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Mr. Thornton Melon

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Everything posted by Mr. Thornton Melon

  1. He has a few things to do before he can be approved. PNGISD must send him to ISTC for Basic Plus then SITE SPECIFIC for PNG High School. After he learns the muster points and has a copy of the MSDS then he is set to be approved by the board.
  2. He could be an excellent craftsman with great tools but if you insist on supplying inferior materials then don't expect the Taj Mahal
  3. LCM, Vidor & Lumbertons' weak non-district schedules are going to hurt them come playoff time.
  4. Stangs finish pre district 2-2 They really shouldn't be playing Newton IMO
  5. It doesn't matter how he would've voted to me, it wasn't a decisive vote. I just figured he gambled since he planned a party 5 months in advance at a gambling establishment AKA: Casino. He was just knockin back a frew brews
  6. I wasnt ever a big longhorn fan but the electrician I worked with was. My hat flew out the window on the 101 that morning on the way to work so I wore one of his. It was all meant to be, the outtage and hat
  7. One very important question remains unanswered about this entire process before we can get closure. How did Roderick Robertson do at the casino that night ? Did he hit a progressive jackpot ? Did he enter one of those drawings that you had to be present to win ? Either way , i hope he at least picked up a dinner comp
  8. I got to shut down all electrical power to USCs' Leavey Library and Tals Hall the week of the USC/TX championship. You should of seen the looks on the students faces when I walked in to the library to access the damage with my longhorn hat on. They didnt get to save any of their work on the computers before the outage. It was another win for Texas in my eyes although the boss wasnt happy. Its a story that I will pass down to my grandkids. I always saw it as I drew first blood for the horns
  9. They had the X's but didn't have the Joes. There's no Joes moving in , just Joses
  10. They had a good coach a few years back that was good but he left for greener pastures. No ones staying there for long, it's a stepping stone job that some new coach will use to cut his teeth
  11. It's ok , the truth sometimes hurts Chuckles. Just kiss the right butts and I'm sure you will get your chance
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