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Global Warming Update!


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7 hours ago, Reagan said:

Global Warming fake news from the start?

This is the hidden content, please

From the article:

"In fact, an increasing number of climate scientists (including Dr. Ball) now conclude that there is no empirical evidence of human-caused global warming; there are only computer model speculations that humans are causing it and every forecast made using these models since 1990 has been wrong."

Now where have we heard this before? I have stated this on this forum in almost exactly the same words a multitude of times on this site, so any of you Man-Made Global Warming nazis that remain cannot say you haven't heard any opposition to your propaganda. It is very clear that the ones who believe the catastrophic predictions of man being the main offender of Earth's changes are the true science deniers.

The quickest way to shut down a propagandist is to simply say "Show me the evidence". The MMGW nazis have developed the strategy of misdirection by showing photos of starving Polar bears, ice melting, and "before and after" pictures that basically show what would be expected in time lapse photography. But one thing they will not show you is the evidence that man is the source of the changes. Only a science denier would simply "take one's word for it" without questioning the method and/or conclusions of any theory, and this is especially concerning considering the MMGW theory involves so much money and power. It is simply astonishing and disheartening that so many people have abandoned the principles of science. Skepticism is the backbone of science, and the MMGW nazis are the ones deserving of the ridicule and monikers of morally deficient, not the ones who dare question the present indoctrination. I'm guessing the ones who believe in MMGW are the same ones that believed the (Un)Affordable Healthcare Act would reduce their health insurance premiums by $2500 a year.

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On 12/18/2017 at 8:57 AM, stevenash said:

TxHoops- Your thoughts?

My thoughts are wondering if a second grader wrote that article.  It is not only poorly written, it is terribly argued.  But what would one expect from Townhall.com or any other goofball site that pops up pushing propaganda.  Again, I have posted more on this subject than I intend to with supporting data.  I’m not going to do it again and again.  But for those who are “non-believers”, don’t worry.   There are still whackos out there who don’t believe the earth is round either!

Serious question though, is “man made global warming nazis” supposed to be an insult Eng?  Hard to tell because I thought the right wore the term Nazi as a badge of pride?  I mean, the President did tell us there were a lot of good people in that faction, and they are certainly GOP supporters.  So it’s hard to tell if that’s a derogatory term or a compliment coming from you all...

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1 hour ago, TxHoops said:

My thoughts are wondering if a second grader wrote that article.  It is not only poorly written, it is terribly argued.  But what would one expect from Townhall.com or any other goofball site that pops up pushing propaganda.  Again, I have posted more on this subject than I intend to with supporting data.  I’m not going to do it again and again.  But for those who are “non-believers”, don’t worry.   There are still whackos out there who don’t believe the earth is round either!

Serious question though, is “man made global warming nazis” supposed to be an insult Eng?  Hard to tell because I thought the right wore the term Nazi as a badge of pride?  I mean, the President did tell us there were a lot of good people in that faction, and they are certainly GOP supporters.  So it’s hard to tell if that’s a derogatory term or a compliment coming from you all...

............. SMH

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1 hour ago, TxHoops said:

My thoughts are wondering if a second grader wrote that article.  It is not only poorly written, it is terribly argued.  But what would one expect from Townhall.com or any other goofball site that pops up pushing propaganda.  Again, I have posted more on this subject than I intend to with supporting data.  I’m not going to do it again and again.  But for those who are “non-believers”, don’t worry.   There are still whackos out there who don’t believe the earth is round either!

Serious question though, is “man made global warming nazis” supposed to be an insult Eng?  Hard to tell because I thought the right wore the term Nazi as a badge of pride?  I mean, the President did tell us there were a lot of good people in that faction, and they are certainly GOP supporters.  So it’s hard to tell if that’s a derogatory term or a compliment coming from you all...

What have you posted that PROVES man is the cause of global warming?

What is whacko is to support a party that wants to impose massive regulations based on a theory that has been disproved time and time and time again.

So back to the original question...what evidence, without a doubt, ties man to global warming?

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15 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

What have you posted that PROVES man is the cause of global warming?

What is whacko is to support a party that wants to impose massive regulations based on a theory that has been disproved time and time and time again.

So back to the original question...what evidence, without a doubt, ties man to global warming?

It can be found and read (I would say again but that is doubtful).  Not going to post a treatise every time someone posts “nuh uh.”

14 minutes ago, stevenash said:

TxHoops- Are you stating that the article, since it is so "poorly written" is void of facts?

To say the least.  It is accurate as to to Hansen’s report to the congressional committee.  Other than that, I’m not sure the author purported to state any facts.  It was just the standard denier’s rhetoric. 

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2 hours ago, TxHoops said:

My thoughts are wondering if a second grader wrote that article.  It is not only poorly written, it is terribly argued.  But what would one expect from Townhall.com or any other goofball site that pops up pushing propaganda.  Again, I have posted more on this subject than I intend to with supporting data.  I’m not going to do it again and again.  But for those who are “non-believers”, don’t worry.   There are still whackos out there who don’t believe the earth is round either!

Serious question though, is “man made global warming nazis” supposed to be an insult Eng?  Hard to tell because I thought the right wore the term Nazi as a badge of pride?  I mean, the President did tell us there were a lot of good people in that faction, and they are certainly GOP supporters.  So it’s hard to tell if that’s a derogatory term or a compliment coming from you all...

Yes, indeed. Global Warming nazis are ones that "persuade" you to believe in their cause not by providing evidence, but by intimidation and strong-arm tactics. I thought it was a very simple analogy that most would have no trouble interpreting, but I guess I was wrong.

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

You have given absolute zero evidence of Man's involvement in Earth's ever changing weather. Simply stating that you have is a figment of illusion, readily apparent to everyone on this board...well, almost everyone. I guess that is the norm for science deniers. Al Gore must be proud.

And the Left is so used to being the ones that apply cute little labels to everything and everyone, it must be a shock when coming from the other side. I can see your confusion.

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41 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Yes, indeed. Global Warming nazis are ones that "persuade" you to believe in their cause not by providing evidence, but by intimidation and strong-arm tactics. I thought it was a very simple analogy that most would have no trouble interpreting, but I guess I was wrong.

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

You have given absolute zero evidence of Man's involvement in Earth's ever changing weather. Simply stating that you have is a figment of illusion, readily apparent to everyone on this board...well, almost everyone. I guess that is the norm for science deniers. Al Gore must be proud.

And the Left is so used to being the ones that apply cute little labels to everything and everyone, it must be a shock when coming from the other side. I can see your confusion.

If my understanding of science is contrary to this board, well, that is a compliment of the highest order.  Thank you good sir!  

Only in this place, so devoid of logic and, apparently, independent thinking and discernment, could scientists be called science deniers.  But once again, that was an excellent recitation of “nuh uh.”  The flat-earners would be proud!

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4 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

If my understanding of scientist is contrary to this board, well, that is a compliment of the highest order.  Thank you good sir!  

Only in this place, so devoid of logic and, apparently, independent thinking and discernment, could scientists be called science deniers.  But once again, that was an excellent recitation of “nuh uh.”  The flat-earners would be proud!

Stating something as fact while producing no supporting evidence is contrary to pretty much everyone's definition of science. You're welcome!

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4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I can run faster than any human that has ever walked this Earth. How dare anyone question that theory. Look ma, I'm engaging in Science.

Yes, yes that’s a proper analogy.   The litany of scientific organizations who have endorsed the IPCC report be darned!  Dr. Engy has once again proclaimed “NUH UH!”  Thus, it must not be so...

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3 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

Yes, yes that’s a proper analogy.   The litany of scientific organizations who have endorsed the IPCC report be darned!  Dr. Engy has once again proclaimed “NUH UH!”  Thus, it must not be so...

I'm just waiting on the evidence. If so many people agree, the evidence should be readily available. Hummm. The Russians must be hiding it in the hopes of influencing our elections. I'm sure all 17 intelligence agencies will agree. 

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9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

I'm just waiting on the evidence. If so many people agree, the evidence should be readily available. Hummm. The Russians must be hiding it in the hopes of influencing our elections. I'm sure all 17 intelligence agencies will agree. 

You can click on those little link thingys in the post you shared and read all kinds of scientific data and analyses.  It is not my fault that you either (a) have not done so, or (b) did not understand what you were reading.  After all, it is much easier to simply regurgitate what you hear on the Dr. Limbaugh show... 

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Which link would you say shows evidence of Man's involvement in changing climate? I've click on most of them, and all were void of such evidence. So if you would kindly point me to the correct one, I will happy to shred it's conclusions for you.

What time does Rush come on? The Liberals detest him so much he must be doing something right. I know, he must back his statements with facts. Liberals hate that.

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9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Which link would you say shows evidence of Man's involvement in changing climate? I've click on most of them, and all were void of such evidence. So if you would kindly point me to the correct one, I will happy to shred it's conclusions for you.

What time does Rush come on? The Liberals detest him so much he must be doing something right. I know, he must back his statements with facts. Liberals hate that.

So you haven’t read any of it.  Thanks for confirming the obvious.   I would suggest clicking on all of them and reading.  Let me know if you need me to help explain any of the data or concepts to you.  

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11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Which link would you say shows evidence of Man's involvement in changing climate? I've click on most of them, and all were void of such evidence. So if you would kindly point me to the correct one, I will happy to shred it's conclusions for you.

What time does Rush come on? The Liberals detest him so much he must be doing something right. I know, he must back his statements with facts. Liberals hate that.

I would highly recommend it.  It is obvious who his target audience is.  Let’s just say it’s not the sharpest knives in the drawer.  If he were honest, even Rush would admit this. 

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7 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

So you haven’t read any of it.  Thanks for confirming the obvious.   I would suggest clicking on all of them and reading.  Let me know if you need me to help explain any of the data or concepts to you.  

So you refuse to point to the correct link? Why is that? I'm pretty sure I (and everyone) knows.

What makes you think I didn't read them? Must be that Liberal logic to draw conclusions based on faulty data, skewed data, made-up data, or no data. I'm beginning to see how the Man-Made Global Warming theory took hold.

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7 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

I would highly recommend it.  It is obvious who his target audience is.  Let’s just say it’s not the sharpest knives in the drawer.  If he were honest, even Rush would admit this. 

I hope his show is not on the same time as The View. Now that is must see TV. Is that what the sharpest knives tune to?

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