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Big girl

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  1. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in 12 Turncoat Senate RINOs Join Democrats in Passing the Perverted “Respect for [HOMOSEXUAL] Marriage Act”!   
    No… their predominant religion took over the government and now EVERYONE has follow the tenets of Islam. 
    You want religious zealots in control of everyone here, too.. it’s the exact same thing. 
  2. Like
    Big girl reacted to LumRaiderFan in 12 Turncoat Senate RINOs Join Democrats in Passing the Perverted “Respect for [HOMOSEXUAL] Marriage Act”!   
    Like a million other things, government should have no say in marriage, no telling you who you can and can't marry, and no tax advantages or disadvantages based on marital status.
    Problem solved.
  3. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from AggiesAreWe in 4-7 beats #5 9-2, 38-23   
    Gig em
  4. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in I see where Trump…   
    I see where Trump is rallying his base….

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Nothing like inviting over the white supremacists and anti-semites for dinner.  What a clown show. 
  5. Haha
    Big girl got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Trump Running in 2024   
    What about the Republicans that won who were on the same ballot? Were those votes manipulated?
  6. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    Please... a credible news source that would give a report on the story?  I've heard nothing, and it sounds like the same kind of stories we were hearing after 2020 that turned out to be completely baseless.  There would be stories that sounded like outright cheating, then a deeper look into the allegations would reveal that it was complete fiction.... Basically all of the stuff that Rudy was alleging that turned out to be lies.  I'd appreciate something to corroborate your assertion.   
  7. Haha
    Big girl got a reaction from Hagar in Critical Race Theory   
    Crt does not condemn all white people
  8. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    Well, Unwoke still says that anybody who claims a fire extinguisher was used as a weapon is a liar (despite an actual video of the attack AND the Trump supporter getting 63 months in the pokey for throwing that extinguisher)... It never happened according to Unwoke.  In fact, just because there are RUMORS that Capitol police might have let protesters in through at least one door (despite no evidence of that allegation), the whole thing was legal according to Unwoke.... no one was where they weren't supposed to be because some cop allegedly let some of the seditionists in.  In fact, even though Unwoke had never seen the video of the fire extinguisher assault, the fact that he feels as if he hasn't seen ALL video evidence indicates that the whole thing was covered up by Nancy Pelosi (without the aid of her laptop).  
    On the other hand, Unwoke still believes that the election was stolen despite a single second of video evidence of a single stolen vote.  
    And he wonders why we all think he's a buffoon. 
  9. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    When the truth hurts, attack the source. Y’all are all so predictable. There’s literally a thousand different sources with videos of this guy bonking a cop in the head with a fire extinguisher AND he got 63 months in the slammer for doing so…. But you don’t believe it. 
    But you DO believe the election was stolen without a shred of evidence because your Lord and Savior Donald Trump said so. 
    You da clown. 
    Being that stupid should come with warning labels for the times you forget to wear your MAGA hat. 
  10. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from Reagan in House GOP Launches Investigation Into JoeBama's Business Deals!   
    I don't watch the View.
  11. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in House GOP Launches Investigation Into JoeBama's Business Deals!   
    I think this actually the conservatives' worst nightmare.  Nobody cared about Joe/Hunter (other than the hardcore conservatives) during the last election cycle and nobody cares about them now.  We should be as mean spirited and petty as we possibly can and then see how much the voting public approves in 2024.  What a great plan.  
  12. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    I’m not going to vote for him, period. He’s a fool. 
    But as far as a third party candidate, nothing will surprise me. His behavior proved during the 2022 midterms that he’s not Pro-America, he’s not pro-Republican/conservative. He’s only looking out for Donald Trump. He would absolutely try to make a third party run in 2024 and it would work about as well as his social media platform, lol. 
    But it would be a great way to sell more merch to his adoring fans like Unwoke and Reagan…. So yes, he’s in as a third party candidate. 
  13. Haha
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in How Trump, Infighting, and Flawed Candidates Limited Republican Gains   
    I voted for Trump twice.  If he secures the nomination this goround, I'll be (grudgingly) voting for him again.  I don't have TDS.  I've stated many times on here that I thought he did a decent job as president.  But I don't like him, and he's destroying the republican party to the advantage of the left, and yes, that bothers me a lot.  When Kari Lake was dumb enough to publicly say that she didn't want any "McCain Republicans" at her rallies, I wrote her off.  Apparently so did a lot of the McCain republicans.  You can't really protect some people from themselves, I guess.  It's just shocking to me that she insulted the most popular Arizona politician of the last several generations and his supporters, WHO'S VOTES SHE NEEDED TO WIN, and then she somehow lost.  But we all know the election was really stolen from her, I saw it on twitter.
  14. Haha
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in How Trump, Infighting, and Flawed Candidates Limited Republican Gains   
    It's the easiest fix in the world!  Quit nominating buffoons.  That's literally all it takes. When a moderate feels the left is too far left, and the right is too far right, you know what a great tiebreaker is??  Likability.  Again a post from you that places all the blame on everyone but the republicans, while complaining about how terrible the left is. Which makes MY point from earlier:  there's a prevalent attitude amongst certain conservatives that appear much more content to refuse change and gripe about how dumb and terrible the left is than to demand change from their own party to secure victories.  
  15. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Trump Running in 2024   
    Without a doubt there are a lot of stupid voters out there.  That said, I think there are a lot of folks like me, who have strong views that go both ways.  You and I closely align on some things, but are miles apart on others.  At this stage in my life, I feel that A) many of the social views I feel strongly about have been addressed, and B ) things like the economy, taxes, and gun rights are at the top of my list when it comes to importance.  
    i only make this point because I believe that there are plenty of voters who can make an informed vote in either direction, depending on which issues are most important to them at the time.  And in that scenario, when given a candidate on one side or the other that they completely can’t stand, they’ll simply vote the other direction if they think both sides are addressing issues that they strongly believe in. The reversal of Roe vs. Wade was also a huge player in these midterms.  Many swing voters who were going to vote based on the economy suddenly had another issue that they felt very strongly about.  I would’ve liked for the right to have waited until after the midterms to address this issue, as I think it likely played an even bigger role in their struggles at the polls than Trump did.  Abortion was the 2nd biggest current issue behind the economy among those polled, and it wasn’t an issue for republicans at all, since they’re happy where it stands.  This means that the right created an issue that negatively affected them in a massive way just a couple of months before the elections. I understand that the right wanted it done as quickly as possible, but the best way to keep it that way is to gain as much political control as possible, which they failed to do.  
  16. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    “Trump is a stupid man’s idea of a smart man, a poor man’s idea of a rich man, and a weak man’s idea of a strong man.” 
    The guy that said this hit the nail on the head. 
  17. Confused
    Big girl got a reaction from Reagan in House GOP Launches Investigation Into JoeBama's Business Deals!   
    What goods to they have?
  18. Like
    Big girl reacted to mat in Trump Running in 2024   
    I’ll throw out a wild prediction to entertain those conspiracy theorist.
    The dems plan will be to continue slinging mud at Trump for the next two years that includes more criminal accusations with no intent to go to trial or convict. The goal will  be to make him look as bad as possible but keep him in the race because he will be easy to beat.
    The GOP will quietly, behind the scenes start plotting a criminal case against Trump so he can be convicted and ineligible to run. It will appear to be the dem’s fault and open the door for a new nominee without getting blood on their hands.
    You heard it here first.
  19. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from DCT in Trump Running in 2024   
    Desantis appears to be smarter than Trump. I don't think he will have Twitter tantrums. I would prefer to have Desantis as the POTUS than Trump if the Democrats were to lose in 2024
  20. Like
    Big girl reacted to BS Wildcats in Trump Running in 2024   
    I will not vote for Trump in the primaries.  Did I say only Trump can save us?  Not sure about your comprehension skills.  But, if boils down to Trump and any dip💩 Dimocrat, America really has no choice, if it wants to survive.
  21. Confused
    Big girl got a reaction from Unwoke in Election Results And Thoughts Here!   
  22. Haha
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Has Gone A Bridge Too Far   
    Your hero is unelectable.  He got his tail busted in 2020, and the events of 1/6 haven't earned him any votes.  All he stands to do by running is to either win the republican nomination and get destroyed in the general (again), or damage the other republican candidates and eventual nominee.... after which time the Trump supporters (not American patriots, conservatives, or republicans, but Trump supporters like yourself) will not turn out to vote for the eventual nominee because "the system is rigged against an outsider."  The average Trump supporter isn't very sophisticated.  That's indisputable. 
    Trump didn't just screw us all in 2020, he's going to screw us again in 2024 because his supporters won't do the right thing and send him packing. 
  23. Like
    Big girl reacted to CardinalBacker in Trump Has Gone A Bridge Too Far   
    I'll reiterate my position... It's not America first, it's not conservatism.  It's Trump, closely followed by Trump, then Trump and finally Trump as the first four priorities for Donald Trump.  He's just done a good job of convincing people that he's "that guy." You know, anti-abortion, fiscally conservative, America First, etc....
    And I'll state once more for the record for anyone who wants to mark it down.  If Trump announces a run for President, the yet-to-be determined Democratic nominee will be elected in 2024.  There will be a bloodbath of destructiveness that's already started in the primary, plus you'll have all of the Trump votes staying home in the general if somebody else manages to get the Republican nomination. 
    We'll revisit when the time comes. 
  24. Haha
    Big girl reacted to AggiesAreWe in Election Results And Thoughts Here!   
    The Gateway Pundit.
    Such a reliable source.
  25. Like
    Big girl reacted to bullets13 in Election Results And Thoughts Here!   
    yeah, republicans never, ever, ever do anything underhanded or crooked to win elections.  come on, man.  you're smarter than this.  that said, you can't honestly believe that if republicans could find away to endorse democratic candidates with low chances of winning that they wouldn't do it "out of fairness."  they'd jump all over it, and republicans everywhere would support it.  Just because you pretend it's not that way doesn't make it fact.  I've seen an overwhelming majority of politicians on both sides do anything they can get away with to win, and an overwhelming majority of their supporters let underhanded behavior slide on their side, while setting the other side on fire for doing the same things.
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