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16 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

If a COVID-19 virus vaccine was available to you would you take it?


I think I’ll wait 2 months and see.

I honestly considered taking it early if it would possibly help the greater good.  I've got good insurance, my work is flexible, and I'm healthy.  If taking it would help to slow the spread and make it safer to be around my parents (who I have only seen a few times since this all started), then I'd probably do it.  

Now that I've read a little about the rollout plan (first responders, medical staff, nursing home patients, then essential workers, then gen pop, I think that it won't really matter by the time I get the opportunity.  I'm not worried so much about whether or not I get sick, but whether taking it will keep me from spreading it. 

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6 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I honestly considered taking it early if it would possibly help the greater good.  I've got good insurance, my work is flexible, and I'm healthy.  If taking it would help to slow the spread and make it safer to be around my parents (who I have only seen a few times since this all started), then I'd probably do it.  

Now that I've read a little about the rollout plan (first responders, medical staff, nursing home patients, then essential workers, then gen pop, I think that it won't really matter by the time I get the opportunity.  I'm not worried so much about whether or not I get sick, but whether taking it will keep me from spreading it. 

I was gonna post my opinion on this topic, but it’s exams stated above. 

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1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Can you trust big Pharma? And cardinalbacker I’m sure the former presidents will have a president only cocktail.

You know, I've got an aunt that's my Dad's age that survived polio... barely.  Pretty much crippled and mostly uneducated because nobody thought she would live long.  Vaccines do work.  My mom remembers going down and getting the polio vaccine on sugar cubes and the lines were tremendous, according to her.  Everybody wanted to get their kids vaccinated.  I didn't grow up in a world inhabited by anti-vaxxers who never experienced a world without vaccines, so I'm probably not as concerned as you are.  Vaccines don't cause autism, btw, lol.  

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3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

You know, I've got an aunt that's my Dad's age that survived polio... barely.  Pretty much crippled and mostly uneducated because nobody thought she would live long.  Vaccines do work.  My mom remembers going down and getting the polio vaccine on sugar cubes and the lines were tremendous, according to her.  Everybody wanted to get their kids vaccinated.  I didn't grow up in a world inhabited by anti-vaxxers who never experienced a world without vaccines, so I'm probably not as concerned as you are.  Vaccines don't cause autism, btw, lol.  

They sure don't. Your comment is refreshing. I get so frustrated talking to anti vaxxers.

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I must admit, I’m not sure yet.   Having been in the Army, and in a unit (allegedly) ready to move anywhere in the world in 48 hours, I’ve had plenty of shots.   We had shots for tropical diseases to polar bear indigestion.   Still take yearly flu shot, but this is a different animal.  

Here’s my problem.   According to Harvard Med, almost a third of positive Covid test are false.  I’m having trouble getting comfortable with a shot that’s suppose to keep me safe from a disease we can’t even make a sure-fire test for.   On the plus side, I’m 75 & have underlying conditions, so I’m high risk.   I’ll probably take it though, if all the Med folks don’t fall over dead 😂

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55 minutes ago, Realville said:

How can an unvaccinated person give a virus to a vaccinated person if vaccines really work?

It's not so much about total prevention.... it's not a force field against the virus.  The is thought that you SHOULDN'T get sick, and therefore you won't be transmitting it to others.  If enough people aren't spreading it, the spread will pretty much grind to a halt.  Think of all of those kids whose parents wont get them vaccinated now... Mumps, measles, polio, etc haven't made a big comeback because enough people ARE vaccinated that the thing just can't spread like wildfire.  It's like the flu vaccine.... some people still get it after being vaccinated, but we don't have to lock the whole world down because it typically doesn't spread uncontrollably.  I'm guessing that you'll hear stories of people who got vaccinated for covid and still caught it later, but those will be rare situations if enough people take the vaccine.  


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18 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

It's not so much about total prevention.... it's not a force field against the virus.  The is thought that you SHOULDN'T get sick, and therefore you won't be transmitting it to others.  If enough people aren't spreading it, the spread will pretty much grind to a halt.  Think of all of those kids whose parents wont get them vaccinated now... Mumps, measles, polio, etc haven't made a big comeback because enough people ARE vaccinated that the thing just can't spread like wildfire.  It's like the flu vaccine.... some people still get it after being vaccinated, but we don't have to lock the whole world down because it typically doesn't spread uncontrollably.  I'm guessing that you'll hear stories of people who got vaccinated for covid and still caught it later, but those will be rare situations if enough people take the vaccine.  


As long as we stay at a 99.97% survival rate then I think I’ll pass but if everyone else wants to to have a vaccination party then knock yourself out. Thanks CB

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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Well, I hope you like chronic lockdowns, uneducated kids, no live music, and not seeing your mom and dad, too. 

The lockdowns will continue regardless as long as we allow them. Our education system sucks anyway. I don’t listen to live music and my mom & dad passed away years ago. No I just like the freedom of choice, just like I choose not to get a flu vaccine shot every year. I’ll stick with the immune system god gave me.  Hey but at least we can watch football games that have football players not wearing mask but the coaches wearing mask because that makes it safer. Lol 

We’ll just have to agree to disagree.


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3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

It's not so much about total prevention.... it's not a force field against the virus.  The is thought that you SHOULDN'T get sick, and therefore you won't be transmitting it to others.  If enough people aren't spreading it, the spread will pretty much grind to a halt.  Think of all of those kids whose parents wont get them vaccinated now... Mumps, measles, polio, etc haven't made a big comeback because enough people ARE vaccinated that the thing just can't spread like wildfire.  It's like the flu vaccine.... some people still get it after being vaccinated, but we don't have to lock the whole world down because it typically doesn't spread uncontrollably.  I'm guessing that you'll hear stories of people who got vaccinated for covid and still caught it later, but those will be rare situations if enough people take the vaccine.  


Yes, It's called herd immunity

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2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Well, I hope you like chronic lockdowns, uneducated kids, no live music, and not seeing your mom and dad, too. 

I asked an anti vaxxer when is the last time he heard of someone contacting polio or small pox. He responded that It's been a long time. Duh, It's due to people getting inoculated. 

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23 minutes ago, baddog said:

Yep and herd immunity can occur naturally, without masks. 

It's been happening for centuries... usually after the disease wipes out a measurable portion of the population, but who cares?  

Some people are just ignorant.  If you're comfortable with a cook back there maskless, coughing all over your deep-fried whatever you eat before your maskless server comes out with your plate on a tray literally inches from her face during a pandemic, good for you.  

There will always be those jerks rubbing their runny nose with the back of their hand before they pick up the tongs at the salad bar... and you sound like one of those people.

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