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UIl ruling on fights


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This is a culture issue.  The culture in our society and the culture within these programs are major problems.  It is not okay for Silsbee and LCM players to engage in a brawl at a high school basketball game.  That was a common scuffle between two athletes that spiraled into much, much more.  The kids should know better, but the coaches of both those teams are responsible for their players' actions.  How do coaches respond when a player gets in a scuffle, curses, receives a tech?  If these actions that are unacceptable continue, then the answer is that the coach's response is not harsh enough.  Lessons need to be learned, but first they have to be taught in some cases. 

I am not calling out Coach Sigler or the LCM coach...or maybe I'm calling out everyone.  This stuff has no place in sports, similar to the event at Crystal Beach having no place in our society.  People need to do what is right and need to be held accountable when they don't.  With all that being said, I would expect that the UIL hearing probably sent the correct message to at least these two programs.


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12 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

You kind find him at just about any Tiger football, baseball or basketball game if you wish to talk to him....he broadcasts each and every Tiger district game and has done so for the past 7-8 years.

So each and every incident that you complain has been instigated by "another" team, he was witnessed from court side!

What? He deserves this lecture from you simply because he won't blindly take the side of his alma mater?  Does that mean he doesn't support it?  My friend, what you have described is not support.  Support is able to look at a situation, even in the best of times, to attempt to make things even better.

And for that he gets this scorn, gets treated like some bumpkin who has never been to Silsbee High and invited by another numbskull on this thread not to attend any more games.  Y'all are pitiful and don't deserve the effort he puts in for Silsbee High.  Yet, even though you don't deserve his services, he will be there for the rest of this season and all of next year with enthusiasm in his voice for his beloved Tigers.

I can be found at any of the basketball, football, track meets and baseball games in the playoffs. And trust me I was courtside for each and every one of those games you say I complained about. Here's the thing, he is not being lectured, and I never said he was not supportive. But if he is  gonna make statements like his original one, like his alma mater is the only program that supposedly needs cleaning up, then he ought to be willing to make the same statement about the other programs that supposedly need it in this open forum as well. Whether his services are deserved or not, Silsbee doesn't need those services if he is going to make those type comments. No he is not blind and neither are you sir. However as I stated before, even coaches themselves have to watch film to catch things they miss. If AAW felt that strongly about it then why not go talk with the people who could do something about it instead of throwing them under the bus. And before you say it, I KNOW he has not talked with them.  

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1 hour ago, Ghost Writer said:

I can be found at any of the basketball, football, track meets and baseball games in the playoffs. And trust me I was courtside for each and every one of those games you say I complained about. Here's the thing, he is not being lectured, and I never said he was not supportive. But if he is  gonna make statements like his original one, like his alma mater is the only program that supposedly needs cleaning up, then he ought to be willing to make the same statement about the other programs that supposedly need it in this open forum as well. Whether his services are deserved or not, Silsbee doesn't need those services if he is going to make those type comments. No he is not blind and neither are you sir. However as I stated before, even coaches themselves have to watch film to catch things they miss. If AAW felt that strongly about it then why not go talk with the people who could do something about it instead of throwing them under the bus. And before you say it, I KNOW he has not talked with them.  

Not my place to speak on other school's programs.

I have spoke my feelings on this subject to several coaches at Silsbee High School along with some admins.

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2 hours ago, Ghost Writer said:

I can be found at any of the basketball, football, track meets and baseball games in the playoffs. And trust me I was courtside for each and every one of those games you say I complained about. Here's the thing, he is not being lectured, and I never said he was not supportive. But if he is  gonna make statements like his original one, like his alma mater is the only program that supposedly needs cleaning up, then he ought to be willing to make the same statement about the other programs that supposedly need it in this open forum as well. Whether his services are deserved or not, Silsbee doesn't need those services if he is going to make those type comments. No he is not blind and neither are you sir. However as I stated before, even coaches themselves have to watch film to catch things they miss. If AAW felt that strongly about it then why not go talk with the people who could do something about it instead of throwing them under the bus. And before you say it, I KNOW he has not talked with them.  

I actually respect him for not pointing out other programs who have the same issue. That's the problem nowadays is everyone wants to point the finger at other people (programs in the instance) instead of looking in the mirror. AAW's concern in this matter is silsbee, because silsbee reflects on him. Which is a pretty mature choice in my opinion compared to the opposite which is blaming everybody else.

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2 hours ago, Ghost Writer said:

I can be found at any of the basketball, football, track meets and baseball games in the playoffs. And trust me I was courtside for each and every one of those games you say I complained about. Here's the thing, he is not being lectured, and I never said he was not supportive. But if he is  gonna make statements like his original one, like his alma mater is the only program that supposedly needs cleaning up, then he ought to be willing to make the same statement about the other programs that supposedly need it in this open forum as well. Whether his services are deserved or not, Silsbee doesn't need those services if he is going to make those type comments. No he is not blind and neither are you sir. However as I stated before, even coaches themselves have to watch film to catch things they miss. If AAW felt that strongly about it then why not go talk with the people who could do something about it instead of throwing them under the bus. And before you say it, I KNOW he has not talked with them.  

sounds like you don't know nearly as much as you think.  if you're so biased to ignore the many problems that your sports programs have had over the last several years, maybe you aren't qualified to comment on them.  It would appear you can't address the issue objectively.  Silsbee has some great kids, and some great programs, but it's no coincidence that these things keep happening, and when they're happening this often, it's really pretty ridiculous to say that it's always the other guy's fault. 

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1 hour ago, L-Train11 said:

I actually respect him for not pointing out other programs who have the same issue. That's the problem nowadays is everyone wants to point the finger at other people (programs in the instance) instead of looking in the mirror. AAW's concern in this matter is silsbee, because silsbee reflects on him. Which is a pretty mature choice in my opinion compared to the opposite which is blaming everybody else.

I agree with respecting him for not pointing out other programs. but don't point out your own in a public forum either. Everyone else handles theirs in house, why not do the same. 

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20 hours ago, L-Train11 said:

I actually respect him for not pointing out other programs who have the same issue. That's the problem nowadays is everyone wants to point the finger at other people (programs in the instance) instead of looking in the mirror. AAW's concern in this matter is silsbee, because silsbee reflects on him. Which is a pretty mature choice in my opinion compared to the opposite which is blaming everybody else.

There is one flaw with this view,  in no way  is the programs actions good or bad a reflection on AAW,  he is a broadcaster not employed by the school.  He isn't a coach or even a parent.  Just like someone's siblings actions shouldn't reflect on that individual neither should the programs actions reflect on him.  We all have a choice fans, myself, and AAW included,  if we don't like what we are seeing then we can walk away and stop supporting the team.  Now I am not asking or wanting that to happen in anyway but in no way do I feel that the programs actions, achievements or failures are any reflection on anyone outside of the program.  

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5 hours ago, ST413 said:

There is one flaw with this view,  in no way  is the programs actions good or bad a reflection on AAW,  he is a broadcaster not employed by the school.  He isn't a coach or even a parent.  Just like someone's siblings actions shouldn't reflect on that individual neither should the programs actions reflect on him.  We all have a choice fans, myself, and AAW included,  if we don't like what we are seeing then we can walk away and stop supporting the team.  Now I am not asking or wanting that to happen in anyway but in no way do I feel that the programs actions, achievements or failures are any reflection on anyone outside of the program.  

Your right. But there are some people who will label the whole based upon the shortcomings of the few. The culture of a school athletic program should reflect the culture of that town. And towns can get a bad rep because of poor athletic behavior. (And I'm not really meaning success, I'm talking more about behavior)


So yes I agree with you that none of these things reflect directly on AAW, however as a citizen of silsbee you should take pride in how your players conduct themselves and take it personal if they aren't acting right. 

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Unfortunately, like with many things in life, perception can become reality.  Personally, I have seen other schools (even within the district) whose players play way more dirty than Silsbee.  In fact, in the games I've seen, Silsbee has played good, aggressive defense (which I love to see) but has otherwise conducted themselves appropriately.  I can't say the same with every school in the district.  However, deservedly or not, Silsbee has gotten the reputation that doesn't jive with my personal observations.  And obviously I haven't seen a tenth of the games AAW has.  But when you have that rep, and then you have an incident like what happened, you sometimes faced heightened consequences.  My hope is that Tigers take heed to the warning and show exemplary behavior in the coming season(s).  Because they have a chance to do more special things and will be fun to watch on their quest.

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5 hours ago, RunninRebels said:

So I'm hearing that Silsbee relay team just had an altercation at the medal podium at the regional track meet???

They were mixing it up with the kids from WOS after the 4x400 at the area meet. Verbal only, but n-words and curses for all. Not implying that either school was worse than the other. 

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I would guess that I attend about as many games in Silsbee as AAW which is probably too many. I see many people at every game that I attend so I would guess they see a lot more than I do or AAW. I did not see the incident at LCM.  I do feel that some of the problem stems from other district teams playing inferior ball to what Silsbee plays and they attempt to equalize the situation by poking the Tiger. The SHS team should be smart enough to not react to the pokes but apparently they are not that smart. 

The deal that really bothered me was the fight at Jasper. There was no reason for that in the world. The kids on the floor were having a great time. Jasper got beat badly but the fight had nothing to do with the two basketball teams. I had my 90 year old dad at the game at it took me a while to get out of the gym. We were a short ways behind the team. 

Some Jasper fans had been heckling the players from behind the bench. 

Coach Sigler and Officer Montavlo walked to get the bus. The assistant coaches were supposed to wait with the players. For some reason they decided to follow Montavlo and Sigler to the bus. The team was walking basically in single file to the bus when they were attacked not by the players from the other team but the fans. 

There were virtually no school officials at Jasper that evening. As I was helping my dad to the car one of them said We better not go any further. I left my dad and wife and walked to the car and brought it back to the door to pick them up. 

As the UIL hearing the executive council noted that they were aware of the incident Still nothing was done. Jasper received no probation. As far as I know there were no charges filed. 

If I were king..... and I'm not.... there there would be stronger rules. If you start a fight you out for the remainder of the year. If you react instead of walking away then you miss the remainder of the season. 

These rulings usually are not fair. When you look at it LCM received basically no punishment for their part in the fight. As I was told they threw the first punches. They had to forfeit a game but it was a game they were behind by nearly 20 points. They had a player or two sit out one game. If I remember right it was against one of the weaker teams in the district. 

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On 4/29/2017 at 1:59 PM, team first said:

Yep just heard the same 


On 4/30/2017 at 9:47 PM, scoopno1 said:

I would guess that I attend about as many games in Silsbee as AAW which is probably too many. I see many people at every game that I attend so I would guess they see a lot more than I do or AAW. I did not see the incident at LCM.  I do feel that some of the problem stems from other district teams playing inferior ball to what Silsbee plays and they attempt to equalize the situation by poking the Tiger. The SHS team should be smart enough to not react to the pokes but apparently they are not that smart. 

The deal that really bothered me was the fight at Jasper. There was no reason for that in the world. The kids on the floor were having a great time. Jasper got beat badly but the fight had nothing to do with the two basketball teams. I had my 90 year old dad at the game at it took me a while to get out of the gym. We were a short ways behind the team. 

Some Jasper fans had been heckling the players from behind the bench. 

Coach Sigler and Officer Montavlo walked to get the bus. The assistant coaches were supposed to wait with the players. For some reason they decided to follow Montavlo and Sigler to the bus. The team was walking basically in single file to the bus when they were attacked not by the players from the other team but the fans. 

There were virtually no school officials at Jasper that evening. As I was helping my dad to the car one of them said We better not go any further. I left my dad and wife and walked to the car and brought it back to the door to pick them up. 

As the UIL hearing the executive council noted that they were aware of the incident Still nothing was done. Jasper received no probation. As far as I know there were no charges filed. 

If I were king..... and I'm not.... there there would be stronger rules. If you start a fight you out for the remainder of the year. If you react instead of walking away then you miss the remainder of the season. 

These rulings usually are not fair. When you look at it LCM received basically no punishment for their part in the fight. As I was told they threw the first punches. They had to forfeit a game but it was a game they were behind by nearly 20 points. They had a player or two sit out one game. If I remember right it was against one of the weaker teams in the district. 


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On 4/30/2017 at 7:42 PM, CardinalBacker said:

They were mixing it up with the kids from WOS after the 4x400 at the area meet. Verbal only, but n-words and curses for all. Not implying that either school was worse than the other. 

Fact check, it was a WOS student at the track meet trying to pick a fight the kid is a known troublemakers, he doesn't play any sports and was looking for trouble!

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