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1 minute ago, bullets13 said:

I'm very pro-gay rights, as most of you know, but I do have a problem with this. I don't want someone with a penis in a public restroom with my wife, and if I had a daughter I'd have an even bigger problem with that.  It also opens up the very real opportunity for sex offenders to exploit the rule and gain access to women's restrooms.

I agree, and I sincerely hope common sense rules in this scenario.   Rights are one thing, but this is totally wrong.   Way to many opportunities for perverts, and boys just being boys.   Yes, I was a boy once - a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. 

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seriously folks, the "strange men in women's bathroom" argument is pretty weak

If there really were a bunch of pervs that wanted to try to get a glimpse of women by dressing as women and going into their bathrooms...don't you think they'd be doing it already?

I mean what do we currently have that is stopping them from doing that? The sign on the door?

do child predators really walk past a woman's restroom and think.."man i'd sure like to get in there if it weren't for that dang sign that says women!"

The fact that something like this never happens, is because there just aren't that many guys that want to do this, i'd say you probably have a better chance being struck by lightning....

I mean its not like there's a cop outside every public bathroom checking people before they go in...fact is you would probably go to the bathroom at the same time as a transsexual and never even know about, in fact you probably already have and didn't know...you might even have used the same seat...better double check with the doc to make sure you didn't catch "the gay"


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10 hours ago, gohornets23 said:

seriously folks, the "strange men in women's bathroom" argument is pretty weak

If there really were a bunch of pervs that wanted to try to get a glimpse of women by dressing as women and going into their bathrooms...don't you think they'd be doing it already?

I mean what do we currently have that is stopping them from doing that? The sign on the door?

do child predators really walk past a woman's restroom and think.."man i'd sure like to get in there if it weren't for that dang sign that says women!"

The fact that something like this never happens, is because there just aren't that many guys that want to do this, i'd say you probably have a better chance being struck by lightning....

I mean its not like there's a cop outside every public bathroom checking people before they go in...fact is you would probably go to the bathroom at the same time as a transsexual and never even know about, in fact you probably already have and didn't know...you might even have used the same seat...better double check with the doc to make sure you didn't catch "the gay"


This has to be the stupidest post I have read lately. I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks like this.

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12 hours ago, baddog said:

This has to be the stupidest post I have read lately. I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks like this.

Really good point by point critique of what I wrote man, high marks good sir. What university debate team were you the captain of? Probably Harvard by the tone of your scathing refutations, and backed up by all of that clean logic....really really good friend. 

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9 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

The sad part is that half of the country thinks like this.  This isn't the country that I grew up in any longer. 

I know man...the times they are a' changin'...life used to be much simpler, we had the clan keeping the minorities in line, the women folks weren't all tryin' to use their brains and reason like a man, the queers were forced to hide in dark alleys for fear of getting a stompin' from the good ol' boys...and everybody went to by gawd church on sunday to worship the way I wanted them to......so sad how our great nation is changing

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38 minutes ago, gohornets23 said:

Really good point by point critique of what I wrote man, high marks good sir. What university debate team were you the captain of? Probably Harvard by the tone of your scathing refutations, and backed up by all of that clean logic....really really good friend. 

I have a PHD in morality from the University of Mom.

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23 hours ago, gohornets23 said:

seriously folks, the "strange men in women's bathroom" argument is pretty weak

If there really were a bunch of pervs that wanted to try to get a glimpse of women by dressing as women and going into their bathrooms...don't you think they'd be doing it already?

I mean what do we currently have that is stopping them from doing that? The sign on the door?

do child predators really walk past a woman's restroom and think.."man i'd sure like to get in there if it weren't for that dang sign that says women!"

The fact that something like this never happens, is because there just aren't that many guys that want to do this, i'd say you probably have a better chance being struck by lightning....

I mean its not like there's a cop outside every public bathroom checking people before they go in...fact is you would probably go to the bathroom at the same time as a transsexual and never even know about, in fact you probably already have and didn't know...you might even have used the same seat...better double check with the doc to make sure you didn't catch "the gay"


One of the initial links was gender neutral bathrooms.   For clarification, that means everyone goes to the same bathroom.   If there are any females you love, you might have a problem with that.  

I agree that there's not a problem, that I'm aware of, with anyone cross dressing to sneak a peek.   The problem with the "transgender can use either bathroom" poses is that they could be dressed as a man, or women, and go into either bathroom.   I've no doubt I've used a restroom with a transgender, but "she" was dressed as a man.  The type of clothing one wears indicates our gender, for the most part.   So if a transgender is dressed like a man, and can go into a women's restroom, what's going to identify the pervert who wants to do the same?

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30 minutes ago, gohornets23 said:

by which you mean YOUR morality...nobody else's is worth consideration

Don't put words in my mouth. Yes, my morality, which the majority will agree with me. Minorities keep trying to buck the system under the guise of equality yet equality is not the issue.

There are limits on everything. Freedom is not being free to do whatever we want.

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20 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

My view on it is this

Be whatever you want to be. I have ZERO issue with someone elses sexuality or gender identification. I want to make that clear.

In regards to public bathrooms: If you have a penis, pee in the Mens restroom. If you do not, pee in the Womens restroom. 

Yes but what about men who no longer have a penis.

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I have never pissed beside a tranny. Either way, they are sitting down.

This argument is so ridiculous, it is losing me. Whoever thinks it's ok to swap restrooms, when someone gets killed over this (and it will happen), some of the blame will fall squarely on your shoulders.

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As I have said before, God will have to ask the ppl of Sodom and Gomorrah for forgiveness.  He destroyed them over less than this sick world is doing now.  The U.S. is  completely turning its back on him.  God have mercy on us all.  I know some of the poor liberal minds don't believe in God.  Have mercy on you on judgement day when you are face to face with Him.  

And now the Repub frontrunner is kissing the butts of the LBGT and pro-choice idiots.  We are in trouble.


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