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Everything posted by OlDawg

  1. Yep. Definitely made a difference in the game. But, it’s part of it. Attrition happens. Dawgs will have had a week now to come up with options. Big loss though. Hope he recovers fully & soon.
  2. You mean the District’s leading rusher with total yards & YPC? (That’s about 100 YPG & 8 YPC). That’s my understanding. I noticed he only had 5 or 6 carries against KWP all in 1st half. After that 53 yard breakaway TD run early, I seem to remember seeing him with the ball no more than 5 times. Don’t remember seeing him on the field at all 2nd half.
  3. If people can't attend the game, I highly recommend the LPSportsnet YouTube channel over Texan Live or NFHS. I've used both now, and LPSportsnet is superior quality to both of the others with HD, instant replays, clock, down, distance, you name it. Basically, like a normal broadcast game on any network. Besides that, it's FREE! LPsportsNET - YouTube
  4. LOL... You're tough on them! Somebody slash your tires in PA or something?
  5. Ha! That was quick. You hardly had time to leave the stadium.🤣🤣 By this time of the year, teams are known and are either improving, or staying somewhat stagnant. The KWP game--which the Panthers were CLEARLY the better team Thursday night--notwithstanding, LP has been steadily improving with a much higher ceiling available. KWP's senior laden leadership at key positions, execution, and gameplan made the young LP squad look pretty inept. LP is a better squad than they showed. That being said, with youth comes inconsistency. I feel sure the coaching staff have already had the young men move on and focus on this game. We'll see if they can rebound from the KWP disaster. If they can, that will show me a great deal about the boys, and the approach of the staff. Now that that's out of the way, this game will be won/lost in a very cliche' way for LP. Fundamental execution with minimal/no penalties. Win the TO battle. Control the clock/slow the game down. Stop the big play. I think you'll see a much different LP squad Friday night at Bulldog. But, that's because I think their upside is still pretty high, and the coaches will have them mentally ready. We'll find out if my faith is warranted on Friday.
  6. KWP is no doubt the better team. Congrats Panthers! LP needs to regroup & start again next week. Tough game against PAM.
  7. Panthers are opening a can of whoop a$$! I really like their QB.
  8. La Porte looks lost. Although, I missed the first quarter. Thanks for posting about the refreshing! Ha! I was still stuck on 14-6.
  9. So… I know you’ve watched the HUDL vids. What’s your prediction? Looks like the offense KWP is running is a perfect fit for #2. I couldn’t find a roster. But, I’m pretty sure I saw he was an experienced senior.
  10. I missed the receiver. #4 on KWP is Richards. Solid talent.
  11. I will have to watch via NFHS on ROKU.(Good thing I’ve got a ROKU stick instead of a smart TV. Ha!) If anyone has experience setting up, or recommendations, please let me know. I should be able to stream on my 55”. Appears NFHS will be using Texan Live stream. Both NFHS & Texan Live have an app for the external ROKU devices for watching on TV instead of just a pc/tablet/phone.
  12. Thoughts posted on Football Friday with additions of rough stats I could find. Watched their HUDL highlights. Looks like the pistol with a pretty even balance between pass & run. Their QB—from what I read somewhere—is a converted WR. So, he can run open field. Seems to have a strong arm. Will need outside contain. Their main receiver appears to be a young man named Bailey I think. He also handles some KO return duties similar to LP 23. Reminds me of LP #17 from a receiving standpoint. Solid team with some size. I did notice their YAC yards were off the charts due to very poor tackling technique from their opponents. Haven’t seen so much arm tackling in a while. LP needs to continue with their solid, textbook solar plexus hits & wrapup. Minimize YAC yards and they may have a rough time moving the ball and have to resort to low % deeper pass plays. Not sure they have the speed to get outside on LP. Of the three district teams they’ve played, Crosby would seem to be the team most would think would be a PO contender. LP has played BH & Lee—who both could be PO bound. Overall scoring between the two teams is almost identical, but LP has allowed less. LP has less pass yards by far. But, they average over 8 YPC, and 15 YPC when they do pass (About 8-12 per game.) Should be a very good ball game. Good health to both teams.
  13. I may see about going to this one. Mama Dawg can’t make the games any more as she can’t get up the ramps/stairs, so I’ve been stuck with live streams. But, I may see if I can sneak out for this one as there’s no stream & I’m not paying for crappy Texanlive. I’d love for it to come down to PAM/LP at Bulldog Oct. 7 like it did a few years in the old 21-6. But, LP’s still too young to get ahead of anything.
  14. The Panthers on a short week at their place. They’re playing very solid ball. Gonna’ be a tough one. LP will have to be focused every play. No plays off as I’ve noticed them do a few times.
  15. People forget that Berneathy began his coaching career at La Porte under LaReau. He was at LP from 2007-2013 before moving on to get his shot. LP has always—since I’ve been around anyway—had more consistent success when they’ve gone ‘in-house’ from the Lundin coaching tree. Lundin to Weigand to LaReau to Berneathy now. When LP has attempted to go outside with a flashy hire, it’s been utter failure (ie TJ Mills, Tarr). We’re glad to have Berneathy back to his coaching home.
  16. Tough ballgame. Both clubs young. Will be interesting to see how things progress.
  17. Two tough teams going at it tonight. Sloppy by both at times. But, some was caused by the opponent.
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