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  1. It doesn't upset me at all, but there's no talk about their plans, only trump slamming. Apparently their audience likes it and it's enough.
  2. The DNC is an absolute joke, no talk about policy, only Trump slamming. They even invited a louis farrakhan follower, smh.
  3. What this actually exposes is that the media has been running cover for her while she hides in the basement. Wanting to con the public into thinking she's more popular than she is. Plus polls that doesn't get updated show her winning . But stuff like this show's there is really no enthusiasm for theses two commies. There are some things the media can't hide. As recent as a year ago, her own party was trying to get rid of her. It even scared them, the thought of President Commie Harris. Now all of a sudden she's their savior? Ha, what a joke. What's funny is all the things she's says she's gonna do on day one. Let's not bring up the fact she's had over 1300 days to do these things. An "honest" press would ask her about this. Oh, wait -- she won't talk to anyone! Oh, we don't have an honest press!
  4. Lol talk about lessons unlearned, good chat
  5. Verlander to start tomorrow vs Red Sox. Luis Garcia not returning. Talk of Neris returning.
  6. I am reasonably certain that she is singing like a canary. Everyone can come up with pretty much the same scenario She had a boyfriend so he was probably the love in her life at that moment. Not only did the husband kill the boyfriend, he apparently made her fire a few rounds into his body also. Talk about terrorizing her (assuming that’s what happened) by forcing her to shoot a guy that she was having a relationship with. Then forcing her to help dump the guy’s body. Maybe the surprising part is him letting her go… if that’s what happened. So from his perspective, his wife is separated from him (deductive reasoning) and is probably living with another guy, he committed Capital Murder (Murder during a Burglary) and Kidnapping and if caught he will never walk the Earth as a free man again. His woman he loved left him, he committed a capital offense and will never be free again, so his life is effectively over. He might be arrested without incident or even go down in a blaze of glory. It would not shock me however if he has no longer on this Earth and no one will see him alive again.
  7. We agree again! Can’t pitch around Alvarez with Tucker behind him. Maybe that’s why they put him in the 2 spot. A little harder to pitch around that spot. He might not get as many RBI there, but he’ll score more runs (if he doesn’t get thrown out at home). We need to talk more baseball.
  8. Sorry, he doesn’t want facts. He’d rather dodge them and spew hatred, something his party claims is bad. What would Kamala do when confronted with Israel/Iran/Hamas? Look at the rioting already. Businesses have shut down. That’s a notch against economy. Her administration cancelled sanctions against Iran. Look what is happening. What will she do about Ukraine/Cash Cow? She can’t handle Putin. She only knows Ukraine is a big country surrounded by other countries. What a joke people are who stand for this ignorance. She can’t talk policy because all she has is Trump hatred, just like those of you on this board. It’s all you got. Pathetic
  9. Compare his term with the one we now have with an open mind, that should do it. Energy, border, unemployment, SCJ picks, the list could go on and on. For you to make the statement that he doesn't talk policy is simply childish.
  10. I’ve been watching his speeches. He doesn’t talk policy. He talks grievance.
  11. Trump can’t talk policy. First of all, that’s not talking about him. Second, he has never talked policy. He stokes fear and then says “Only I can fix it”. Never says how. He reportedly never read the daily presidential briefings. Trump can’t talk policy. His vision is one of America as a third world country unless he’s the fearless leader. He’s going to lose bigly.
  12. tell yall kool aide drinkers what...come back after 3 games, you gonna say the better team won, which is true. you gonna give the qb a pass, no pun intended. yall gonna wine he can't throw down field or he's running too much. then yall gonna say it's the line fault. i said what i said. SAME 130lb that was the back that is probably told where to throw the ball no matter what lol... GO TITANS. notice yall only can talk about the obvious. my dead grandma knows the defense and rb's are going to be good. got a good kicker, got some wr's that have been seen...qb, crickets. one thing about SOME PAM fans, when the team is lacking, they stfu about that weak link and try to highlight the bright spots. not gonna happen this year. now from the news reel, the other qb might have to start, as in the one with no dreads.
  13. I’m not sure if you know how a scrimmage works. Starters never go against second string. When LCM starters where in all of OF where in. Therefore when OF second string was in LCMS second string was in. So don’t make it sound like Lcm starters were only scoring against OF second string.The only reason OF even scored that one time was because the undisciplined corner back retaliated after the play when it was 4th and 8 and drew the personal foul that put them in the position to score.Nobody wants to talk about the OF player that drug him to the ground by his face mask before he pushed him. Refs always sees the player that retaliates. Lcm needs to figure that one out fast or they will be in a bind.
  14. I can’t say that, Breaux was a product of Peevey. Both CAN be good coaches, looks like Breaux has struck a chord in OF with lots of discipline and hard work. In LCM he wasn’t a players coach, not many kids liked him. You can’t talk down and ridicule kids all the time, you have to build them back up after they make mistakes, and he didn’t do that. Maybe as the head coach he’s working on that. Peevey has what it takes, but he’s not coaching the same as he did in ‘21. He’s catering to a small group of kids that lack the fortitude to be coached tough and grow without the fear of them quitting, and it’s costing him in the eyes of his other players. You have to hold EVERYBODY accountable.
  15. My fault for putting the scrimmage talk here. But this is WOS topic. I merged those posts with @RaiderGirl22's L Town Raiders here...
  16. Here we can talk about Lumberton instead of taking over the one for WOS. I honestly think Lumberton will shock some people this season. These players have a different mindset than before Reyes came. They want to win for themselves, their school and their town. He definitely turned this program around and handed it off to a coach who will do amazing things. Also don’t be shocked when the QB shines this season, he’s playing for way more than anyone knows.
  17. Drudge was reporting that Trump is looking at replacing his top campaign personnel, blaming them for the late campaign fade he’s experienced. They also reported that he’s considered sacking Vance as he’s perceived as being a dead weight on the ticket. I think Trump is still completely capable of making huge changes two weeks out-the only question is if it’s too little, too late… and when it seems that he’s looking for others to blame, when the main fault is with him and his own personality/attitude/actions. I talk a lot of crap about Trump, and Kamala is definitely driving the bus right now… but it’s a long 80 days until the election. I’d expect any changes from trump to come after the D convention next week… if not during.
  18. using fuzzy trump math to make these claims... not you, but Trump and Musk. from an article on Fox "The message followed a previous post outlining that, "Between 7:47 PM and 10:47 PM ET, President Donald Trump's Space post received 73 million views. During the same period, there were 4 million posts about Elon Musk and President Trump's conversation on 𝕏, generating a total of 998 million views." Like they're legitimately counting views of other people talking about their talk in their tally.
  19. Nothing wrong with what Qb1 said. If anything, he was throwing himself under the bus - He’s been qb1 for the past two years, correct? So, he’s been one of those “leaders.” Whatever Qb1 has to tell his team right now to build chemistry and purpose, I’m right behind him. That was also a good interview from Coach Rich. I think Nederland is in good coaching hands (and I wanted them to go with the other finalist). You can already see it in the video - The conditioning seems better, there’s more excitement and energy. Of course, that has to play out in the games. But, listening to coach Rich talk, it‘s hard to not want to suit up for him. I’m always wrong on predictions, so I’ll just say I think Nederland is on the right track. Don’t be surprised if they make the playoffs, and I expect Mid-County Madness will be a classic this year. The exciting thing if you’re a Nederland fan is they don’t have that far to go - The last few seasons, it was a combination of being a little worse in a lot of ways that made them seem a lot worse. If Nederland is even 1% better at every position (including coaching) this season, the result will be scary for the rest of us.
  20. “She hasn’t been to the border. She hasn’t been to Europe either, so she doesn’t understand the point of the question”. Get ready for a smorgasbord of word salad and double talk.
  21. Talk to Hillary’s staff, or better yet, Kamala’s staff. How many of them quit? Must have been due to great treatment. You guys look for anything except what you should be looking for…..who is going to be best for America and the future for our kids and grandkids? Try that for once. Talk up your candidate instead of looking for dirt on the other.
  22. I know people like to talk tough, but those coaches better thank God that that wasn’t my son they did that to.
  23. So you think it is okay for him to try and force her to talk to him? How will the undecided voters view his actions? Will they think that he is creepy?
  24. How did he know where she would land? Why would he just show up there? Was he trying to force her to talk to him.?
  25. Really.......funny what politics will do to change your opinion of someone His Mom was on drugs, they were poor, granny had to take care of him, believed in him, and he still made it....... I would think that might be motivation for some folks to see light outside of their current living environment and that anything is possible..... He went over there to talk to Kamala.......why do you feel she can't be talked to?
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