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    mat reacted to dustoff03 in ‘The days of acceptable Christianity are over   
    I am a Christian..............of GOD, FAITH AND SACRIFICE.I am also a combat veteran. I do not stand for political gain or notoriety. I will die one day knowing that I have served not only my faith, but my country and my family. I lived and served for a purpose of which my children will pass on to theirs.  and they will not be ashamed!
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    mat got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    Did Obama ever call Tebow to congratulate him?
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    mat reacted to stevenash in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    My concern is that political correctness, carried to the extreme degree, is going to be our downfall.
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    mat got a reaction from usedtobe in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    When I heard that Michael Sam was drafted in the seventh round I thought good for him. Then it became the biggest story in not just the sports world but in the nation. "The kiss" was aired countless times on all networks including ESPN. The media has sensationalized the story to annoyance. Obama felt the need to congratulate him personally on his seventh round accomplishment. I'm suppose there were not any other draftees with accomplishments as commendable worthy.
    You see, its not enough for me and others to just except him as a person, football player or even a gay man. We are forced to endure the relentless promotion of his story that includes having to repeatedly watch "the kiss" as we try to watch ESPN. Plus we have to accept his hero status as our president sings his praise. Simple acceptance is not enough. The constant "in your face" is something Christians have a hard time with. JMO
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    mat reacted to bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    Even a couple per campus could greatly reduce the amount of casualties in a mass shooting situation. I agree with you that a minority of teachers would want to. But even one could make a huge difference.
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    mat reacted to jv_coach in How the Bible just became more relevant   
    How the Bible just became more relevant FAITH & INSPIRATION By ANDRÉE SEU PETERSON Posted May 6, 2014, 10:42 a.m.   I read 2 Thessalonians this morning and was astonished at how much the apostle Paul had learned about my life lately.
    I say this tongue in cheek, of course, in the spirit in which Mark Twain allegedly quipped, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”
    It used to be that my eyes glazed over at the Pauline passages about persecution, like this one:
    All this talk about suffering and being afflicted at the hands of some faceless people! All this talk about needing to endure it and wait for Christ! I could not relate. I had to admit that the meanderings of Paul (and Jesus) did not describe me. I had no experience of being harassed or hated for my faith, or of knowing anyone who had. It made those sections of Scripture—and therefore the whole of Scripture, to some extent—a bit alien and abstract for me.
    But praise the Lord, see how much the Scriptures have “learned” about our lives in the last few years! Increasingly, our American experience has come to resemble conditions in first century Thessalonica, so that we can finally feel a part of the cloud of witnesses and the suffering saints.
    A sampler: The fast-food chain Chick-fil-A is banned in Boston. (When I was a kid, if a movie or a book was “banned in Boston” it was because it was morally filthy, but nowadays a company that is not pro-same-sex marriage is unwelcome in Beantown.) Last week, CNN host Rachel Nichols, latching onto the feeding frenzy of the Donald Sterling affair, dropped the hint that the Orlando Magic’s Rich DeVos should be the next NBA owner to go, for his pro-family views.
    An acquaintance recently told me that I should check out a website called â€œRight Wing Watch,” subtitled “A project of People for the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right wing movement.” She said my name is mentioned on it. I hardly believed the woman, but I looked and it was true.
  7. Like
    mat reacted to PAMFAM10 in "Recovery" Mirage...   
    Look my Republicans friends you want change get a candidate in who can win.
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    mat got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Obamacare   
    BG - Most insurance costs did go up. It's probable that your insurance went up too but your employer covered the increased cost. If the primary benefit of Obama care is affordable insurance to those that can't afford it why must Obama care control the insurance of every American citizen?
  9. Like
    mat reacted to BMTSoulja1 in The Race Card   
    Nash believe it or not, several in the black community don't support the black Panthers. I don't support them. Why are we talking about them?
  10. Like
    mat got a reaction from 77 in Obamacare   
    It's obvious the AHCA is beneficial to many but it has had a negative affect on many more Americans than it has helped. If the president would have been willing to modify the plan to be more American friendly it would have been more acceptable.
  11. Like
    mat got a reaction from Amphibious Rodent in Artificial Outrage?   
    Rodent had it right. It is because of the blatant evidence and the media. Its also about money. This was fixin' to damage the NBA. Damage control was needed fast.
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    mat got a reaction from Bigcam2903 in The Race Card   
    It's inevitable that these thread always take a turn for the worse. 
  13. Like
    mat reacted to Amphibious Rodent in Murder or Self-Defense?   
    He may be convicted, but the police didn't help him. What do you do. Let them continue go rob you, hope the police catch them. They could also have been armed. Maybe they would have graduated into a higher crime. I may have done the same. Warning to all!!! Do not break into the Rodante's house, he will shoot you multiple times!!!
  14. Like
    mat got a reaction from bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    Police officers would be preferred but expensive. PA for example has 14 campuses I think, x $50,000 salary (which is low, right TVC?) = $700,000 per year for one officer on campus verses 3 or 4 well trained armed teachers per campus at no cost.
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    mat reacted to bullets13 in gun free zones!   
    Why are teachers with guns a bad idea?  i mean, i can understand SOME teachers with guns being a bad idea, but that's what the extensive training is for.  I think it's safe to say many (or most) districts cant afford to hire officers and armed security for every school in their district.  For even medium-sized districts that would add millions in payroll per year. While I'd love for that to be possible, it's just simply not in many districts.   To me, let teachers take the training, and if they can qualify under the rigid guidelines, then let them bring a weapon to school.  you can set regs on the types and calibers of weapons, as well as the types of ammunition used, to ensure that teachers have the most effective defense options available, while protecting against the possibility of a child being hit through a wall or through the bad guy.  at least in younger "huggy" grades, it would be important that teachers keep their weapon locked up in their classroom.  It's not optimal, but it all but eliminates the possibility of an accident.  if you have a few teachers spread out around the school with access to weapons, no matter where an incident starts you should have somebody close that can get to and access a weapon, and step in and engage the suspect.  the principal/vice principals are other logical choices for this.
  16. Like
    mat got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in The Race Card   
    This is sad of Clipper players and fans during a great season. The NBA needs to figure out how to legally handle him and get rid of him in a manor to be least distracting through the playoffs. Racism is alive but the fact that a league and a nation can and will rise in protest and potential force a mega-million owner out says that we are gaining ground on racism.
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    mat got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BISD board votes 5-2 to appeal TEA decision   
    The mayor would be well within her rights to give a statement or opinion on the state of BISD. However, with a city councilman that has been so vocal and involved it’s probably best to stay quiet.
  18. Like
    mat reacted to Bigcam2903 in LCM Prom Bus busted by Kemah police   
    I have 4 teens. I will leave you All with something the older generation used to say: Don't ever say what your child won't do. My favorite saying: All the things you Hate could end up a part of your Family ( Gay, Black/ White/ Hispanic, Fat, Skinny, Poor. etc......

    Be careful of the things you say & do(while you're digging a grave, you might as well Dig two). POWERFUL!!!!!!!
  19. Like
    mat reacted to usedtobe in obama?   
    Is your passport in order?
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    mat reacted to thetragichippy in LCM Prom Bus busted by Kemah police   
    Am I down playing it YES! My point with mentioning Lumberton was to show that it is a common thing to do. I would guess 70% of High Schoolers have drank (at least one) with or without parents knowledge.
    Do I agree with it....NO
    Would I punish my Son if he had been on that bus.....YES
    Would I bring him to the police and turn him in.....NO
    I would handle it at home......like most parents would.  Now if he was a problem kid and this was not the first time he was in trouble....then a police lesson may be needed......but I would have to be in that situation to honestly answer.
  21. Like
    mat reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in obama?   
    Haters will hate unless their guy (or woman) is in office, nature of the beast, works on both sides the same way, its been that way since before I was born and will probably be that way after I pass.
  22. Like
    mat got a reaction from bullets13 in BISD board votes 5-2 to appeal TEA decision   
    If someone thinks race is an issue then race is an issue whether the problem is with the accused or the accuser.
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    mat got a reaction from thetragichippy in BISD board votes 5-2 to appeal TEA decision   
    You clean house
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    mat reacted to stevenash in 86 million private sector workers support 148 million benefit takers!!!   
    There is going to HAVE to be pain for someone somewhere.  My thoughts are we should give someone one year max of unemployment.  If it gets extended beyond that, reduce the benefit by 25%.  After another year, another 25% reduction. You effectively tell someone in advance that you are going to help them but not in a permanent manner.  It just might encourage the freeloaders to try to find work.
  25. Like
    mat got a reaction from jv_coach in Happy Easter!   
    Good Friday is almost over and Easter is coming up. It’s a three day weekend for some and a great time to dye and hide eggs, cook, eat candy and spend time with family. Food, bunnies and family are great but don’t forget to honor the real meaning of Easter. Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and me to pay the price for our sins. He rose three days later to conquer death and secure eternal life for all who accept him as their Lord and Savior. Happy Easter!
    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
    John 3:16-17 ESV
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