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  1. Today
  2. so the 1-seeds in the loser's bracket #5 Arkansas #9 OU #14 UCSB #16 East Carolina #13 Arizona - eliminated
  3. he first day of elimination claims 10 four seeds, 4 twos, and a single #1 and #3 seed
  4. 11 or 12. All but 2 of the 8 starting position players were seniors, catcher and 3B were sophomores.
  5. Thanks congratulations on a great season. How many seniors do yall have graduating?
  6. Congratulations to you guys. Good luck next week. I gotta hand it to you, yall do have awesome pitching. Wish we had played cleaner baseball and made the last 2 games more competitive, but no doubt the best team won.
  7. Ugly win, but we will take it
  8. If it is not a crime why was former Senator John Edward's indicted for the same reason?
  9. Did you hear Trump's incoherent speech yesterday.
  10. Nor would it be the 1st time that a Warren school board member got butt hurt and misused power. Warren is just a stepping stone for young and upcoming coaches/ADs. They had a good guy in Buckner a few years ago who was wanting to stay and make it long term, but they got rid of him.
  11. At this I think it’ll probably be Biden. The only thing that makes me think a swap is possible on the D ticket is the fact that Biden has no real support at the party level. I don’t know who would fight to keep him on the ticket, vs the Rs where a very vocal, slight majority of R voters would revolt on Trump’s behalf if they tried to replace Trump at the convention. The other problem is that Kamala as VP is the heir apparent to the Presidency and sacking her in favor of some other D who might actually get elected would cost the Ds black votes. I think the Ds will keep Biden for the election. I think that IF they swapped in a new candidate (not named Kamala) they’d go from handing a close race between trump/biden to a blowout for the D nominee not named Biden or Harris. My gut tells me they Biden will be the nominee.
  12. I doubt it even though it is late in the game R's didn't help the country by giving us a better candidate for 2024.. they throw out the same trash no 1 outside of the cult liked D's should throw out something better JMO
  13. So you say you like neither party, then blame voters for not voting on "your guy" when neither party is good? Makes alot of sense... either way we agree both spend too much and that's about as far as it goes.. yall have a good Saturday, got better things to do then deal with politics
  14. Trey Gowdy, a formal federal prosecutor, if I am correct. He was in the courtroom during the trial and reported such.
  15. And your answer is to support some corrupted filth from outside the DC swamp? We had other options.
  16. Franklin 10 Orangefield 0 final in 6... Franklin pitcher throws a no hitter
  17. @PhatMack19, any decent games on at 8 tonight?
  18. He shouldn’t be given his cognitive delay. I know the ones pulling the strings hope he is. What other candidate(s) do the liberals have that actually could get the votes? (How am I even asking this question…..Biden shouldn’t even get votes…..this is by far the most ill equipped incumbent ever)
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