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Boy, that was painful


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Well, against my better judgement, I stayed up and watched the SOTU last night. 

Between the outright lies and incoherent babbling I gave up an hour of sleep. I gotta give old Joe his due (or at least his speech writers). He stuck to the same old tired Dem talking points. Heck, 4 supreme court justices skipped it (one a democrat).

The bright spot on my loss of sleep was Sarah Huckabee Sanders response. 

Ok, on to my coffee and getting going at work. Have a great hump day everyone. 

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25 minutes ago, Eagle11 said:

The most cringeworthy moment to me was the kiss between DR. Jill Biden and Doug Emhoff (Kamala's hubby). 

If I were Joe I would watch out kissing Jill anymore. Doug kisses his wife and we all know where her mouth has been.

What was it now, a couple months ago everyone was still wearing masks? Now kissing on the mouth is permissible. Amazing how that works. 

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My TV was in a SOTU blackout.  Watched a repeat of The Incredible Dr Pol.  Much more informative and the Dr. Is infinitely more intelligent than Joe.  Poor Joe (poor USA) is barely, at times, coherent.  And he’s being lead by the Woke Left.  How sad is that?  For us.  For the country.  The road he’s steering us down will make his replacement grind his teeth to nubs.

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Had George Washington or Thomas Jefferson been giving the rebuttal, I’d watched.  Hmmmmmm, wonder what they would say?

For instance, the Va Senate removed a Youngkin appointee to the Board of Education because she defended the Constitution from those who called it a racist document.  Maybe just me but that bothers the feces out of me. What kind of people are in that Senate?  Sounds treasonous to me.

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As Biden listed all of his “great” accomplishments I was reminded of an appropriate analogy I heard on The Five.  You have a beautiful home with expensive vases and paintings.  A guy comes in and trashes it, breaking the vases and defacing the artwork.  Then he comes back to fix it, gluing the vases back together and scrubbing the paintings.  Then he wants to tell you what a great job he’s done.  I fixed this and that, he proclaims.  Haven’t I done great?  Yes but, if you hadn’t have destroyed it to begin with, it wouldn’t have needed fixing.  And the Dem voters soak up this “great” news, proclaiming what a great man he is.  It’s simple male bovine feces.

As Lincoln said, You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.  Well the Dems have it down to an art.  They fool way to many people all of the time.

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