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  1. I think Cruz should win a race that is closer than it should be. I'm a little concerned that there will be down-ticket carnage caused by the Presidential dust-up. Texas is still red, but it won't be for much longer. The Rs are squandering a huge opportunity to bring home the Hispanic vote for generations, but instead we want to talk about "building walls" and "the largest deportation operation in modern history" if Trump gets elected. That affects the illegals of course, but it also threatens the legal citizens who know/love people who will be sent away if Trump's plan goes into effect. Somebody who supports deportation will immediately scream "you know who is in favor of deportations? Immigrants who are here legally." But do you know who never actually makes that claim for themselves? Immigrants who are here legally. It's always some soon-to-retire white guy with a really red complexion and spittle on the corner of his mouth yelling it out on behalf of the unseen legal immigrants.
  2. Zero thoughts and cares about how dctf comes up with preseason rankings. All preseaon rankings do is give guys and gals like us something to talk about.
  3. Trump's 3-4 point lead over Biden has evaporated into trailing Kamala by 2 points on the national average. I don't know anything about Walz other than the things I've seen posted here, but I turned on the TV this morning and listened to him for a few minutes. He's a veteran, won a state championship coaching High School Football, won a House seat in a District in which Trump won by double digits...and just comes across as likable. He's kinda doing what Trump's VP pick should be doing, instead of out being hateful with the "single cat lady" cracks, misogynist takes on women in general, and otherwise just coming across as conceited and unlikable-but that's exactly why Trump picked him... they're two of a kind, personality wise. Stop reading Reagan's posts and just watch the dude speak. He's a great speaker... i mean, unless all you want to hear is insults, name-calling, wild exaggeration, hyperbole, and locker room talk. As a life-long conservative... The Rs are in big trouble this time around. In my political amateur opinion, anyways.
  4. You seen him talk yet? He will cut Shady Vance’s legs out from under him. First bulldog I can remember as a Democratic candidate. Time to slice and dice!
  5. It’s funny how Republicans want to blame Kamala for the correction in the stock market yesterday. I mean, I guess I can see it since Joe Biden is the president and she’s likely to continue his economic policies. If it happens on their watch, they own it, right? “RIGHT!!!” So now let’s talk about the economic implosion that occurred in 2020 on Trump’s watch… ”TOTALLY NOT TRUMP’S FAULT!!!!”
  6. [Hidden Content] She's not dangerous, she's just a little goofy. That's what folks in the clown squad would have us believe. From the article: A clip of Vice President Kamala Harris from 2017 calling on "everybody" to be "woke" resurfaced on social media, sparking critics and conservatives to lambaste the official Democratic nominee as a "Communist functionary" who is "too radical" to serve as president. "We have to stay woke. Like everybody needs to be woke. And you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke," then-Sen. Harris said in 2017 during Recode's annual Code Conference, alongside philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, during the conference. The conference focused on issues such as immigration and the environment, including Harris speaking out against the Trump administration's drug policies and immigration polices just moments ahead of her call on Americans to be "woke."
  7. That is not why she was chosen as VP. Nice try. If you listen to talk very much, it will not take a normal person to know that is no where near qualified. Answer the question that posed, don’t avoid it.
  8. None of this talk about losing occurred until and after Coach T was retired. Under current conditions every year will be a guess. Consistency and winning are out the door. I can remember when the Jeruh fired Jimmy Johnson he said … and I am paraphrasing… anyone could coach the Dallas Cowboys and get the same results or something to that affect. The bottom line is that you can have all the talent in the world, (and the Mustangs do) but if you don’t have quality coaching and discipline you are going nowhere period. Sad for our kids and community that forty five years of winning championship tradition has been dismantled in a little over two years. Was the best qualified applicant hired to lead the winningest program in the State of Texas???? We all know the answer to that question.
  9. Not to you, I'm an independent. I say what I want and I do not need your approval to talk about anyone. Wired! but expected from you. Good night and when I listen to men who are intelligent and well groomed. Example
  10. Kamala’s race was bestowed upon us by their Lord and Savior Joe Biden, where he said his running mate “HAD TO BE A “BLACK” FEMALE! If race is not an issue, then stop making it one. Biden needs a black female, so it’s ok to refer to her as that. If the opposing side refers to her as black, then we are racists. You liberals kill me. You must keep her race an issue to keep from having to talk policy.
  11. "These people invited Trump and Harris and Trump showed up and instead of actually advocating for the black community and asking him what his policies are and how he could help they attacked him. They don’t care about allowing Black people to debate policy. They just wanna use propaganda to steal their vote. Like why not actually ask him things that are valuable for your community? He came there clearly wanted to talk to people, and they just again wasted that opportunity." Excellent!! @UT alum @CardinalBacker @Boyz N Da Hood
  12. They won't comment..... other than to say it never happened, It's obviously AI, Trump just likes to use hyperbole and exaggeration, it's just lockerroom talk, or who's afraid of some mean tweets... But never once will they ask why, in 2024, is a presidential candidate of a major party is making his opponent's race the main point of his attack? Right when I think Trump can't do any worse, he does. You might fire up the racists, but the majority of decent, moral voters will disassociate themselves from you and your party. I can't blame him, though... he can't run on his own record, lol.
  13. More Astros talk...good stuff. Maybe it was Robert Ford or Mike Stanton that said the Astros were in the middle of the pack in runs scored and in batting w/ RISP. In late game situations, when trailing, the Astros were trending in the wrong direction getting runs across the plate. That's what I meant about erratic. I should have said scoring and not hitting. I know I heard Robert Ford say the Astros were 11th or 12th in runs scored, which was a drop off from last season. I like your stats about the improved pitching. I enjoy the increased chatter about the Astros. Are you leaning toward a second half run? Wait and see? Or, do you think the Rangers and Mariners did too much at the deadline for the Astros to hang with them at the finish line?
  14. There was a lot of talk about him last year during the playoffs. He's having himself a year, leading the nation in ppg. what an athlete! High school basketball: Texas scoring sensation Grayson Rigdon averaging 46.9 points per game – where does that stand all-time? (maxpreps.com)
  15. Oh, I forgot to tell you this morning. I went to racetrack to eat breakfast here in Chase Bell or Bill Chase I get him confused, anyway Raceway got great breakfast. It was about 7:30 in the morning and there’s a group of 10 Hispanic young man down in about three cases of Modelo’s, they just got off the night shift. They were all graduates of North Shore high school a couple of football players one baseball. So we talk football And North Shore Texas high school football. I wish I got a picture with them, but I was in a hurry breakfast and and get my three hours of sleep before coming back to the afternoon shift. They talked about the great rivalry they had Duncanville. And they hope they play again this year.. The smell of humidity in the morning with fresh cut grass, we are blessed by God to be able to participate in such a awesome sport! Long live football
  16. Hey guys, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve checked Southeast Texas football. I’ve been working my ass off here at this natural gas plant south of New Orleans, seriously haven’t had a real day off in six weeks. Working 13 – ones and on the ones I’ve had to drive back to my hometown Marlin pick up crap and then drive back. That’s a round-trip about 18 hours. so I’m just trying to catch up on my breathing in my sleep. But man Football‘s around the corner. Up here the LSU talk is hot and heavy and on the local Espn station they have some High School talk from here Louisiana but yes, I did get my Texas Football. And I go to breakfast after work from 330 to about 730 to a lot of the local eateries here in Chase Bell, St Bernard, Port Sulphur and I always have my Texas Football magazine. And all these football guys Are very impressed about size, come on guys we like that size even though usually we lie 🤔😆 . Anyway, can’t get any more ready for football. Over 40% of the people getting on my bus or from htown and former football players and we talk football on the bus trip along with the little Astros. Got some Louisiana guys too big on LSU and actually got a lot of Tulane people here. The parents of the Holy Cross high school receiver that’s gonna go to H with the former Tulane coach. Look out you, UH maybe pretty awesome in a couple years. I’m going to start a blog in a few weeks on the app called Substack called.” Fire the Coach”. Please read along and tell me what you think. Joe Berezoski Coach Bear The Urban Farmboy
  17. “He’s just fond of hyperbole, exaggeration, and locker room talk.” In other words, he’s a foul mouthed liar.
  18. I can talk without having a laughing fit. That just goes to show that diplomas ain’t worth the paper they’re written on. She must have sat on the front row with a short skirt. She will show you her “smarts” in the debate….if you can call it that.
  19. Says the man who supports a reality tv dupe. Ratings is synonymous with popularity, no? If your mouth had a third side, would you talk out of it too?
  20. OK, so she's half black. Why is the talk never about her other 50% side? I guess she feels she needs to play the game. Also -- does it bother you that her ancestors owned slaves?!
  21. At least Trump pays “his black supporters” for their endorsement. Get 10 and talk like that means everyone. Typical Trump con.
  22. My thought is that biden is obviously having some problems that would not allow him to be President, your next in line is an unqualified candidate that slept with a 60 year old man for most of her ladder climbing career, and because you don't want to talk about any of this, you bring up Trump's age, which he has demonstrated is absolutely no problem.
  23. I'm not sure why you included this as a response to my post. I think maybe you were connecting dots that weren't there. If you misunderstood my point about her not being the nominee, let me clarify: I was saying that the Dems may not want her as there candidate. I heard talk about the Senator from Arizona, Mark Kelly, is actually who the Dems want. But, in my recent post about her being a sacrificial lamb, I'm not sure which way they'll go with it. If I were a betting person -- I'd say they are going with her being the sacrificial lamb.
  24. I've seen talk that he wasn't the shooter. Then I've seen that there was also another shooter along with this snot-bubble blowing punk. Thoughts?!
  25. We’re on the same page up until that last sentence. I also think that Rs who are trying to tie the attempt to the Ds are wasting precious time-most people see it like you do and the talk of a deep state conspiracy just turns them off.
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