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Ty Cobb

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Posts posted by Ty Cobb

  1. 29 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    In 20 months of Joe Biden-

    - Record gas prices

    - Highest inflation in 40 years

    - Recession 

    - Housing market collapse

    - Stock market collapse

    - Open border nightmare

    - close to WWIII 

    - supply chain collapse

    Can you imagine what kind of idiot you’d have to be to vote Democrat?

    Amen, preach my brother!!!

  2. blm is the biggest racist organization going today. They are full of hate and love taking suckers money. I can’t believe how many people and organizations fell for their lies and hate!!! blm is the new police for the DEMONcrat party because the kkk is not accepted anymore. Same hate group just different race.

  3. 1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

    Dr. Deborah Birx 2020: "To truly achieve herd immunity... that's getting 70-80% of Americans immunized."


    Dr. Deborah Birx 2022: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccine."

    That’s what you call CYA. Cover Your …

  4. 6 hours ago, Hagar said:

    I’ve mixed emotions.  I’ve no doubt we need Trump, but if his entry into the race would elevate the Dems to cheat again to defeat him, I hope someone else runs for the GOP.  Make no mistake, they’ll almost surely do it, and get away with it again.  Not sure they’ll gamble it with someone else.

    My dad and I had this conversation this past weekend. I told him if Trump and DeSantis both run our only hope is DeSantis. I told him that America needs Trump but the DEMONcrats will not allow him to be President again. They will do anything to prevent another 4 years of President Trump. I believe our only hope is DeSantis and that’s how I will vote if he decides to run.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hagar said:

    Just me or does anyone else think it’s impossible to follow Christianity and be a Democrat?  Keep in mind they Boo’ed God at the 2012 Democratic Convention.  It’s not rocket science.  At the very least, I think anyone supporting the Democrats are putting their souls in a very precarious position.  

    Another example of why I call them DEMONcrats.

  6. 10 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    He was photographed wearing a Trump flag like one tacked up on your bedroom wall. 

    Come on man, he was also photographed wearing women’s clothing. Does that make him a woman? As I said in an earlier post, this POS is the poster boy for liberals.

  7. 1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

    Demand reparations from the various countries and/or tribes from Africa.

     They created the western slave trade by capturing other Africans and selling them as a commodity.

    Yes, I’m sick of hearing how bad white people are because they owned slaves. It’s about time to hear how bad black people are for selling their own kind. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Thanks for the heads up.  It looks like a good one, and hopefully concentrates on a good storyline and not wokeism!  I’ve had about all the woke 💩 I can handle.

    No “wokeism” at all. Good storyline tying the original to this one. Very clean movie. No sex scenes and very few bad words. There would be a lot more of them if I was in one of those jets. There’s even some comedic relief thrown into this emotional movie. I found myself fighting back tears on multiple occasions.

  9. I found this on another website. Just wanted to share.

    We defend our president with guns

    We defend congressmen with guns

    We defend governors with guns

    We defend celebrities with guns

    We defend sports events with guns

    We defend banks with guns

    We defend our courts with guns 

    But we defend our children with a sign that reads “this is a gun free zone “ and then call someone with guns when there’s an emergency.

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