, then they should be taken to the courthouse square and hung upon capture.
  25. Like
    baddog got a reaction from CAL2TEX in What Happened?....   
    I understand why now.
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