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  1. Silsbee didn't even play very well and beat Madison a few weeks ago. Now they're slapping us around by 25 points most the game. Beyond pathetic. You can pump the brakes on all that going to state talk, as far as I'm concerned. Proof is in the pudding. You played though teams and came up small. That's all on us and nobody else.
  2. Silsbee deserved to lose this game. Not sure if we have another one today or not. Despite my feelings about the officiating, Carter was the better team today. Play better, Tigers. Silsbee played like garbage for minutes at a time. Even got out hustled on too many plays, which is completely unacceptable. Could have went in at halftime with a nearly even score, but made idiotic play after idiotic play right before halftime. Somebody needs to have a talk with Harris. The number one thing he can do for the Tigers, above all else, is to be out there. Can't have him miss nearly an entire half against good teams.
  3. well honestly last year is last year and it really does not matter anymore - Lumberton won - but Silsbee went further in the playoff - end result Silsbee proved out to be better team for 2020/2021 season the season is all about only getting to playoff - then once in playoffs to win state if you are just happy making playoffs - probably should find something else to do This year Silsbee is started at proving to be the better team - but you have to play ball - if i'm Silsbee, i come out pressing from start to finish and when smoke clears - leave no doubt for the bench warmers on this computer to talk about
  4. They will never get it through their heads that's the reason they got district. Silsbee dosen't haft to sit two weeks out with out a game and practice with Corona. They don't win district.! And we haven't talk about Lumberton until they started talking about us I warned them to leave the Tigers alone and worry about the other teams in district. 🤷🏻‍♂️😁
  5. Are you serious...As a retired Coach i would Never apologize to a Parent for not subbing there kid. If anyone i would apologize to would be the player. I truly understand the heartfelt passion about how a parent feels about there baby but the day i have to talk down on my kids teammate because of what i think i know than i need leave the talking alone. Parents....your being recruited as well as your kid and the only part about a parent a Coach can see is character because they dont need you to play. I must admit ive seen almost every kid in this area play at one time or another and if i knew all parents could handle constructive criticism i would be honest but since i know some cant i just keep my 2 cents to myself and keep it moving. No matter what makes of this you as person are wrong for criticizing your sons teammate for personal belief cause it merits no personal gain. At the end of the day Coach is gonna play who he believes is gonna get it done and all your gonna do is drive a wedge in your son and his teammate's and with #2 being the primary ball handler he may not get the touches he wants or deserves because of your emotions. Please as a parent of an athlete...Stop..your really not making it easier on your child...In the words of KP...Carry On...
  6. For sure they do. The talk is that he is being considered along with someone from DFW area.
  7. The truth of the matter is no one has moved. It’s all bunch of talk. Some mustang fans were disgruntled this year on social media about the video and said they should send there kids to LCM because they felt like the WOS coaching staff didn’t care about the kids. The most important thing for this kids is an education and a coach to come and be a great leader to them. Everything else will fall in place
  8. Someone needs to talk to BF and see if he even wants to stick it out here, he’s been done pretty dirty over not wanting to say no… It’s a shame to be in a bind over trying to win, when winning is what should keep you employed…
  9. Agree the talk about players going to LCM is really silly after one year of success. My Nephew played for WB under Peevy and one cousin who is still there #44, I have heard good and not so good about his coaching at WB. Getting players to buy in is the key. I hope you guys do get your bond passed all schools should have nice facilities to play in. The sooner WOS makes their announcement the sooner the gossip and wishful thinking can STOP about who will be HC next year.
  10. All this talk about WOS jumping ship is kinda mind boggling to me. WOS hasn’t even hired their coach yet. I will say there will be kids that will choose to play for Peevey and there will be a lot more that will transfer in from other schools other than WOS. Peevey is a great coach and will get kids offers. Stays on top of the kids grades and is fun to be be around. He’s a highly motivated and positive guy. If LCM gets the bond that is being talked about 100 yd in door practice facility, turf all fields and stadium, it will be the nicest in the area. I just don’t know if the people will vote for it.
  11. Maybe so #1 but do you really believe that all the ties and connections that the players have at WOS including tradition will jump ship to LCM just because of their coach... hum remains to be seen. They have a relationship with the coach who is there already at WOS. I believe they will give him a chance if he is chosen. Even though I do not live in Orange anymore, I have very strong ties to people who work in the district, and family on the team even though I do not talk about them too much. No one is jumping ship, to LCM as of yet or NOT.
  12. The left side of the aisle are a bunch of crybabies. They get on the national stage and talk about inclusion and working together but their actions behind the scene tell a completely different story.
  13. Hey, isn't there a politics forum on this site already? I mean damn, yall go over there if you want to talk about that.
  14. I mean.. they haven’t let up either… Gunter this.. Gunter that… . Looks like they are about to talk about Franklin finally lol
  15. Agree to disagree So what illegal product are they pushing now? Not being facetious.. just rarely hear about the mob these days Is this the argument you intended to make? Sounds like a COP ISSUE to me, tbh No offense but this is just a bunch of koolaid cop talk. I know plenty of dudes who sold weed in college, who now work corporate jobs and have families.. upstanding tax paying citizens, not “felons” based off some dumb and outdated rules Again, no offense but this is cop talk. Selling marijuana, and selling guns and/or cocaine, are not even close in comparison.
  16. I have to agree, I attended a game back in 2010 when Ryan Tannerhill was the QB, and man talk about an environment. I'm pretty sure its 10x better now with the recent upgrades, Kudos to A&M for putting football first.
  17. you’re not from Orange, it’s very much in the talk amongst the town.
  18. You know the game is bad when everyone wants to talk about games other than the game thread. This was a real spanking tonight. It will be entertaining to see what excuses CougTalk comes up with.
  19. Man talk about battle tested I’m glad Silsbee has stepped up to really play with the bigger ranked teams I hope this is the norm for tiger basketball going around the state trying to knock off the (Big Boys) is pretty fun.
  20. The ones that know don't talk and the ones that talk don't know! The reason this isn't on FB is because people would have to do it with their own name behind whatever they're saying! Don't have an opinion one way or the other just don't believe this discussion on here does anyone involved any good, including Coach
  21. So you have the avenues. Talk to Joe Dale Cary and Chuck Langston. Get back with all of us and let us know what the outcome is. Surely it will shut up a ton of people including myself, if they have no interest… Let’s see who has the better sources……
  22. I don’t think I said it had to make sense to them. I said they can seize evidence or a property with reasonable suspicion. That is, what would a reasonable person believe knowing what the officer knows at that time? But to use your word, if it does not make sense, does that make it a reasonable belief? If you left Beaumont and went west on IH10 heading toward Houston and the police stopped you and asked where you were going and you told them you were heading toward New York, does that make sense? Would it make a reasonable person and believe something is not right here? Like I said, I don’t know what happened and can only tell you what the law is. Did they have a good reason to seize the money? I don’t have a clue and that slanted article sure doesn’t talk about it.
  23. Lol, so you just read my posts and skip over everything else in the threads? Doesn’t make any sense, otherwise how would you know “the way I talk about Crosby on this board”?
  24. Wow I didn’t know it had been 60 years since Crosby went to the State Championship. I am kinda new to posting on this board but I’ve followed the board for many years. I was under the assumption that Crosby goes to the State Championship all the time by the way you talk about Crosby on this board. Lol Good Luck to the Cougars!
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