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Mr. Thornton Melon

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Everything posted by Mr. Thornton Melon

  1. Do you think the racism that CT was accused of while the petitions were being passed around to fire him has been forgotten after he backed this hire ?
  2. Anyone could win at WO-S during the regular season and they could win district without a coach because there's just not much competition. We won't know if it's a good hire until we see playoff game results and it will take years to see enough playoff games to know.
  3. You're being nice with that prediction. I'll say Tigers 105-37
  4. Your screen name brings back some good memories. Good one .
  5. I just saw on a site that he goes by Tyrone but probably not accurate knowing the internet. If so, they could call him coach-T
  6. Hickman looks like he could have a heart attack at any moment. If WO-S wants longevity in a coach then Tyrone needs to visit weight watchers.
  7. Congrats Cleatus on winning both Large Gar and Grinnel in yesterdays tourney. You almost won the goggle eye category also. Great Job Bubba, Bon Weir is proud of you
  8. It would be hard not to pick him if he were in the running. I just couldn't see passing on the opportunity to get a great coach like that
  9. We wouldn't know if WO-S made a bad hire until they got to the playoffs because the district isn't that competitive . The Stangs could probably win district without a coach
  10. Can anyone give me a count on Hickman yard signs in or around Orange ?
  11. Isn't that just another way of saying the players suck ? You are saying sub .500 is the best they are capable of doing
  12. I still give the edge to LCM and Livingston because they're programs are evolving with their new coaches, Vidor and HH are just going through the motions
  13. This is why they will never tackle illegal immigration. [Hidden Content] The USA is funding the illegal migration by funneling it through the Mexico and Canada Trade agreement ( We would have never made an agreement with the countries who signed the U.N. Migrant Compact unless we agreed with it ourselves). The United Nations is running things by their laws and the constitution is no longer being enforced. We were divided amongst themselves and pointing the finger at each other , meanwhile the takeover was in full force. We could of seen this coming if we wouldn't have been so self absorbed and paid attention to what has been going on in the rest of the world. The countries gone and here we sit playing the blame game by pointing at Jack asses and Elephants. FYI the Latin community are the silent carriers who were infected by the W.H.O. before they sent them here. The South & Central America population represent a 34 million person stronger marketplace for big business to exploit and that's what it's all about. The good cop bad cop routine of politics is so deceiving . One party seems to be for you (good cop) and the other seems to be against you (bad cop) but neither are on your side. We all lose in the end per the plan
  14. 10-4A LCM - Peevey still fine tuning Lum - Reyes still fine tuning and bringing back a lot HH - Vid /Liv -
  15. They are gonna throttle Crosby again if Crosby can even get there
  16. The Mustangs are glad to hear this😄. Great move by the coach
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